2024 4CC Pairs FS - KAWALITY

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
Such a crime that Isabelle and Ryan did not get sent to this or anything by USFSA unless it’s a dire emergency and one certain team keeps getting sent out over and over to accrue major points of deductions. I don’t understand USFSA in their selection committee. It must to be Behind the scene politics.


Wrangling the duvet into the cover

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
Still, can’t believe the Australians aren’t on the podium in fact, Id even have team Philippines on the podium, and I will leave bronze vacant

Lol no, my rant is not over yet lol

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
Australians skate with speed and such a good performance, I go and watch that over and over again. Everyone elses PCS should be behind team australia if you ask me.

It’s so depressing to see judges score pairs

Oh, well I guess I’ll go grab some chocolate


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Such a crime that Isabelle and Ryan did not get sent to this or anything by USFSA unless it’s a dire emergency and one certain team keeps getting sent out over and over to accrue major points of deductions. I don’t understand USFSA in their selection committee. It must to be Behind the scene politics.
You know, some of us have tried to explain to you why Martins/Bedard are not scoring as high as the teams that were sent to 4CCs. You refuse to acknowledge their lower skill level on elements like the 3tw, death spiral, step sequence, or their lifts. It isn't just about the SBS jumps or throws in pairs. Even last week in the Nats pbp thread, people were worried about her safety in the lifts because he isn't as secure or confident over the ice as Danny, Max or Balasz (or Spencer, Misha or Daniil, for that matter). They are a young team and still have, IMO, some junior-ish qualities about them. In time, I'm sure they will improve but right now there are 6 US teams who are quantifiably better than them.
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Happily ignoring ultracrepidarians (& trolls)!
I enjoyed the pairs, not perfect but considering the travel there from several of them it must be a challenge. I expect cleaner for worlds and I’m not counting out the Japanese team yet either to defend their title if this is what they can put out after just a few weeks of training.
Lia and Trent seemed tired, Deanna and Max I think will podium at worlds they also need a little rest. Nice surprise was the Australian team! If they can maintain consistency they will be podium bound next few years. I thought the USA team were decent as well.
As I posted earlier, based on the mixed zone comments, Trennt has a back injury since just after Nationals that impacted training and they even considered withdrawing but competed with a reduced difficulty program.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
You know, some of us have tried to explain to you why Martins/Bedard are not scoring as high as the teams that were sent to 4CCs. You refuse to acknowledge their lower skill level on elements like the 3tw, death spiral, step sequence, or their lifts. It isn't just about the SBS jumps or throws in pairs. Even last week in the Nats pbp thread, people were worried about her safety in the lifts because he isn't as secure or confident over the ice as Danny, Max or Balasz (or Spencer, Misha or Daniil, for that matter). They are a young team and still have, IMO, some junior-ish qualities about them. In time, I'm sure they will improve but right now there are 6 US teams who are quantifiably better than them.

I’ve been waiting for you to bite!!

You’re late!!!!!!


Doing all the things
MiuKih won't get on the podium skating like they did today.
It's seven weeks away. I think they have plenty of time to get back into form.

Well, as much as I would LOVE to watch the men's FS "live" with you all, it doesn't end here in Halifax, Canada until 7:45 am, so I guess I had better go to bed. The kicker of the whole thing is that I (being a nighthawk from WAY back) would have NO problem staying awake for all of that but it would not be fair to my hubby (who would probably like "brunch" sometime before 3pm tomorrow), so I will watch it on video.
I'm a bit shocked by this but Mr Mac stayed up until 2-2:30 am to watch with me. He did miss the last flight (and doesn't care!) but I figured he'd be in bed before the entire event even started.

He is the best USA male pairs guy very strong and good on his feet, likely only chance for USA podium at worlds if she can stay on her feet. I don’t get the hate either.
Better than Howe? I prefer Howe in most ways.


Well-Known Member
It's seven weeks away. I think they have plenty of time to get back into form.

