2021 U.S. Figure Skating Championships moved to Las Vegas; no audience


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
San Jose Mercury News article by Elliott Almond:
John Poch, San Jose Sports Authority executive director, said Monday the move was inevitable because of local public health department guidelines.
“The only thing we could plan for were the guidelines in place today,” he said. “I can’t guess what the scenario will be in two months now.”
Organizers also held out hopes of having spectators. But concerns grew as the event drew closer.
“Forget about the fans,” Poch said. “Can we get all the competitors, and figure skating staff and the NBC crew” in the facility?
Poch said holding the championships was complicated by being indoors unlike the San Francisco 49ers and San Jose Earthquakes. The 49ers and Earthquakes have held home games this year without fans after getting county approval in late summer.
The move to Las Vegas also forced the cancelation of a new high-performance camp for about 200 young skaters at Solar4America Ice in San Jose.
American skating officials this year created the National Development Camp for juvenile, intermediate and novice athletes instead of having them compete at the U.S. championships.
Now San Jose is scheduled to play host to the championships a year after the Beijing Winter Games. Poch said he expects to have increased interest in 2023, particularly if Americans do well in Beijing.


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
Will the cutout people be back?

That is the plan - here's the press release today (Dec. 4):
New to the second iteration of the Virtual Fan Program is a souvenir digital ticket and a commemorative photo with the 2021 champions. With the holiday season coinciding with the launch of the program, the staff at U.S. Figure Skating wanted to create an option for fans looking to purchase “seats” for friends or loved ones as gifts. Therefore, after the close of purchases on Dec. 18, all cutout purchasers will receive a digital print-on-demand souvenir ticket inviting their cutouts to attend the 2021 Toyota U.S. Figure Skating Championships in Las Vegas.
All proceeds from the U.S. Figure Skating Virtual Fan Program will benefit the U.S. Figure Skating Memorial Fund.
The Virtual Fan Cutout Program at 2020 Guaranteed Rate Skate America generated more than $14,000 for the Memorial Fund thanks to the nearly 300 cutouts in attendance.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

Get it Amber 😝
From the linked FAQ (PDF): "Please submit images of people (and pets) whose likeness you have permission to share."

Not sure how USFS can/will check up on this... (might be tough going with the pets :D)

There were plenty of pet cutouts at SkAm.

Im gonna submit my photo of the Legend herself, Angela Nikodinov, and let the cards fall where they may.

How cool these profits go to the Memorial Fund!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
How can you have a competition with no judges why not just host it virtually like with ISP Challenge?


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
Maybe they should hold nationals at Sun Valley. Isn't that an outdoor rink?
1) Yes, but's a smaller outdoor surface (180 x 90 feet).
2) Too hard to travel there.

Outdoor rinks, like Sun Valley and Squaw Valley, were previously discussed in this thread here: https://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/th...21-skating-season.107193/page-13#post-5823893

There were plenty of pet cutouts at SkAm.
Yes, I know; I was just kidding about asking the pets' permission for their likenesses to be used. ;)
Im gonna submit my photo of the Legend herself, Angela Nikodinov, and let the cards fall where they may.
Good luck! :D
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I can kill you with my brain
Clearly it's time for FSU to stand up. We've judged so many competitions with the worst camera angles possible. We've been training for just such a time as this. Call us up USFSA.

To my understanding, USFS has been looking at perhaps doing this Nationals virtually for the past few weeks. So the idea is out there and being looked at. Although having FSU people judge it - I don't think they've thought of that. Would be a huge miss on their part.


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
Cross-posting this here and in the TV Alerts thread:

2021 Toyota U.S. Figure Skating Championships (TV Broadcast schedule of senior events as of Dec. 15)
All times Eastern. Check local listing. Subject to change.

Thurs., Jan. 14Pairs Short6 – 8 p.m.NBCSN (Live)
Thurs., Jan. 14Ladies Short10 p.m. – MidnightNBCSN (Live)
Fri., Jan. 15Rhythm Dance4 – 6 p.m.NBCSN (Live)
Fri., Jan. 15Ladies Free8 – 11 p.m.NBC (Live)
Sat., Jan. 16Men's Short4 – 6 p.m.NBC (Live)**
Sat., Jan. 16Free Dance / Pairs Free9 p.m. – MidnightNBCSN (Live)
Sun, Jan. 17Men's Free3:30 – 6 p.m.NBC (Live)**
Sun., Jan. 24Free Dance5 – 6 p.m.NBC
Sun., Jan. 31U.S. Championships – Best Of12 – 2 p.m.NBC
Sat, Feb. 20U.S. Championships Skating Spectacular4 – 6 p.m.NBC
**The men's short program and free skate programming details are subject to change, dependent on NFL programming schedules.

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