Canadian Pairs 2018/2019 Season News and Updates

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That link is to the CBC's video page, so it's geo-blocked for Canada only, since that's where they have the rights.
I get it fine....from Canada...... can someone talk aemeraldrainc how to fix it so he can see it. I just usually sit and whine and one of my men deal with it for me.


Well-Known Member
Sorry if it is already old news, but since this is the only thread I'm watching, I may have miss something.
Tonight, I was at the Repentigny FSC, near Montréal. Usual show. Usual guest (Soucisse Firus and Zoe Duval-Yergeau, for the third year in a row). Then they annouced surprised guests. Training together for only a month... Lubov and Charlie!

Sorry, no video or pics. I can't even say what was the music... Since I read all the comments about that new pairs, I was expecting a good show, nice lifts but above average jumps.

They are well match. They seems to have good confidence in each other. They gave a good show. Many crowd pleasing lifts (a few of them more "circus" oriented than what we usually see in competition). I was waiting for the jumps. I'm still waiting. They didn't do a single jump. Not even single ones! But that was a show, probably between 1 and 2 minutes long. And they are not together for very long. They do not have yet that "I don't have to look at you to know where you are", but it was really close. They will work well together, no doubts. They will be loved by the crowd. No doubts. They will get good scores for the lifts... but there is still some work needed. Their spiral death was clean and was a perfect... novice level. What still remain to be seen is: will they be able to get good scores in SBS.

Conclusion: I was more pleased than I expected.


Well-Known Member
Sorry if it is already old news, but since this is the only thread I'm watching, I may have miss something.
Tonight, I was at the Repentigny FSC, near Montréal. Usual show. Usual guest (Soucisse Firus and Zoe Duval-Yergeau, for the third year in a row). Then they annouced surprised guests. Training together for only a month... Lubov and Charlie!

Sorry, no video or pics. I can't even say what was the music... Since I read all the comments about that new pairs, I was expecting a good show, nice lifts but above average jumps.

They are well match. They seems to have good confidence in each other. They gave a good show. Many crowd pleasing lifts (a few of them more "circus" oriented than what we usually see in competition). I was waiting for the jumps. I'm still waiting. They didn't do a single jump. Not even single ones! But that was a show, probably between 1 and 2 minutes long. And they are not together for very long. They do not have yet that "I don't have to look at you to know where you are", but it was really close. They will work well together, no doubts. They will be loved by the crowd. No doubts. They will get good scores for the lifts... but there is still some work needed. Their spiral death was clean and was a perfect... novice level. What still remain to be seen is: will they be able to get good scores in SBS.

Conclusion: I was more pleased than I expected.

Thank-you so much for updating us. It is early days. You didn't mention a twist so I expect they did not do one. I can't wait until the summer competition to see them ready. Just before I went to bed Lubov posted a picture of them on facebook insta-stories saying they had done another show. Maybe a clip will surface.


Well-Known Member
Thank-you so much for updating us. It is early days. You didn't mention a twist so I expect they did not do one. I can't wait until the summer competition to see them ready. Just before I went to bed Lubov posted a picture of them on facebook insta-stories saying they had done another show. Maybe a clip will surface.

From my old memory, I think they did a throw but no twist. But I may be wrong.

What prompt me to say they will be liked by the crowd is because they skate just after soucisse/firus, which I like a lot (I'm a pair guy) but Lubov and Charlie got more applaudes from the assistance.


Sorry if it is already old news, but since this is the only thread I'm watching, I may have miss something.
Tonight, I was at the Repentigny FSC, near Montréal. ... Then they annouced surprised guests. Training together for only a month... Lubov and Charlie!
Thanks for your report. I believe Lubov & Charlie have skated 2 exhibition numbers so far - "Feel It Still" (Portugal. The Man) and this one earlier this month:
Lubov posted an IG story yesterday that mentioned Valerie Saurette helped them with an exhibition number to "Ain't No Sunshine" that she and Charlie will perform next weekend in Goose Bay (Labrador).
In their media day practice video on April 1st they showed off creative lifts, a back outside death spiral, and a throw double loop, so it makes sense that they would focus on these elements for shows at this point in time.

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
Thanks for your report. I believe Lubov & Charlie have skated 2 exhibition numbers so far - "Feel It Still" (Portugal. The Man) and this one earlier this month:

In their media day practice video on April 1st they showed off creative lifts, a back outside death spiral, and a throw double loop, so it makes sense that they would focus on these elements for shows at this point in time.

Thanks for the update, Sylvia. They’ve made a lot of progress in a short amount of time, kudos to them.


Well-Known Member
I would expect in a show it would just be lifts, choreo and death spirals. The more difficult and higher risk elements would be added in later. You want to do the easy elements to gain confidence as a couple.

They have both said that Richard encouraged them to enter shows because they immediately want to understand how each other handles 'performing' which is as close as you can get to competing. That information is important to help them mentally and emotionally work well together to prepare for actual competitions.


Banned Member
Wow! But now this explains somewhat Meagan's deadpan, and rather uninterested attitude when Dave Lease questioned her on TSL to try and ferret out information about the Luba/Charlie partnership. Meagan knew that she and Bruno were planning a move and would not be directly involved, or even further associated with Richard Gauthier and his teams.