I'm a bit shocked by this but Mr Mac stayed up until 2-2:30 am to watch with me. He did miss the last flight (and doesn't care!) but I figured he'd be in bed before the entire event even started.

Better than Howe? I prefer Howe in most ways.
I think Nagy is the best US Pairs guy!


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
It's seven weeks away. I think they have plenty of time to get back into form.

I worry about them being in podium form as much as I worry about Chan/Howe. He was even shaker and faster to get her back under the support of both arms in that split platter lift than Spencer was with Emily last week. And Riku's SBS jumps are just as suspect as Emily's these days. They got the gift of World Champions PCS but it won't be enough to stave off the Euros teams who will be there. In fact, I will predict right now that MiuKih won't be in the final group of the FS at Worlds. SDDes, MetBeru, BecGuar and either a German or American team will bump them.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
Are we talking about the team that was sixth at Nationals?

Heeeelllzzzz yesssss. The other team has had many many many many many chances at ISU seniors and it’s always Splats. It’s time for new teams and other people to get chances when other teams don’t produce.


Staff member
Heeeelllzzzz yesssss. The other team has had many many many many many chances at ISU seniors and it’s always Splats. It’s time for new teams and other people to get chances when other teams don’t produce.
They came in sixth for reasons. And I was there, front and center, to note them. I don't know what you mean by "other team," as there were FIVE teams ahead of them. It's not like they lost to just one.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
They came in sixth for reasons. And I was there, front and center, to note them. I don't know what you mean by "other team," as there were FIVE teams ahead of them. It's not like they lost to just one.

The one that just competed at 4 cc and was splat splat splat


Staff member
The one that just competed at 4 cc and was splat splat splat

I mean, obviously, I’m talking about another American team, one that could’ve stayed behind for Isabelle and Ryan
Um, yes, I got that we were talking about an American team, as we were talking about US Nationals.

But again--they were SIXTH. There were FIVE teams ahead of them, not one.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
Um, yes, I got that we were talking about an American team, as we were talking about US Nationals.

But again--they were SIXTH. There were FIVE teams ahead of them, not one.

If they would’ve been judged accordingly, they should’ve been in fourth quite obviously even ahead of Katie and Daniil , despite their Blade problem

When the lovely and stunning team of Isabelle and Ryan were called up for replacement at skate America after they replaced another one that was replaced, they produced. For the free skate they went in the last group and then after the free skate, they only lost one ordinal coming in fifth place. When they do their side by side jumps and throws, I don’t have to look away, and I am pleased to see Americans that can land those things called jumps.


AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
The whole thing was misjudged, the fact that the team I don’t even really care for Alisa and Misha should’ve been in first but why would USFSA do that? Lol. The USFSA Pairs competition was not marked that Great, but that’s my opinion.

And then let’s not even get started on the hardly any called under rotations in the womens competition.

Lol, OK rant is officially over


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
The one that just competed at 4 cc and was splat splat splat

I mean, obviously, I’m talking about another American team, one that could’ve stayed behind for Isabelle and Ryan
Well, that fits several teams there... But... Plazas/Fernandez were the only US team to receive a L4 for their 3tw in both the SP and FS this week. Additionally, every single one of their lifts was a L4, as was their death spiral and both their SBS spins and pairs spin. The only element they had that was a L3 was their step sequence in the SP. They get those levels CONSISTENTLY by the way - they were scored the exact same way at Nationals. Your team, by contrast, at Nats - they got a L4 in the SBS spin in the SP and that's the only element that was better than PlaFern. Base level on their 3tw in both the SP and FS, three of their lifts were L3 and one was aborted; L3/L2 on the death spiral, L3 on the pairs combo spin in the FS, L2 on the step sequences in both programs. They have work to do to be competitive with the top teams in the US, but having an aborted lift is just as bad as missing SBS jumps and throws and giving away points with weaker twists, spins, death spirals and step sequences means they're very beatable even when they don't flub a lift in the FS (and Nats was not the first time they've had an aborted lift this season).

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