Aljona Savchenko has been released to the USA to continue her pairs career

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A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
She also says TJ showed her a paper from Safe Sport clearing him? Can this be true?
It obviously is an interview where she tries to save her face but some things do not add up.
I mean I could easily make a letter that says Safe Sport says I am the Safest of Sports and slap a logo on that pretty quickly, so even if he did that doesn't mean it's true.


Mayor of Carrot City
This "paper from SafeSport" sounds like (or smells like) đź’© IMHO.

He was (allegedly) being investigated by SafeSport when they got together, as well as (allegedly) having his behaviour reported to the police. The SafeSport penalty against Sappenfield was only announced within the last few weeks, and that investigation is still ongoing. There were also (allegedly) multiple SafeSport complaints againt Nyman involving different victims, i.e. not just one investigation.

It seems very unlikely to me that SafeSport would have given him a letter this summer saying, nothing to see here, you're good, go on with your life.

Orm Irian

Well-Known Member
She also says TJ showed her a paper from Safe Sport clearing him? Can this be true?
It obviously is an interview where she tries to save her face but some things do not add up.
I've never heard of US SafeSport issuing such a document. I suppose it's possible that they might have, at some point in the past, to someone, somewhere, but it doesn't seem likely to me.

It speaks volumes for Sappenfield and Nyman's desperation to find him a shield wall of a partner that they might even consider forging such a thing, and of Savchenko's desperation to continue competing that she'd even think about accepting it.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Did anyone stop to think that the paper was just something saying there was no official ruling yet and he was simply under investigation rather than coming here and suggesting it was something forged? Nyman doesn't appear in the SafeSport disciplinary database, and Sappenfield just showed up 'officially' on the 14th per their website.

If Savchenko wasn't following skating news closely as people who read message boards do, it's quite possible that she was told by other people even aside from Nyman that he was just a person of interest and maybe he and Dalilah stated the same, or maybe they said it was all baseless-- who knows. We know the USFS was quick to push for her to skate for the country, so I don't think it's that out of the question to not be 100% in the loop.

Not one of us knows how the stories were conveyed, what exactly was said, and whether those people were being reasonable in saying that nothing had been proven yet. I questioned very early on as a possible out for her that she didn't know all the details, because she's busy with her own life and not reading Twitter or Reddit or FSU daily.

Whatever the ultimate reason is, she's moved on and that's that and we finally have more details directly out of her mouth.
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Well-Known Member
People! This is the same Aljona Savchenko who took this
Aerobicidal said:
NM: I must admit, I was impressed with the Germans. Even though Aliona is extremely old, she was smart to find very tall, bulky, white partner to throw her very high in the air. Most French men would not be able to do that, because that country has a very womanly culture. It is why they are currently so strong in the ice dance.
Laney said:
Aljona Savchenko posted it on FB! She wrote WHAT?
Those of us who have read the thread from the beginning have reason to believe that TJ Nyman posts lurks here on FSU, so he would know his mark.

Ananas Astra

Get woke, go broke!
I know from her book that Aljona always does research on possible partners online, as she did with Robin, Bruno, Enbert etc.

There is absolutely no way she did not google Nyman at some point and did not see what a gem he is. All that stuff of him being an alleged rapist is soooo out there as are Sappenfield's stunts. It would've taken her a few seconds to find out there is something very wrong with them and she claims she had no idea? I call bs on that.

And yes...where is Liam? He recently appeared on a couple of IG stories with her in Amilia-related content, but that's it.


Needs a nap
People! This is the same Aljona Savchenko who took this


Those of us who have read the thread from the beginning have reason to believe that TJ Nyman posts lurks here on FSU, so he would know his mark.

So your contention is that because she found that but, as a non-native English speaker, didn't get that it was satire, she wouldn't have found the stuff about Nyman? Sounds more like she or people who give her info already read FSU so it's hard to deny she had a way to know all about Nyman.


Well-Known Member
This is probably what she'd have liked to have happened. But yes, it's not very believable - is BILD reliable despite being a tabloid?

Hard not to notice the one person who is not mentioned.
I wouldn't call Bild reliable but when it comes to interviews, I'm not aware of any incidents where they printed something that someone didn't say. Bild is probably one rung up from BZ. (With BZ, we always say "wife put husband through meat grinder, BZ was first to interview the burger").


Rejected by Krasnopolski
I noticed that mentions of TJ and Dalilah were dropped from Aljona’s Wikipedia entry, but TJ’s still mentions Aljona as a former partner?
As an Olympic gold medallist, I suppose she can rewrite history…


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
Did anyone stop to think that the paper was just something saying there was no official ruling yet and he was simply under investigation rather than coming here and suggesting it was something forged? Nyman doesn't appear in the SafeSport disciplinary database, and Sappenfield just showed up 'officially' on the 14th per their website.
Just for the record I don't think anyone actually forged anything because I don't think this actually happened. This is a report from a tabloid. I have doubts as to whether Savchenko even said this.


Well-Known Member
It is the biggest German daily newspaper. Their interviews are real and not made up. so she said and verified it (you have the right to do that in Germany, when giving an interview, you can even change words from what you actually said, lots of politicians do that).

