From Russia With Love (No 32): Spring to Summer 2019

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Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member

(Yuri Larionov was suspended for 18 months by the ISU for the same reason in 2008-09.)

ISU Communication No. 2237 (April 8, 2019):
Case No. 2019-01 (April 3, 2019):

Shakun/Ragimov's ISU bio:

Oh dear...I’ve never heard of this skater, but this isn’t good. I’ll keep an eye on this situation.

On a completely unrelated note, I just watched this performance by Anya Scherbakova She reminds me so much of the young Ekaterina Gordeeva, I could cry.

Beautiful! I love her; she’s my favorite Russian junior. I see some resemblance to Gordeeva, but also to Yulia Lipnitskaya.


Let the skating begin
Oh dear...I’ve never heard of this skater, but this isn’t good. I’ll keep an eye on this situation.

Beautiful! I love her; she’s my favorite Russian junior. I see some resemblance to Gordeeva, but also to Yulia Lipnitskaya.
:rofl: You never heard of Larionov?? He was Bazarova's first partner. And you call yourself a pair skater fan. :drama:


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
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Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
:rofl: You never heard of Larionov?? He was Bazarova's first partner. And you call yourself a pair skater fan. :drama:

I meant the girl getting suspended now! Of course I know Larionov, I saw him and Bazarova at the 2010 Olympics and I knew about his suspension in juniors.

Gordeeva is 47 folks. Forty Seven. She is truly amazing.

Incredible. She honestly looks like she’s 25. Such a beautiful, strong, talented woman. I could sing her praises for hours.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member


Alina Zagitova on Channel #1 - Vecherny Urgant show.

it's in Russian, but maybe fun to watch (17 min).
Masaru has a new dress. Will be part of a show in Japan. Alina plays "recognize the toy from kiss and cry, blindfold"; talks about skating, worlds, future plans, etc. If any interest, let me know, i'll translate on weekend.


Masaru's dress:

Always appreciate your translations!


Bad Brit
Staff member
It’s probably somewhere in this thread as it is a recent video... but can someone tell me who this skater is, please? I love her spins! They look a bit like Lipnitskaya’s :swoon: I am trying to copy and paste her name to get a translation but I can’t on my phone.... :slinkaway

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
It’s probably somewhere in this thread as it is a recent video... but can someone tell me who this skater is, please? I love her spins! They look a bit like Lipnitskaya’s :swoon: I am trying to copy and paste her name to get a translation but I can’t on my phone.... :slinkaway
As others said, her name is Veronika Zhilina

....she has a sister, Alena Zhilina.

Mother is a figure skating coach Ludmila Alferova. The family is from Archangelsk (very remote city in northern Russia).

After Mother brought her daughter to a certain level, she gave her to Eteri to work with her further. Eteri assigned her to Sergei Dudakov, to work on jumps, since her skating skills are very good at present.

Her little sister wants to be "Alina"..
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Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
Veronica Gilina?

Actually it is Zhilina (that’s how it appeared in Cyrillic)- same sound as in Zhenya. There is no English equivalent.

The kids are adorable, and so talented!
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Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Alina Zagitova on “Evening Urgant”
(this is not a serious interview. Urgant is a comedian, he provokes and pokes fun at his guests. His questions/comments are often sarcastic and don’t require a serious answer. It is not "mean", it is his style.
The translation will not be “word for word” or it will not make sense).


Few fotos:

Urgant: Lets welcome our guest, who combines everything - youth, beauty, accomplishments, and is a pride of our country.

After the recent win at WC, Alina Zagitova is the first Russian female figure skater in our history, who won all possible Jr. and Sr. titles. It took her only 2 years. She did it all by the age of 16, and with a long life ahead of her, not much left to conquest..... or is there?

For the first time, in our studio, she, who we expected for so long, but she had to gather all her titles first, our OC, WC, EC, NC, Alina Zagitova.

(Alina enters, with Masaru in a red DQ dress copy. Fans with “Alina” posters)

Urgant: Alina, pls sit down. Look at the stands, these are the biggest fan posters I’ve ever seen in the history of our programme. Look over there, pull them up again guys.

Alina: Thank you. Big thank you!

Urgant: Thank you for coming, here is your cup of water.
Alina: Thank you for inviting me.

Urgant: Let’s start with (points at Masaru). I see you did not come alone. And that’s because you can’t let go of your dog, you’re inseparable, stuck together…
Alina: (understands it is a joke) yes…

Urgant: May we be introduced to your dog? I know it was gifted to you by the Prime Minister of Japan himself.
Alina: yes.

Urgant: Usually when one’s sent a gift of something that is alive, you never know if it is good or bad. In your case how did it work out? did it come with a return label?

Alina: This gift was unexpected. I once said in an interview that I like this breed, akita, and Japanese probably saw the interview and offered. It was such a surprise, made me happy.

Urgant: Did you want a dog, ever asked your parents to buy you one, did you parents approved?

