US Ice Dance 2024-25 News & Updates


YMCA is such a catchy tune!
FYI - before anyone asks... the Selection document states that the 2nd GP/JGP and 2nd CS/Sr B/Jr Int'l column score is multiplied by .8 if the skater/team in question only has 1 event that fits that category.

This logic is applied to the following teams in the GP/JGP category - Deych/Hu, Morozov/Chen, Renzi/Lissauer.

It also applies to the following teams in the CS/Sr B/Jr Int'l category - Green/Parsons, Morozov/Chen.

Going into Nats, we're looking at the following skaters in the Selection Pool for ISU Championships -

Worlds & 4CCs -
Top 5 based on the tables above - Chock/Bates, Wolfkostin/Tsarevski, Peal/Peal, Carreira/Ponomarenko, Neset/Markelov
Top 5 at Nats - TBD
Top 10 at 2024 Worlds - Chock/Bates, Carreira/Ponomarenko
2022 Olympians - Hawayek/Baker
Top 24 current Sr WS - Chock/Bates, Carreira/Ponomarenko, Green/Parsons, Zingas/Kolesnik, Neset/Markelov, Bratti/Somerville (WS haven't been updated to include Golden Spin points, but once they're added in BekHern, DavSmo and JvRSteff will all jump ahead of Pate/Bye and knock them out of the current WS Top 24)

Jr Worlds -
Top 5 based on the tables above (excluding jr-age eligible seniors who do not have Jr Worlds CTES mins) - Wolfkostin/Tsarevski, Peal/Peal, Neset/Markelov, Aboian/Veselukhin, Mullen/Mullen
Top 3 age-eligible Sr Nats - TBD
Top 3 age-eligible Jr Nats - TBD
Top 10 at 2024 Jr Worlds - Neset/Markelov, Peal/Peal
Top 24 current Jr WS - Neset/Markelov, Peal/Peal, Mullen/Mullen, Wolfkostin/Tsarevski
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Well-Known Member
Could someone who really understands ice dancing please comment about why Neset and Markelov are being scored so low?

her grace

Team Guignard/Fabbri
Could someone who really understands ice dancing please comment about why Neset and Markelov are being scored so low?
1. They are new to seniors
2. They aren’t from a power coach
3. They aren’t in even the top 5 nationally so USFS isn’t spending politiking on them
4. I’ve seen a few smaller errors that they weren’t making as juniors, which is rather usual for teams moving up to seniors. It takes time to skate with the same confidence and assurance in seniors.
5. They can work on speed and power, and maturity that will come with time.

But I don’t think their scores have been that bad. :confused: I haven’t watched Golden Spin, but their GP results were good. Didn’t they split results with Mrazkova/Mrazek who are definitely seen as on the rise?


Well-Known Member
1. They are new to seniors
2. They aren’t from a power coach
3. They aren’t in even the top 5 nationally so USFS isn’t spending politiking on them
4. I’ve seen a few smaller errors that they weren’t making as juniors, which is rather usual for teams moving up to seniors. It takes time to skate with the same confidence and assurance in seniors.
5. They can work on speed and power, and maturity that will come with time.

But I don’t think their scores have been that bad. :confused: I haven’t watched Golden Spin, but their GP results were good. Didn’t they split results with Mrazkova/Mrazek who are definitely seen as on the rise?
Thanks. I knew some pf it was the new to seniors phenomenon, etc. I just not good enough to detect the smaller errors that they didn't make last year as opposd to this one. It's just that finished last year with higher scores and started at Lake Placid with comparable ones.

her grace

Team Guignard/Fabbri
Thanks. I knew some pf it was the new to seniors phenomenon, etc. I just not good enough to detect the smaller errors that they didn't make last year as opposd to this one. It's just that finished last year with higher scores and started at Lake Placid with comparable ones.
At Lake Placid, particularly in the FD, N/M came out really ready while the other senior teams’ programs looked much more like works-in-progress. Their scores there reflected the gap in quality/readiness between them and the other teams at that event. But then the rest of the seniors polished their programs and that gap disappeared and N/M moved on to stiffer competition on the Grand Prix.


Ubering juniors against my will
Thanks. I knew some pf it was the new to seniors phenomenon, etc. I just not good enough to detect the smaller errors that they didn't make last year as opposd to this one. It's just that finished last year with higher scores and started at Lake Placid with comparable ones.
I just watched their Golden Spin FD, and Artem botched his second set of twizzles, so that explains it in this case.

ice coverage

Well-Known Member
... Going into Nats, we're looking at the following skaters in the Selection Pool for ISU Championships -

Worlds & 4CCs -
Top 5 based on the tables above - Chock/Bates, Wolfkostin/Tsarevski, Peal/Peal, Carreira/Ponomarenko, Neset/Markelov
Top 5 at Nats - TBD
Top 10 at 2024 Worlds - Chock/Bates, Carreira/Ponomarenko
2022 Olympians - Hawayek/Baker
Top 24 current Sr WS - Chock/Bates, Carreira/Ponomarenko, Green/Parsons, Zingas/Kolesnik, Neset/Markelov, Bratti/Somerville (WS haven't been updated to include Golden Spin points, but once they're added in BekHern, DavSmo and JvRSteff will all jump ahead of Pate/Bye and knock them out of the current WS Top 24) ...