Ananas Astra

Get woke, go broke!
It is the biggest German daily newspaper. Their interviews are real and not made up. so she said and verified it (you have the right to do that in Germany, when giving an interview, you can even change words from what you actually said, lots of politicians do that).
Exactly and that is why I am wondering about her IG story only one day after the publication of this interview that she suddenly changes the story to "never even having looked for a partner" despite the contrary having been covered internationally for months.
She is just making it worse at this point which is a feat in itself. Probably she, Nyman and Sappenfield deserved each other.


Eating Rhetorical Apples
Staff member
Did anyone stop to think that the paper was just something saying there was no official ruling yet and he was simply under investigation rather than coming here and suggesting it was something forged? Nyman doesn't appear in the SafeSport disciplinary database, and Sappenfield just showed up 'officially' on the 14th per their website.

If Savchenko wasn't following skating news closely as people who read message boards do, it's quite possible that she was told by other people even aside from Nyman that he was just a person of interest and maybe he and Dalilah stated the same, or maybe they said it was all baseless-- who knows. We know the USFS was quick to push for her to skate for the country, so I don't think it's that out of the question to not be 100% in the loop.
For what it's worth, this is exactly what I heard even before Savchenko went to Sappenfield and Nyman--that they were telling people that there was nothing there and they would be exonerated. More importantly, there were (possibly still are) some people in skating who supported this story and told skaters to ignore the rumors.

I don't think that's unusual; most people have friends who believe in them. I think it's possible that Savchencko was told there was nothing there and nothing to worry about. It was being said to others. I will say that I don't think any other skaters believed this, but those skaters were also closer to the situation.

Perky Shae Lynn

Well-Known Member
At least she is aware of the impact of her very poor decision. I doubt she cared about anything but finding a "suitable" partner. Aljona's ego has driven her to the Olympic Gold Medal. It has also driven her to be oblivious to things she didn't wish to see. Was she aware of all the details and the reaction within the US figure skating community? Probably not. But she must have known something, she is not an idiot. I think she simply believed she was above it all, and would not be judged on anything other than her athletic achievements. She was chasing history after all.

She was wrong. Now she's trying to salvage her reputation.


Whippet Good
At least she is aware of the impact of her very poor decision. I doubt she cared about anything but finding a "suitable" partner. Aljona's ego has driven her to the Olympic Gold Medal. It has also driven her to be oblivious to things she didn't wish to see. Was she aware of all the details and the reaction within the US figure skating community? Probably not. But she must have known something, she is not an idiot. I think she simply believed she was above it all, and would not be judged on anything other than her athletic achievements. She was chasing history after all.

She was wrong. Now she's trying to salvage her reputation.
I agree but she needs to just own up to. Admit that she was looking for a partner, admit she thought Nyman was ok. I mean, own up to it. Does she even agree that Nyman is bad news? Admit she made a mistake. She can't seem to do that.


Well-Known Member
Most surprising to me is that Sappenfield and Nyman, who must have known things were only going to get more intense for them, would want to get involved with such a big name athlete. Surely the speculation and increased medial spotlight that comes with Aljona would not be what they were looking for.


Values her privacy
Most surprising to me is that Sappenfield and Nyman, who must have known things were only going to get more intense for them, would want to get involved with such a big name athlete. Surely the speculation and increased medial spotlight that comes with Aljona would not be what they were looking for.
Maybe because the investigation is taking such a long time, they thought that it will gradually “go away”. He might have thought he got away with it, because there were no proper consequences as yet.


Well-Known Member
Of all the things I could doubt, the part I doubt least is the letter. As @Prancer said, Sappenfield and Nyman have been rumored (maybe before it started) to be telling people that the SafeSport thing wasn't a big deal and that it wouldn't affect their coaching or chances to compete.


Well-Known Member
Of all the things I could doubt, the part I doubt least is the letter. As @Prancer said, Sappenfield and Nyman have been rumored (maybe before it started) to be telling people that the SafeSport thing wasn't a big deal and that it wouldn't affect their coaching or chances to compete.
I actually wonder about it. SafeSport investigations are supposed to be confidential. My understanding is that if someone is accused, they’re notified. I guess maybe there could be a scenario where he was investigated, not enough evidence was found to take preliminary action, and he was notified of that. But given there are allegedly multiple accusers and the length of time it usually takes for SafeSport to complete investigations, that seems unlikely- though not impossible.


Eating Rhetorical Apples
Staff member
Most surprising to me is that Sappenfield and Nyman, who must have known things were only going to get more intense for them, would want to get involved with such a big name athlete.
I have no idea what they were thinking, but I think it's quite possible that they were thinking that the charges against them were no big deal and that they would be exonerated.

People do think these things--really think them, not just pretend to think them.


Mayor of Carrot City
@puglover Maybe they thought they were invincible. Look at how long Richard Callaghan got away with appalling behaviour with no consequences.

Also, there aren't that many high-profile pairs in Sappenfield's camp any more. Maybe they did want the attention that Savchenko would bring by training there. Although I don't think they anticipated the negative blowback that also occurred.


Active Member
Okay, now this is getting ridiculous:
Aljona has posted a story on Instagram, claiming she "never was looking for a partner and still isn't", attacking Russian journalists who picked up her interview.
Previously she gave a controversial interview where she trashed Sui/Han and other rivals -- then when there was backlash she turned around and claimed she never said it. So this is par for the course for her. :rolleyes:
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