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Well-Known Member
So I went to Colonial Open this weekend, one of the first club competitions of the season. It's not a big event, but there were a few notable skaters there, including Megan Wessenberg, Violeta Ushakova, Emilia Murdock, Iris Zhao, and Jacob Sanchez. I wrote up a little report on the competition, in case anyone is interested:


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
^^^ Thanks a lot for writing up notes for the second(?) year in a row, Claire! :)

Amber Glenn shared a clip from the beginning of her Skate Dallas SP last month (nice 3F+3T; she scored 65.67 for 1st place):
Her official website confirms her SP music is Sara Bareilles' "Gravity" choreographed by Daniil Barantsev:
She also shared 2 photos today from her FS with the hashtag #KillBill:
I heard she skated VERY well, landing 6 triples cleanly incl. 3F+3T & both 3Lz, and scored 130!

Hanna Harrell competed both Senior SP & FS at Skate Dallas and scored 57.07 (2nd behind Glenn) and won the FS with a very good score of 113.80 (Glenn did not compete in the FS segment). Harrell had debuted a Junior SP at Egna Spring Trophy to "Bla Bla Bla Cha Cha Cha" in early April.
Ashley Lin was 2nd in the Skate Dallas Sr. FS with 109.77 (47.56 4th in SP, behind Vivian Le's 51.12 3rd).

I'm in the midst of compiling info on the early club competitions and hope to start a general thread in the 2018-19 Kiss & Cry section sometime this week, hopefully.


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
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Amber Glenn shared a clip from the beginning of her Skate Dallas SP last month (nice 3F+3T; she scored 65.67 for 1st place):
Her official website confirms her SP music is Sara Bareilles' "Gravity" choreographed by Daniil Barantsev:
She also shared 2 photos today from her FS with the hashtag #KillBill:
I heard she skated VERY well, landing 6 triples cleanly incl. 3F+3T & both 3Lz, and scored 130!

Thanks Claire and Sylvia for the updates! Just wanted to add that I'm still hopeful that Amber Glenn can get it all together, because she does have so much potential.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Someone on Twitter shared a video of Alysa Liu landing a triple Axel. Sorry I can't post the link, my Twitter isn't cooperating right now ....
She (Alysa Liu) now landed 3A-3T-3T-2T... :D

She will be 13 years old in August 2018, which means she would be eligible for the Olys 2022... unless there is an age limit increase.. :D
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AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

Get it Amber 😝
Amber Glenn shared a clip from the beginning of her Skate Dallas SP last month (nice 3F+3T; she scored 65.67 for 1st place):
Her official website confirms her SP music is Sara Bareilles' "Gravity" choreographed by Daniil Barantsev:
She also shared 2 photos today from her FS with the hashtag #KillBill:
I heard she skated VERY well, landing 6 triples cleanly incl. 3F+3T & both 3Lz, and scored 130!

Oh Man.. can Amber please surprise us (like I thought she would last year) and be next years break through????

@Maximillian I just saw your post after I wrote mine. I SO AGREE! I wish she would DITCH the tanos and rippons (since she cant do them anyway) and go for clean programs for now!!!!!!


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
^^^ Yes, Ashley Lin is now in the Aleksey Letov/Olga Ganicheva group (with Harrell, fellow senior Emily Chan, 2018 Intermediate silver medalist Alyssa Chan, among others). Lin qualified for the Championship Ladies event at 2018 Nationals but had to withdraw before the start of competition.


Well-Known Member
^^^ Thanks a lot for writing up notes for the second(?) year in a row, Claire! :)

Amber Glenn shared a clip from the beginning of her Skate Dallas SP last month (nice 3F+3T; she scored 65.67 for 1st place):
Her official website confirms her SP music is Sara Bareilles' "Gravity" choreographed by Daniil Barantsev:
She also shared 2 photos today from her FS with the hashtag #KillBill:
I heard she skated VERY well, landing 6 triples cleanly incl. 3F+3T & both 3Lz, and scored 130!

