Euros 2024 Women FS: “We Want More ‘clean as mustard’ mixups”


Let the skating begin
I'm not so sure - hasn't she had serious back problems?

Nice to see Gubanova being so gracious to Loena on the couch.
Yes, she has. Her spins and speed cost her on her PCS scores. But, to come back and skate for silver here after the early part of the season is a real accomplishment. I know very well that she wouldn't even make the reserve team in Russia and I never expected to see her skate at a major ISU event much less earn a gold and silver medal.
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Well-Known Member
Chris says Anastasiia like anestesia, and it bothers me is a reminder that I have skip work since Wednesday and I left my husband to deal with my patients :slinkaway


Well-Known Member
I love Leona’s power and speed but please choreographers, enuf with the waaaaaaaacking. She did a long glide just whipping her arms around. Stop!

So interesting to see pinzzarones very traditionally choreographed and paced program…and having it be rewarded!


To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
Okay. The squat or scrunch hop that Loena did should be named "The Hendrickx". I loved it! And Anastasiia did a spiral! I totally love her now! And Nina's artistry was super spectacular! It sort of reminded me of the Kween!

Totally enjoyed the Ladies FS, and congrats to the ladies on the podium! :40beers: :summer:


Well-Known Member
I've lost all hope of Loena ever having a program that I even slightly like. :(
Love her skating skills though and I'm happy she won! :cheer2:

Delighted for Anastasiia and Nina too! :cheer:

I hope as Nina gets stronger her jumps get a bit higher. They're really tiny!


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
So, the penultimate group put me to sleep and I woke up during Loena's program, so I rewound and didn't check the results.

Penultimate group - that was a hard slog, especially Gozhva, Feigin and Pelkonen. Sauter was decent, Repond still struggling with her growth spurt, Joos well she didn't give up unlike Gutmann so there's that and she clearly should be sent to Worlds for Italy.

Kaiser - competent but boring

Schild - that jump technique is nuts! Also, this program is a real snooze - she was more interesting last year.

Mikutina - sigh, I wanted her to wind up on the podium, but it wasn't meant to be. At least she stayed in the top 10 and earned Austria a 2nd spot for next year.

Hendrickx - not a fan of the unitard version of this costume - go back to the sparkly underskirt for Worlds, please! Also - this program is just terrible. Mind you, I think Sexy Loena is very much needed in the sport but she really needs to limit herself to one club program per season and her SP is a much better vehicle for that than her FS this year.

Gubanova - calm, nice program - others have said it and I'll echo it - very beige. She got the job done though and it was nice to see her skate well after the rough fall season she had.

Pinzarrone - her time will come but not today. Her jumps are definitely on the smaller side and her presentation is very subdued, IMO. She just doesn't engage me with this program.

Overall, I think the judges got it right with the results. Opinions may vary but I'm satisfied with the outcome. Onto the FD!


That's not mutually exclusive, like many places, it's a serious melting pot. I have friend who's Chinese-Vietnamese from Borneo for instance.
As for his accent, a lot of people, Brits included, say something that sounds more "Yah" than "Yes". In French he sounds 100% French, close to Received Pronunciation.
That makes sense - both Mauritius & Vietnam were French colonies - I looked & he's Mauritian, Vietnamese, & Chinese ethnicity.


Well-Known Member
So many of the ladies`programs here looked the same. It came down to who didthe elements the best with fewest mistakes. That`s one reason why I appreciate Leona. She projects something and often (but not always) the programs have interesting choreo. I wonder if she got her LP around 145 could she win at worlds?
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