U.S. Ladies [#25]: Method in the Madness

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Well-Known Member
Such drama in figure skating. Baseball players getting hit with a 100mph fastball pitched to them don't raise this much of a ruckus. Sure, they storm the mound and both teams rush the field, but then it's over by the next play.

So, any figure skaters here ever accidentally clip anyone? Such as their coach or a novice member of the public that might get too close? What's deemed the proper etiquette in such a situation?

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Rafael has another comment on the situation, in another interview. The first part is the same as translated above "M has a movement where she extends her leg back swiftly. S was standing there. accidents happen..."

... and then he adds.... :lol:

"И что мне теперь делать? Отвезти обеих в больницу, чтобы им хирургическим путем укоротили ноги?"

"And how am i supposed to prevent it?... Take them both to the hospital and have their legs surgically shortened?"


Well-Known Member
Both Bradie and Mariah skated very good free skates and can be proud of themselves. We can be proud of them, too.

While it was a nice dream for us fans for them to place high enough to get 3 spots for next year, nobody was kidding themselves that this would have required them not only to skate to their utmost, but for multiple skaters with stronger technical abilities to have meltdowns. The ladies' event was very well skated and there weren't any meltdowns. Even with a perfect short, Bradie might have moved up one placement and Mariah was just a little GOE away from ending up ahead of Samodurova. But in the end, it really wouldn't matter in the context of US skating.

All US junior and senior ladies just need to push on with technical advancement, elimination of UR's, consistency, and competitive grit.
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Well-Known Member
Honestly, I don't think the US needs three spots until more than one of our ladies can show they can skate cleanly and still be competitive with the top 6 who are capable of higher tech BV consistently. Bradie and Mariah did their jobs and performed within expectations. The only way they would have exceeded expectations is with uncharacteristic (or characteristic) mistakes from others, which is what sort of happened in the SP where Mariah placed a surprising 6th place (probably would have been 7th if Bradie performed better in the SP).


Well-Known Member
Great performances by the U.S. ladies. As others have said, pretty much the best they could have hoped for. I do think this *may* be a *bit* of a turning point. I think you'll see Bradie and Mariah's GOE's and components go up if they can keep churning out performances like they did here, like they did in the short at 4CC, etc.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I don't think the US needs three spots until more than one of our ladies can show they can skate cleanly and still be competitive with the top 6 who are capable of higher tech BV consistently. Bradie and Mariah did their jobs and performed within expectations. The only way they would have exceeded expectations is with uncharacteristic (or characteristic) mistakes from others, which is what sort of happened in the SP where Mariah placed a surprising 6th place (probably would have been 7th if Bradie performed better in the SP).
Considering that our alternate for the team placed 5th at Nationals you may have a point.


Well-Known Member
I am so proud of our ladies. Although they may not have earned back 3 spots, their performances were amazing. After what Mariah went through, to have skated that well is insane and shows her determination and grit. Bradie was ON FIRE. Her jumps looked much cleaner and she became much more relaxed as the program progressed. What a ladies event!

For next season, Bradie should keep her program layout for the Short, and add in the 3Lz-2T-2Lo and 3Lz-3Lo for the Free. She still has an outside chance of earning an invitation to the Grand Prix Final. As for Mariah, unless she adds a 3-3 in the Long, her scoring range is going to be between 205-215 if she can receive PCS boosts.

Definitely an improvement from the performances of the US ladies from last year. AND MARIAH PUT TOGETHER TWO CLEAN PERFORMANCES!


Well-Known Member
I am so happy, both achieving personal bests; Bradie at 213 and Mariah at 208 (and happy that Mariah did not let any of that BS drama distract her). As stated above, US ladies achieving 3 spots was probably the biggest reach for all of team USA at these Worlds. We had better likelihood of gaining another spot in Pairs which we did.

Interesting that Bradie’s score would have gotten her a bronze (maybe) as recently as 2016 Worlds (Too lazy to check) but it just goes to show how deep ladies is right now and it’s normal for elite of the elite to achieve top 10


Well-Known Member
I am so happy, both achieving personal bests; Bradie at 213 and Mariah at 208 (and happy that Mariah did not let any of that BS drama distract her). As stated above, US ladies achieving 3 spots was probably the biggest reach for all of team USA at these Worlds. We had better likelihood of gaining another spot in Pairs which we did.

Interesting that Bradie’s score would have gotten her a bronze (maybe) as recently as 2016 Worlds (Too lazy to check) but it just goes to show how deep ladies is right now and it’s normal for elite of the elite to achieve top 10

I don’t think u can really compare the scoring bc 2016 did not have the higher GOE value that exists in 2019. If Bradie received any +5 or +4 GOE So her score would not be the same.
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Well-Known Member
Honestly, I don't think the US needs three spots until more than one of our ladies can show they can skate cleanly and still be competitive with the top 6 who are capable of higher tech BV consistently. Bradie and Mariah did their jobs and performed within expectations. The only way they would have exceeded expectations is with uncharacteristic (or characteristic) mistakes from others, which is what sort of happened in the SP where Mariah placed a surprising 6th place (probably would have been 7th if Bradie performed better in the SP).

I don't think 3 spots are necessary but they are strongly desired. It gives one more girl the chance for international exposure, get herself in front of the judges, work out kinks in actual competition and gain valuable experience and feedback. It doesn't matter if they place top 10 or fail to qualify after the short it's still a worthy experience that all girls would love to have.

Tara Lipinski for example once said she would never have won worlds in 1997 if she hadn't had the experience of 1996 when she was only #3 and placed outside the top 10. All the girls need as much competition as they can get if they want to improve.


Childless Cat Lady
Both Bradie and Mariah represented themselves and the U.S. very well and they should be proud of themselves.

For next season, I'd like to see Mariah regain her triple sow, and I'd like to see Bradie improve the quality of her movement. She is so talented in many ways, but her movement seems disjointed to me, like a marionette whose limbs are moving independently from each other rather than being an extension of her core. I don't know what she does for off ice work but pilates or ballet would help zip her up and connect her parts.


Well-Known Member
I'm so excited for next season. Bradie and Mariah went through so much this season, but I'm confident that they will utilize the experiences gained this season to ensure success in the upcoming season.

Bradie: Keep the 3Lz-3T, 2A, 3F layout for the Short, but include the 3Lz-3Lo and 3Lz-2T-2Lo combo in the Free
Mariah: Keep the 3Lz-3T, 2A, 3F layout for the Short, but include the 3Lz-3T and 3S in the Free
Ting: She might keep her Short from this season and as for her Free, she will probably include the 4T, 3Lz-3T, a Euler combo, and maybe a 2A-3T
Hanna: Keep the same layout for the Short and go big for the Free because her strengths are in her jumps (3A possibly)
Alysa: She's gonna go big... I'm thinking either a 4T/4S/4Lz in the Free alongside 2 3A, one in combination
Starr: Ditch the 3A, work on securing the 3Lz, and add more challenging combos
Pooja: Poor girl's been dealing with injuries so we'll see where she goes, but her skating is very lovely
Audrey: Girl's been working on some Quads (4T and 4S), so she's aiming for the sky, but we'll see how it turns out
Megan: Will probably work on the 3Lz-3T and has the potential to score above 180 (very speedy and big jumper)

If Hanna stays in Junior, we have two possible medal contenders at the JGP. If Mariah and Bradie work out their kinks and are not straddling behind early on in the season, we have three possible medal contenders at the GP. With US pairs having had a mini-breakout this season, I think it's the US ladies' turn. Good luck to everyone as they enjoy their vacation and work towards the next season. Keep fighting!
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