There always comes time for a complete change in any case. I wonder how well Gauthier actually took it when Eric/Meagan made that unexpected decision to stop working with him in order to train under Bruno, along with a part-time arrangement with John Z and crew in Florida. And of course to get choreo assistance from John Kerr, in collaboration with Julie Marcotte. I guess it was a brave move in the interest of shaking things up and incorporating some fresh ideas into the mix. The move had more to do with reinvigorating themselves, rather than not wanting to work with Gauthier. I'm not sure if the split was well thought out, since they didn't train too often in Florida. Although, they likely succeeded in gaining some of the fresh ideas and reinvigorating approach they were seeking.

I'm not Canadian so I had to look up Oakville on a map. It's close to Mississauga and not too far from Niagra Falls:

This will be a brand new life altogether, with Meagan's pregnancy and a new city, new rink.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure more announcements are to come. Meg and Bruno's life must be chaos right now. Touring, pregnant, moving and trying to figure out how to get the program going with whatever skaters might be competing this coming season so they don't lose a year. Yowza -- Lord, send them help!


^^Thanks @RoseRed and @barbarafan for your corrections. That's interesting. They'll obviously have outside consultants, but perhaps I misheard about Richard being the only "official" coach. Thanks! :)

Looks like I didn't "mishear" after all. ;)

Obviously, Lubov and Charlie are with Richard in Montreal, but it'll be interesting to see who moves to Oakville with Bruno and Meagan. :)


Well-Known Member
They’re much closer to Gauthier, from what I’ve seen. And they seem to have quite a cozy social scene in Montreal.

I’m dubious we’re going to see any notable team moving to Oakville.
Marinaro's GF is French Canadian but not sure is she lives in Quebec or Ontario.(if that is still ongoing)


scratching at the light
They’re much closer to Gauthier, from what I’ve seen. And they seem to have quite a cozy social scene in Montreal.

I’m dubious we’re going to see any notable team moving to Oakville.
I'm only supposing and have no worries as to being wrong. :D I know next to nothing about their life in Montreal even tho I have both of them on FB and Instagram. :shuffle:
I would expect that Bruno and Meagan have students lined up to train there, so are there some junior teams they might be working with?


Well-Known Member
I'm only supposing and have no worries as to being wrong. :D I know next to nothing about their life in Montreal even tho I have both of them on FB and Instagram. :shuffle:
I would expect that Bruno and Meagan have students lined up to train there, so are there some junior teams they might be working with?
Maybe Choinard and Ostiguy as Choinard is from Ontario. And maybe Julianne if she finds a partner in Ontario.

We'll know soon enough.


Well-Known Member
I wonder about programs by Julie Marcotte. She is Bruno's sister but very much a part of the Richard G. team. In the book "Soulmates on Ice" that Meagan and Eric wrote after the Olympics, they talk about the challenging decision to part ways with Richard who had coached Meagan since 2007 and Eric since 2008. They give him a lot of credit for taking a chance on them and being a key factor in their success but not being on the same page anymore and needing "more" from their coach. They mention communication issues in their lessons. They describe him as being "hurt but gracious" about their decision.


Well-Known Member
I don't have a copy of the book but someone mentioned that in the credits in the back of the book it says something like Richard Gauthier declined to be interviewed for the project.


@RoseRed, posted in the GSD thread about pairs sighted on social media at the NextGen camp last week:
  • Panetta/Mimar
  • Levesque/Hudon
I'm also pretty sure that Patricia Andrews is there
Skate Ontario published a list of their 2019-20 NextGen athletes and these are the 2 pairs:
Patricia Andrew/Zachary Daleman (NEW)
Brooke McIntosh/Brandon Toste

Kirsten Moore Towers and Michael Marinaro attended to assist the skaters at the NextGen camp (held in Nottawasaga ON, May 5 -7).

Back in March, Thierry Ferland was featured in the Sunday editions of both Le Journal de Montréal and Le Journal de Québec as one of 16 finalists in their annual "Young Athlete Scholarships" competition :):

Direct link to read his PORTRAIT D’UNE ATHLÈTE page (in French):
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Well-Known Member
In addition to Panetta/Mimar, Levesque/Hudon, McIntosh/Toste and Andrew/Daleman, I also saw that novice champions Laurin/Ethier and Perreault/St. Louis were there.

Perreault/St. Louis are a new team. Camille Perreault was with Bryan Pierro last year. I wasn't familiar with William St. Louis, but I see that he was 8th in novice pairs at Nationals with Véronique Turbide in 2018, and 12 in novice men the same year.

ETA: so complete list of pairs at the Next Gen camp (as far as I could tell):
  • McIntosh/Toste
  • Andrew/Daleman
  • Levesque/Hudon
  • Panetta/Mimar
  • Laurin/Ethier
  • Perrault/St. Louis


Banned Member

"... I was becoming so uptight about my ovulation calendar and thinking that I had a true fertility problem, I had started to give up and accept that maybe I couldn’t will myself to become pregnant, like I willed myself through so many difficulties in skating. I relaxed, took a month away from touring, made appointments at a fertility clinic, and bam. It happened. When I least expected it to. Life is funny that way."

I've heard so many stories like that of couples trying hard to become pregnant and having problems. As soon as they relax and stop worrying and focusing so hard, it happens when least expected. ;) Good luck to Meagan & Bruno in their new life and in their pregnancy adventure!
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