I knew the Worldle answer looked like islands somewhere in the Arctic, so I had to think about what territories are where. I guess it's a good brain exercise!
So, based on the answer's very very close proximity to my first guess, I take it they calculate it based on the capital city of each country. Maybe I missed this in the instructions, but I always wondered if this is how they calculated distance. That explains a lot. Oh and yes, yesterday's game was hard as well. Luckily my second guess was Norway and when I was told it was north of it, I knew it had to be something like that (not that I didn't try my luck with Sweden lol, because I've seen weirder things with this game).
Almost didn't get it. I got confused with another flag, whose country is pretty far away. Oh well.
Jul 19, 2022 14 | Avg. Guesses: 7.5 = 2
Wow, so my default second guess was it this time. I think it was either yesterday or the day before that took me 14 guesses. Hence why my average shot up so much. I usually take anywhere from 5 to 8.
Today's Worldle just confused me, as it was so unusual looking, but when I saw the answer it was like 'Ooooooh!'
For Flagle I knew it was from a certain continent, but just couldn't guess it.
Surprisingly I got globle the easiest today.
I had a good flag day. Made my random guess for the first one (wrong of course). Saw the colour and guessed one of the main flags I know with that colour in that place, and was wrong, so guessed the other flag that comes to mind and voila.
Globle wasn't bad today. I didn't get Worldle though (every country I guessed was 74-79%)
Jul 21, 2022 - the border is <10km of another country that I landed on 2nd, so of course I tried all of THAT country's "true" bordering countries 23 | Avg. Guesses: 7.04 = 8
I did well in Worldle and got my hopes up, but then biffed everything else. There are so many teensy West African countries and of course the right one was the last one I guessed.
I'm trying to figure out why I'm so incredibly bad at this game! Geography was always my thing, I love maps, been reading them since I was a small child, have several hanging on my walls, it was sorta a thing my father and I shared. In his last year when I talked to him on the phone nearly every day, I always had Google maps open because we'd end up talking about places one or both of us had been, routes he took, usual geographic features, news stories around the world, all of it.
And then today I don't even get the country he was born in
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