Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir : Just For Us # 45


Well-Known Member
I remember an interview from last year (I think) where Scott said that Tessa's instincts are always right and that there were times he disagreed with her, sided with the coaches, but in the end, he should've listened to her. So now he doesn't doubt her. That said, I don't care about what Marina is doing now and I highly doubt V/M have given this music choice a second thought. It seems they've more than moved on and are very happy with where they are.
I'm glad it's water under the bridge for VM because they're worth much better than Marina. And for whoever say Marina treat the two teams equally, are you seriously telling me she wouldn't hope her future daughter-in-law win OGM over VM? What a saint. She should get a medal for that. That's a joke not one bit funny.


Well-Known Member

Anyway, in not-crazy land, some new lifts from HP camp:

https://www.instagram.com/p/BYgwJfeFd0_/?taken-by=tessavirtue17 (Satine's death scene/ending pose?)

http://mysticseasons.tumblr.com/post/164865531215/nadia-flaims-instagram-story (reworked Prince lift)
Sorry but that's not called for. Please don't call posters "crazy"
It's highly offensive and completely unwarranted.
You certainly have a right to your opinion, and a right to challenge others opinions, but to call people crazy because their POV is different then yours is a pretty petty move.
Also this is an uber/fan thread. You need to be a little more respectful they you're being.


Well-Known Member
It's just as respectful as people calling Marina a saboteur who intentionally wanted V/M to lose gold.


Well-Known Member
I mean, if you have another word for someone who's constantly trafficking in conspiracy theories and slinging mud and hateful slurs at other skaters/coaches for no reason, I'll edit my post.


Well-Known Member
It's just as respectful as people calling Marina a saboteur who intentionally wanted V/M to lose gold.
True. However this is an uber thread for V and M not Marina.
I'm not saying people aren't over exaggerating things but calling people names who post here isn't right. Marina and Tessa and Scott are not posters here.
And it's not like Tessa and Scott themselves haven't addressed that season and Marina as an issue.
You are always respectful and challenge people in a respectful way. You don't call people names.
That's all I am saying.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
My god. As the one who originally posted that in that thread I also said Scott wasn't feeling it. In whatever interview it was Tessa said that Scott really trusted Marinas instincts. Tessa mentioned that Marina felt strongly they should skate to Russian music.

In current news they both seem on the same page with MR so there is that :cheer: and it's 2018. The P&P ship has sailed and I'm not interested in seeing that sort of program from them. Been ther, done that.

Oh, and about an hour ago I walked by Scott Moir at the Ottawa airport. Debated stalking him to see I feel they were both around but told myself I'm a grown woman and go straight to the baggage carousel. Only to find my luggage busted open with all my unmentionables hanging out. Thankfully Scott was nowhere near ;)


You have a lot of willpower marbri. :lol:

I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if Marina did this on purpose, but it would be cool if the Germans skate to the cuts that Tessa made. I think it would suit them quite well (loved their Amelie) and I hope they're successful with it. I've always liked them.


Well-Known Member
I mean, if you have another word for someone who's constantly trafficking in conspiracy theories and slinging mud and hateful slurs at other skaters/coaches for no reason, I'll edit my post.
If you are referring to me...you are way out of line!
I hold to my opinion...my opinion, my right...that they were sabotaged. You are welcome to disagree. As someone else said this is an uber thread....


Well-Known Member
Yeah have a great feeling about this season because they all seem on the same page.
I can't wait to see the programmes
Actually quite excited about all the Canadian teams this year.
Curious about whether the rumours of Moonlight Sonata are true for the French.
Definitely think the SD is a better fit for for the French this year then last years rhythms.
It's going to be a battle.
Think it's going to come down to clean skates.
I obviously want V and M to win, but as mostly happy about what I've seen and heard about their material this year.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
You have a lot of willpower marbri. :lol:

I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if Marina did this on purpose, but it would be cool if the Germans skate to the cuts that Tessa made. I think it would suit them quite well (loved their Amelie) and I hope they're successful with it. I've always liked them.