Hanna Harrell competed both Senior SP & FS at Skate Dallas and scored 57.07 (2nd behind Glenn) and won the FS with a very good score of 113.80 (Glenn did not compete in the FS segment). Harrell had debuted a Junior SP at Egna Spring Trophy to "Bla Bla Bla Cha Cha Cha" in early April.
Ashley Lin was 2nd in the Skate Dallas Sr. FS with 109.77 (47.56 4th in SP, behind Vivian Le's 51.12 3rd).

I'm in the midst of compiling info on the early club competitions and hope to start a general thread in the 2018-19 Kiss & Cry section sometime this week, hopefully.
What comp was this at?


Well-Known Member
So I went to Colonial Open this weekend, one of the first club competitions of the season. It's not a big event, but there were a few notable skaters there, including Megan Wessenberg, Violeta Ushakova, Emilia Murdock, Iris Zhao, and Jacob Sanchez. I wrote up a little report on the competition, in case anyone is interested:
Thanks for your report. I was impressed by Megan Wessenberg a couple of years ago at Nationals, seeing her for the first time. There was just something about her skating technique and posture that seemed world class and polished. I hope she can continue to land her jumps!


Well-Known Member
Is it common for singles skaters to take dance tests? I’m asking because Karen Chen just posted a pic of her passing her four pre-gold dance tests.


Well-Known Member
@VIETgrlTerifa It was extremely commmon when I skated. Pretty much everyone I skated with passed up to their gold dances while we competed in singles. We weren’t at Karen’s elite level, but basically everyone did dance as long as they were skating. Not sure how common it is for someone who is already at the Olympic level to start testing their dances. Maybe she just felt like doing it for fun?


Well-Known Member
@VIETgrlTerifa it is very, or at least was, common around here as well. Dance tests were generally the first test attempted when my dd started skating. I think it depends on the club. I know that often clubs who see themselves as “elite free skate” clubs don’t have kids doing dance and or skills. Unfortunately it often shows in their skaters’ skating skills.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it really depends. Some clubs push it a lot, but at most clubs/rinks I've been at few singles skaters do it - mostly due to a lack of dance coaches and partners and/or stuck up elite singles coaches who are convinced that their skaters don't need any more skating skills training than they're getting. Recently it's become a lot more common as the solo dance series and tests commonly happen during the freestyle off-season (February to June/July/September for Nationals).

In my neck of the woods (the East Bay Area) I've found that only a select few skaters at my club do it. In San Francisco Dinh Tran does it, but I think their dance coaches primarily work with the synchro skaters or dance partners. In San Jose/Fremont the Peninsula skating club coaches don't seem to like dance that much (although the number is growing), but the University Skating Club of San Jose seems to have a good number of solo dance competitors for that club's size.
The freestyle skaters I know in LA don't do it and don't know many who do. In Michigan the skaters might take some of the tests, but primarily if they were synchro skaters. If you were a freestyle skater who started young enough you would be expected to switch to ice dance due to the fact that most of their dance coaches are elite ice dance coaches or former high level ice dance competitors. In Chicago it wasn't common at all when I skated, but it looks like the synchro skaters there are doing it.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Is it common for singles skaters to take dance tests? I’m asking because Karen Chen just posted a pic of her passing her four pre-gold dance tests.
I don't know about today, but back in the 70's-80's most singles of "all ages" took all tests: singles, dance, school-figures.. trying to get as high up the rank as possible and to collect those pins. it seemed like a form of validation and measure for those who did not make it to sectionals or regionals.


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
... Karen Chen just posted a pic of her passing her four pre-gold dance tests.
This is her photo on test day with her younger brother:
Her caption: "prob the most nerve-racking test I've ever done..jk actually no my upcoming SATs and ACTs will definitely top this."