Peals do not have senior TES minimums.
And AFAIK, they will not try to get them this season.


YMCA is such a catchy tune!
Peals do not have senior TES minimums.
And AFAIK, they will not try to get them this season.
I'm aware, but they are senior age-eligible. Just to clarify, the Selection document does not state that the Top 5 from the Calculation Table must have the CTES minimums. Presumably, like any other senior age-eligible competitor, if they were selected for the Worlds teams (highly unlikely), they would be given a chance to achieve those minimums at one of the February competitions. All the Calculation Table does is include them in the Selection Pool.

FWIW, I'm not really a fan of the formula the USFS uses because it weighs Sr and Jr events equally. That's not going to affect the total scores much for regular GP/JGP or CS/Sr B/Jr Int'l or domestic event scores, but it gives a disproportionate boost for both Nats and GPF/JGP scores as those are multiplied by a factor of 4 and 3 each, without regard to the generally significant score differences between the Sr and Jr events. I'd add two additional columns, TBH, and change the factors for Jr Nats & the JGPF by a factor of 2 and 1.5 each instead. But I'm not in charge and I'm just going by what the document says and what the table/formulas spit out when all the scores are input, lol.


Ubering juniors against my will
Beautiful performance by Hawayek/Baker at the Bryant Park Tree Lighting.


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
2024 highlights:



Caroline's recap:


Bratti/Somerville (includes appearances by the retired Angela Ling):


The Browns' World Ice Skating Day video:

Eva Pate shared 2024 highlights in her Instagram stories.


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
Bringing over these Dec. 2nd posts from the Wichita Nationals GSD info thread just because :mad::
Colored schedule has been released! There have been some dumb scheduling ideas in the past, but separating the final group of the free dance from the first two groups might be the dumbest.

NBC coverage is scheduled to begin at 2:30 pm ET on Saturday, so I think the idea must be to show final group of Senior Men SP, scheduled to end at 3:22 pm ET/2:22 pm CT, followed by final group of Senior FD, scheduled to begin at 3:37 pm ET/2:37 pm CT?
But I don't like separating the final group of FD.


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
USFS published the official entries list for 2025 U.S. Nationals today [Nov. 25, 2024]
Junior Ice Dance (12):
  • Yahli Pedersen and Benjamin Starr (U.S. Ice Dance Final, 6th)
Pedersen/Starr are listed as WD as of today, Jan 2: (no replacement since all 11 Junior teams at the Ice Dance Final qualified for Nationals)

P/S were added to USFS' ISP on August 23 before their 2 JGP assignments. Their names are no longer listed in the ISP as of today so it's likely they have split.
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Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
Bringing over @Theatregirl1122's post from the Wichita Nationals thread:
Putting the last FD group separate is going to wildly disadvantage whoever ends up 6th. There could be a chance that 3rd - 6th are close, maybe not a huge chance, but a chance and then the split could really hurt someone.
Exactly! GRRRR

ETA - and @Karen-W's post as well:
Maybe? I think there's a pretty wide gap between the 3-5 teams and the 6-8 teams.

GP High Score goes like this:
GreenP 189.86
ZingKol 189.48
BraSom 185.88

PateBye 180.35
NesMark 179.38
Browns 179.14

I feel like both GreenP and ZingKol are pretty safely in the final FD group, even if they have a mistake in the RD. BraSom don't have the same cushion, but even still... If they make a mistake in the RD, they'll effectively take themselves out of the 3rd Worlds spot conversation anyways and it won't matter whether they're in the final FD group.


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
Team Novi clips from Suburban Ice’s Nationals send off show, featuring Zingas/Kolesnik, Pate/Bye, Cui/Rogers in Senior; Peal/Peal, Deych/Hu, Chen/Eckert in Junior; Fischer/Fischer, Feige/Middlekauff in Novice (plus Ivanitskiy/Sperry FIN, Beznosikova/Leleu BEL not pictured):
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Well-Known Member


New Member
2024 highlights:



Caroline's recap:


Bratti/Somerville (includes appearances by the retired Angela Ling):


The Browns' World Ice Skating Day video:

Eva Pate shared 2024 highlights in her Instagram stories.
That wasn’t Z/K’s 2024 IG highlights post. (It was a plug for their skate guard maker.)

This is it:



YMCA is such a catchy tune!
USFS Rulebook:
2720 Draws for Initial Starting Orders – Singles, Pairs and Ice Dance
2721 At the U.S. Figure Skating Championships only, the starting order for the junior and championship (senior) women’s, men’s and pairs short program and junior and championship (senior) rhythm dance events will be established as follows:
A. The competitors who hold an ISU World Standing in their discipline will skate in reverse order of their ISU World Standings, as of the date of the draw, with the highest ranked competitor skating last.
B. Any competitors who don't hold an ISU World Standing in their discipline will skate first in their event. The starting order for these remaining competitors will be by closed, random draw conducted by the chief referee and chief accountant.

