British Skating News, 2022 and beyond


YMCA is such a catchy tune!
The first third looked good, the second third of their program was a little slow IMO, the final third to YMCA especially that first set of twizzles was good.

In general, though, I realized I'm really going to hate this season with the steady diet of disco. That's my least favorite era of music from the last century and I'm holding out a thin sliver of hope that some of the higher-ranked teams who haven't revealed their music yet avoid it.

her grace

Team Guignard/Fabbri
In general, though, I realized I'm really going to hate this season with the steady diet of disco. That's my least favorite era of music from the last century and I'm holding out a thin sliver of hope that some of the higher-ranked teams who haven't revealed their music yet avoid it.
It may be a bit much after several discos in a row. :lol:

I read in an interview with some dance team (sorry, don’t remember which one) that the music recording technology had improved considerably by the 70s so teams might have chosen disco just to have better quality music playing during their programs.


YMCA is such a catchy tune!
I read in an interview with some dance team (sorry, don’t remember which one) that the music recording technology had improved considerably by the 70s so teams might have chosen disco just to have better quality music playing during their programs.
That was Paul Poirier and it's such a BS reason since the IDTC specifically allows for 1) remastered versions of the original songs, and 2) covers of songs originally released in those three decades that retain the spirit/tempo of the original songs. Beyond that, it's never once been a problem for any of the numerous Elvis, Sinatra or Streisand programs we've gotten over the years.


YMCA is such a catchy tune!
I just want to comment that I love being able to watch YT on my TV - I can turn the volume up and I like that, lol.

ETA - and yes, I agree with @Wyliefan about Phebe's costume - really great!


I bite because I like it
I thought Bekker/Hernandez's RD was strong too. Initially I wasn't too keen on the Beatles (particularly coming after Prince - do they not want people to be able to watch their programmes?) and especially not the remix, which felt a bit F/G, but it worked for them. It struck a good balance between what it seems like the ice dance committee is looking for and not being too corny, and musically and choreographically it was a coherent whole, which a lot of the programmes we've seen so far this season haven't been.

Watching live, I thought they were skating faster and more powerfully than before, at least until the twizzles, and they've clearly been working on their skating skills in the off season. They were very fast and aggressive in the practice session. Obviously domestic scoring here, but I think they should be able to break 70 with this once they've tidied a few things up. I hope they manage to pick their Challengers better this season to get a good SB. I'll hold off until we've seen the FD to make a judgement on whether they're getting over that adjustment-to-seniors hump, but this one felt right for where they are in their development.

Also agree that everything about Phebe's look is fantastic (except for the white panty) (and the fact that it made me wish someone would skate to Dusty Springfield).

More agreement on Fear/Gibson's RD being a bit underwhelming. It wasn't bad, but it's not their best RD and it's not the best disco RD, so there's a risk of blending into the pack when it seemed like this would be right up their street. It doesn't help that Le Freak seems to be one of the warhorses of the season (it was the third time today!) and their music edit was a bit rough - Suspicion was too chopped up for a track most people are familiar with. And they did the spelling with their arms while dancing on the spot, and Ash and Atl did it while twizzling. On the positive side, this wasn't as stop/start as many of their programmes and they kept the flow once they got going, and as usual they are in great shape for August.

I was dubious about the YMCA for Slatter/Ongay-Perez but Atl looked like he was having such a great time skating to it that now I think it was an excellent choice. They also seemed to have improved their speed a bit but it could just be a function of not being little kids anymore. Their costumes seemed pretty authenic for the 70s too. Pretty sure there are still some terrible polyester versions of Atl's shirt and trousers lurking at the back of my uncle's wardrobe.

And all of the young teams had made noticeable improvements since the British Championships in December, so that was nice to see.


Ubering juniors against my will
Signal's in and out today. Only in brief bursts, fortunately, but I hope it will settle down for good.


YMCA is such a catchy tune!
For anyone schedule watching for the FD, the afternoon session is getting started 15 mins ahead of the timetable on the results page and we have one withdrawal in senior dance.
Do we know who the WD in senior dance is? The results page doesn't seem to be updating with live results.


Ubering juniors against my will
An Andrew Lloyd Webber non-warhorse! I wonder where on earth this team found it. I remember Song and Dance, but I doubt many others do. :)


Ubering juniors against my will
I like the blue parts of Ash and Atl's costumes. The yellow bibs gotta go. I get the effect they're going for, but they just look bulky.


YMCA is such a catchy tune!
I like the blue parts of Ash and Atl's costumes. The yellow bibs gotta go. I get the effect they're going for, but they just look bulky.
Yeah, the costumes are not good - the blue color is good but the bib effect needs to be re-worked.

I liked the program - completely unfamiliar with the music but it was an interesting program. I still think they need to work on their speed but maybe the camera isn't showing their speed as well as it looks in person.


Ubering juniors against my will
That's a very cool and interesting program for Ash and Atl. Not quite as competition-ready as their RD, but it should look really good with some more practice and polishing.

But I mean it, kids, lose the bibs.


YMCA is such a catchy tune!
Big fall on the entrance to the dance spin for Phebe - they tried to recover but it took a bit. Other than that, I really enjoyed the 007 program from BekHern! Her dress is perfection!