I'm thinking I'm a fool now. But my poor destroyed bag was awaiting me.
Kind of bummed though because I am travelling around the time of ACI and after seeing all the. Dance teams that will be there was going to reroute through Montreal but procrastinated too long that ACI is sold out :(


Well-Known Member
Oh, and about an hour ago I walked by Scott Moir at the Ottawa airport. Debated stalking him to see I feel they were both around but told myself I'm a grown woman and go straight to the baggage carousel. Only to find my luggage busted open with all my unmentionables hanging out. Thankfully Scott was nowhere near ;)
a true fan behaves like you, marbri! and today it's also Scott's birthday. He turned 30. Happy birthday, my King!


Well-Known Member
My god. As the one who originally posted that in that thread I also said Scott wasn't feeling it. In whatever interview it was Tessa said that Scott really trusted Marinas instincts. Tessa mentioned that Marina felt strongly they should skate to Russian music.

In current news they both seem on the same page with MR so there is that :cheer: and it's 2018. The P&P ship has sailed and I'm not interested in seeing that sort of program from them. Been ther, done that.

Oh, and about an hour ago I walked by Scott Moir at the Ottawa airport. Debated stalking him to see I feel they were both around but told myself I'm a grown woman and go straight to the baggage carousel. Only to find my luggage busted open with all my unmentionables hanging out. Thankfully Scott was nowhere near ;)
Marbri, you put a smile on my face with the airport story. I wouldn't trust myself if I saw VM anywhere nearby. Lol.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
I think since all the other rumours have panned out that Moonlight is true. And I have no doubt it is as well suited and fantastic for them as MR will be for VM. From that TEd Flett interview with Patrice he seems really happy with all the FDs of their top three.


Well-Known Member
yes, it must be her death's pose, as someone who was there mentioned Tessa "dying" in Scott's arms at the end. like in the movie, of course. and like in La Traviata and a bunch of italian operas.
i've seen that mini-clip many times and thought I'll definitely need a tissue like E.Radford said. maybe two.
i expect to see them acting superbly in the finale.

double runner

Well-Known Member
@marbri sorry about the luggage but I feel you about second guessing yourself. We were at SOI and had this weird feeling, turned around and saw Scott silently standing in the corner, watching the show. My husband told me to walk the 5 feet and say hi but I felt like I would draw too much attention towards him. Hubby managed to take a selfie with Scott in the background but now I regret not saying hi.


Well-Known Member
Scott turns 30. Let's talk about the journey Tessa and Scott have been through. It's surreal that they have been skating together for 20 years. I feel like they are still the kids winning JWC and then nationals and becoming the youngest OGM. How time flies! It's really starting to hit me this will be their last season. I'm so proud of all their achievements, not just medals, they constantly challenge themselves, show originality and creativity with their numbers, and push the sport forward. I hope they'll inspire more ice dance teams to do the same. I'm preparing myself for the last season. It will be so emotional. Let's enjoy the journey with Tessa and Scott.


Well-Known Member
You have a lot of willpower marbri. :lol:

I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if Marina did this on purpose, but it would be cool if the Germans skate to the cuts that Tessa made. I think it would suit them quite well (loved their Amelie) and I hope they're successful with it. I've always liked them.
I like this team when they came out first time. Greate individual skating skills. Not so much last season, but understanding, everyone look more bright during debut. So good luck to them at NT and hope they will compete at OG.


Well-Known Member
Scott turns 30. Let's talk about the journey Tessa and Scott have been through. It's surreal that they have been skating together for 20 years. I feel like they are still the kids winning JWC and then nationals and becoming the youngest OGM. How time flies! It's really starting to hit me this will be their last season. I'm so proud of all their achievements, not just medals, they constantly challenge themselves, show originality and creativity with their numbers, and push the sport forward. I hope they'll inspire more ice dance teams to do the same. I'm preparing myself for the last season. It will be so emotional. Let's enjoy the journey with Tessa and Scott.
It's crazy to stay together 20 years in any kind of relationship, esp in ice dance, when you need to spend more time with partner, then with family.

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