Senior Ice Dance -
3 Madison Chock/Evan Bates
8 Christina Carreira/Anthony Ponomarenko
13 Caroline Green/Michael Parsons
15 Emilea Zingas/Vadym Kolesnik
18 Leah Neset/Artem Markelov //
22 Emily Bratti/Ian Somerville
25 Eva Pate/Logan Bye
27 Oona Brown/Gage Brown
44 Katarina Wolfkostin/Dmitri Tsarevski
97 Annabelle Morozov/Jeffrey Chen //
101 Amy Cui/Jonathan Rogers
109 Vanessa Pham/Anton Spiridonov
unranked - Raffaella Koncius/Alexey Shchepetov, Michela Melillo/Karl Schapfel, Grace Yi/Danila Savelev

Junior Ice Dance -
36 Elliana Peal/Ethan Peal
55 Caroline Mullen/Brendan Mullen
67 Hana Maria Aboian/Daniil Veselukhin
69 Olivia Ilin/Dylan Cain //

104 Emily Renzi/William Lissauer
133 Michelle Deych/Ryan Hu
140 Annelise Stapert/Maxim Korotcov
2nd group will include one of the unranked teams while the other three teams will skate in the first group -

unranked - Effie Chen/Kenny Eckert, Julia Epps/Blake Gilman, Ja Yi Kirwan/Rowan Le Coq, Anaelle Kouevi/Yann Homawoo
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Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
That wasn’t Z/K’s 2024 IG highlights post. (It was a plug for their skate guard maker.)
This is it:
Thank you - I was just waiting to see if anyone would notice my wrong link among the others. ;) FWIW, I did post the correct link in Z/K's fan thread last week :):“it”.112053/page-2#post-6708760


YMCA is such a catchy tune!
Shouldn't the Junior RD final group of 5 be:
36 Elliana Peal/Ethan Peal
55 Caroline Mullen/Brendan Mullen
67 Hana Maria Aboian/Daniil Veselukhin
69 Olivia Ilin/Dylan Cain //
104 Emily Renzi/William Lissauer
Why? There are 11 teams, so wouldn't they be split 3-4-4? I thought the requirement for 5 in the final group only applied for TV.

ETA - I'm looking at the rule book and I think I'm right. Rule 2735A applies to the SP; 2735B (which mandates the final group size is 5 applies ONLY to the Free Dance).

2735 How to establish draw groups to determine a starting order:
A. When the number of competitors does not exceed the maximum permitted in a warm-up group:
1. The competitors will be divided into two equal draw groups.
2. If the number of competitors is not equally divisible, the last draw group (the best-placed competitors) must contain one more competitor than the first draw group.
3. Tied competitors must be placed in the same draw group.
4. When competitors are tied, there will be a separate draw before the main draw to determine the draw order for the tied competitors.
5. Start the draw with the best-placed competitor in the event. The starting order in each group will be drawn in order of placement.
6. The warm-up group is independent of these draws (rule 2736 (A)).
7. Size of Draw Groups with Only One Warm-Up Group: (there's a table that isn't copying & pasting over)

B. At the U.S. Figure Skating Championships only, the starting order for all singles and pairs free skate and all free dance events will be a reverse placement skating order from the result of the short program/rhythm dance segment. When competitors have the same total segment score, the tie will be broken as set forth in rule 1072 (D). In the case where the tie can’t be broken, there will be a closed draw to determine the skate order of the tied competitors. The closed draw will follow the procedure outlined in rule 2721 (B).
1. Women and men: The last two warm-up groups will consist of not fewer than 10 and not more than 12 competitors, with the exact number to be decided by the chief referee in consultation with the chief executive officer prior to publishing the starting order of the short program.
2. Pairs: The last warm-up group will consist of four couples.
3. Ice dance: The last warm-up group will consist of five couples

And looking over Rule 2736, it says the following:
2736 Warm-up groups:
A. If the maximum number of competitors allowed in a warm-up group is not exceeded, the competitors will skate in the same warm-up group.

B. Junior and senior rhythm dance: starting with the competitor who drew last to skate, use the table in rule 2714 to establish the maximum permitted in a warm-up group.

C. For all other events, including championship final segment events at U.S. Figure Skating Championships, the draw groups as established are the warm-up groups.

Soooooo, looking at Rule 2714 - There's another table and with 11 teams, the groups are 3+4+4 for the RD.
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ice coverage

Well-Known Member
Big thanks to Claire for this in-depth interview with Emi and Vadym!!
(Bringing it to U.S. Dance thread for you. Happy to see it in Dance Hall thread too.)

Here is a new interview I did with Emilea Zingas & Vadym Kolesnik:

(I can't find the U.S. Ice Dance thread, so I'm putting it here!)

Claire's interview got a good recommendation :) from their training mate Jonathan Rogers, who wrote on Instastory:
" read it, be inspired. it's wonderful "​
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Ubering juniors against my will

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