YMCA is such a catchy tune!
First section of FearGib's program was good - there was some nice movements to "Halo" and I liked their first lift. Second section was okay. Third section was a massive letdown and needs a better build up to the end of the program. It had a weird music edit where you thought they were done but then they started again and skated around a bit more until they hit their ending pose.


Ubering juniors against my will
I appreciate that Lilah and Lewis are trying something a bit different for them. Will it be enough to fend off Laj/Lag if the latter have strong material? That I'm not sure about.


YMCA is such a catchy tune!
I appreciate that Lilah and Lewis are trying something a bit different for them. Will it be enough to fend off Laj/Lag if the latter have strong material? That I'm not sure about.
I'm not sure it will be enough to fend off LajLag (haven't seen their material yet) either. In a correctly judged ice dance world, their RD wouldn't be enough to fend off CarPon either - we haven't seen LopBri yet, but I do think that FearGib need to be aware of and looking over their shoulders at those three teams coming up behind them fast.


Bad Brit
Staff member
First section of FearGib's program was good - there was some nice movements to "Halo" and I liked their first lift. Second section was okay. Third section was a massive letdown and needs a better build up to the end of the program. It had a weird music edit where you thought they were done but then they started again and skated around a bit more until they hit their ending pose.
I so want to stick up for F/G but having just watched it I completely agree with you :(


I bite because I like it
An Andrew Lloyd Webber non-warhorse! I wonder where on earth this team found it. I remember Song and Dance, but I doubt many others do. :)
I wasn't expecting a junior team to make me think of Usova/Zhulin, who are the only other team I recall using Variations. The arena sound system wasn't kind to the flute part though, so hopefully it will sound better at the JGP.
I liked the program - completely unfamiliar with the music but it was an interesting program. I still think they need to work on their speed but maybe the camera isn't showing their speed as well as it looks in person.
I thought their speed was fine in person, especially for a still-younger junior team, and their ice coverage had improved since last season.
Big fall on the entrance to the dance spin for Phebe - they tried to recover but it took a bit. Other than that, I really enjoyed the 007 program from BekHern! Her dress is perfection!
I think this was Phebe's dress from their 2021-22 FD so I expect she'll have a new one for their Challengers (but she doesn't need to - this one looked great and suited the programme).

I liked the Bond FD too. I think the RD is probably their stronger programme but it also seemed more competition-ready. In particular, the section after Billie Eilish and before the Bond theme kicked in again seemed a bit empty, and the opening combo lift is unattractive and the pickup from stationary awkward. They seem to have done a much better job this season at developing programmes that are a good fit for them, and I liked that the vibe they were going for is that they're both sexy spies - and also that there were no finger guns. They seemed to be showing more connection on the ice, but there's still further to go.

I wasn't surprised that Fear/Gibson went for Beyonce (that was my best guess for their Olympic season FD) but wasn't expecting these particular cuts. Though I quite like them - some space to challenge themselves while still playing to their strengths. The first lift was spectacular but the second was messy, seemed like they were going for a variation on their usual illusion lift but couldn't fully execute. They've clearly been working on the things people are always griping about - twizzles here had much better ice coverage (they were as tight as usual in the RD) and the one foot turns were a feature rather than something to survive. Agree that they need to rework the last third, both the layout and the music. If they're going for a more subdued first half they really need to go full out and build through the Crazy In Love section to end with a spectacular choreo move.

In novice dance I really like Annabel Mann and Jack Hammond, who seem to have gelled as a partnership very quickly and have progressed a lot since the British. They have a nice Rocketman FD, although the music cuts aren't coherent (Your Song into Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting...) I think they made the right choice in staying novice - a decent novice season (hopefully with some international outings where they won't finish last) will serve them better in the long term than being at the bottom of the pack in juniors.

Away from dance, Kristin Spours is looking strong, but not too strong for August - she was clearly working for it, and a couple of minor bobbles. After not competing much last season she's kept both programme. I think the blues SP is a good fit for her (though not sure that a 2WEI cover of Imagine Dragons is a good fit for anyone). It must be a relief to have her CTES for Worlds confirmed and not have to structure her season around chasing minimums. All the other senior ladies were, well, British ladies.

It was great to have four junior pairs! The extra time together puts Wood/Lapsky ahead of the pack - their elements are messy but they’re a really fun team with lots of personality. I think JGP watchers will enjoy their Austin Powers FS (close your eyes for the twist). They have loads of speed, at least for British juniors, and really careen into their elements with minimal setup - great for getting out the throw triple, not so much for controlling momentum into the death spiral (spectacular splat).

Davison/Borisov and Ritchie/McLeod are both new teams with one partner who is new to pairs, and neither looked really ready to compete. D/B's individual elements were looking good, but they were struggling putting it all together in their programmes. And a spectacular waxel combo from Daniel! They are also using a truly dreadful Postmodern Jukebox-style cover of Lovefool in the SP. Just skate to the Cardigans! Individually, Kyle McLeod looked like the strongest pair skater in this competition, but R/M just need more time. I would still give them the final JGP spot though.

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