Cross-posting from the Hubbell/Donohue thread. Video of Karen Chen ice dancing with Zach Donohue (during SOI, no doubt).
Yes, all of these "on ice perspectives" Instagram videos are filmed by former competitive ice dancer Jordan Cowan and I've compiled all of his SOI rehearsal clips (Hartford & Portland, OR) so far here:


Well-Known Member
I totally agree about Amber Glenn's potential if she can put it all together. Such a dynamic and entertaining skater to watch. In some ways, she has a passing resemblance to Russia's Maria Sotskova, too.

The only thing Amber has ever lacked was competitive nerve. She's clearly talented enough to be among the top US skaters but she has a really bad habit of imploding. It'd be nice to see her have a breakout season.

I do hope someone works with her on her leg wrap though. It makes her jumps look a bit sloppy in the air...

Foolhardy Ham Lint

Well-Known Member
The only thing Amber has ever lacked was competitive nerve. She's clearly talented enough to be among the top US skaters but she has a really bad habit of imploding. It'd be nice to see her have a breakout season.

I do hope someone works with her on her leg wrap though. It makes her jumps look a bit sloppy in the air...

I wonder how difficult it is to help skaters with a leg - wrap?

Although, that deficit didn't seem to affect Midori Ito, and Amber's jump technique is no where near as ingrained as Claudia Krisfics Binder or Sanda Dubavic.


Well-Known Member
The only thing Amber has ever lacked was competitive nerve.

She pops her jumps. And has been doing so as long as I have been watching her, which was 2014. If that is competitive nerve, then OK. She has improved quite a bit as a performer, but she certainly wasn't an outstanding one the first time I saw her. I'd give her kudos for the improvement she has made rather than say she has never lacked in the performance department.


Well-Known Member
She pops her jumps. And has been doing so as long as I have been watching her, which was 2014. If that is competitive nerve, then OK. She has improved quite a bit as a performer, but she certainly wasn't an outstanding one the first time I saw her. I'd give her kudos for the improvement she has made rather than say she has never lacked in the performance department.

I'm not quite sure what you're saying here.

I said she lacked competitive nerve, meaning she has always been bad at staying focused, controlling her nerves and executing her programs. Yes, she's a chronic popper and she falls quite a bit too, but she's actually capable of landing difficult content. Unfortunately she just can't keep her head in the game and she tends to unravel. This ties into the lack of competitive nerve thing I mentioned. I also agree that she's a solid performer. The problem has always been that it's hard to get into her performances b/c she often makes rather large mistakes that break the spell.

Hopefully that clarified what I meant.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Another skater switches to a "tough Soviet style" coach.... :rofl: ... kick those lazies, kommrad!
"I hate skaters who are lazy because parents spent a lot of money and time. I work hard, and I demand that my students work hard, too. That's my biggest thing. Trust me, I know what I'm doing. I can only tell you what to do, you have to work hard and do it."


Well-Known Member
I also hope Karen finds a choreographer she can seriously click with and sticks with the programs all the way through. The whole of last season for her, as a fan, felt like the night before an exam when you're trying to cram in a whole semester's worth of knowledge in a few hours.


Well-Known Member
I also hope Karen finds a choreographer she can seriously click with and sticks with the programs all the way through. The whole of last season for her, as a fan, felt like the night before an exam when you're trying to cram in a whole semester's worth of knowledge in a few hours.
:lol: That's for sure! Karen had a ton of unnecessary drama and provided her fans with hours of endless angst. :drama: :wideeyes: Hopefully, Karen has a much better time of it this quad. :cheer2:


Well-Known Member
As a fan, I never feel angst regarding Karen.

I just wait, patiently, for the next time she will bring it. It comes eventually. I never expect it. I just wait.

FYI, her opening performance on SOI in Portland was one of my favorite performances in the show. She is a beautiful natural performer. Like Cappellini & Lanotte, I could easily be happy just watching the unique twists and emotion she brings into her exhibition skating.

I don't care if she goes to Ouriashev. (He hasn't seemed to establish a lasting relationship with any of his skaters thus far). Or if she stays with Tammy. I do hope Karen will keep skating and improving as a skater. In some ways, I think that may just be a matter of accepting who she is as a competitor. And in other ways of continuing to set new challenges and raise the bar.
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