Alina: Yes, I wanted a dog even before the Olympics. I did ask them “if I do well, may I please have…”

Urgant: You’re that obedient?
Alina: yes..

Urgant: and they must have said “let’s see how you do first…”

Alina: yes, and they said “let’s see how well you do, and then we’ll see…”. And in some ways it was a stimulant..

Urgant: I bet the main stimulant… So you win the Olympics, and now your parents stuck getting you a dog, but then they realize they don’t have to splurge, because there is a Prime Minister of Japan to do it for them..
Alina: yes, yes…

Urgant: now tell me the important part, did the dog come with the dress?

Alina: this dog has a name, it is “Masaru”…

Urgant: Ma-sa-ru? Repeat again…
Alina: Ma-sa-ru…

Urgant: this is tough for me. I have two dogs, one is named “fruit-punch” and other is “pear”. Very simple – fruit punch means fruit punch, pear means pear. But I don’t understand “Masaru”…. is it a boy or a girl?

Alina: it’s a girl…

Urgant: I should have known, it has a dress.. But in case others don't get it – it’s a girl. What does Masaru mean?

Alina: it means “victory”. (every one claps)

Urgant: Here in Russia “victory” is an automobile***, and in Japan it means a dog.

(“Victory” is an old soviet car “pobeda”, it’s ugly and it is a joke, a relic car

Urgant: ok, the dress. i get that it is there for a reason… (shows foto of Alina in DQ dress). Please do tell, how does one chooses a fashion for a dog’s dress?

Alina: first I tell you how I chose the breed akita. While training in Japan, where we were staying, there was a magazine with a photo of a beautiful akita. My dress was on the hanger above it, and it came to mind that if I have a dog like this it would be cool to put it in a dress.

Urgant: in other words you’re trying to say this dress would not look good on a Rottweiler..
(the dog climbs under the chair, leaving her butt in tutu sticking out).

Urgant: she looks like a fox who caught a chicken..
(dog wiggles her butt..)

Urgant: for me it is simple, I dress my dogs in my clothes.
(dog climbs out, sits facing Urgant).

Urgant: now that I’ve seen your face, we can say hallo. Sit down…. Obedient dog. Hard to train? She is big, must be hard to travel..

Alina: yes, big, and it’s a problem to take her places. But soon I am taking her to visit Mother-land, Japan. To a show.

Urgant: a dog show or your show?
Alina: my show.

Urgant: so the dog is flying there to see you in a show?
Alina: yes.

Urgant: Masaru enjoys your skating?
Alina: she enjoys her own skating… she’ll probably skate there too..

Urgant: what do you mean “she’ll skate”? you push her out on the ice and she slides?
Alina: first time I put her on the ice, she did not run, she licked the ice. Strange, but she liked it.

Urgant: Tell me about your costumes. Who invents, designs, makes them. It looks complicated and interesting. When we watch you on the ice, we notice your mastery, but also the costumes.

Alina: this dress, when I first put it on the tutu felt uncomfortable. It stopped me in the air.

Urgant: the tutu suspended you up in the air?
Alina: yes, it’s heavy…

Urgant: and when you jumped or rotated…
Alina: yes, it raises up, and slowly comes down..

Urgant: so it’s just a tutu, but can affect..
Alina: yes.

Urgant: Interesting stuff I heard about skaters and food; that even a slightest change in weight affects how this or that element is done?

Alina: unfortunately, it is true. During the pre-Olympic season, during training camps, we all, certainly me, watched my weight very carefully, measured three times a day, morning, mid-day, night…

Urgant: let’s not talk about my life..

Alina: I was trying to maintain a steady weight, checking for as little as 100 gm. deviation…

Urgant: as little as 100 gm?
Alina: yes.

Urgant: we’re talking a commercial break.
Stay tuned and don’t do anything to increase your weight by 100 gm.
(**** “100 gm” is a Russian slang word for a shot of Vodka).

Urgant: we’re back. Alina, long awaited, is our guest tonight.

Urgant: ok, the 100 gm. How much is 100 gm, a glass of water? Can’t even drink a glass of water?

Alina: yes, there was a moment when I stressed about my weight, and afraid to drink water. When measuring, I took a sip of water and spit it out.

Urgant: you tried to cheat everyone…. Ok. So you’re in Japan, it’s famous cuisine. Every one loves you. Offers you … what do they offer there….. a raw tuna? And here you are, taking one bite and spitting it out, and measure yourself? 100 gm really matter? tell me..

Alina: our sport has specifics. When one gains weight, it changes the technique of the jump. If fat starts growing on your hands you can't jump (a joke..).

Urgant: now tell me dear Alina, the Worlds are over, and yet I heard that just 3 days before it started, you considered not going, and thus deprive us of a pleasure to watch you skate and win? What caused it?

Alina: it’s a difficult question. It was a difficult process for me to get ready. The changing weight, the difficulties with jumps, I simply did not want to embarrass my country. I am not just skating on my own behalf, I also represent Russia.

Urgant: so you were considering withdrawing, but what gave you the confidence?

Alina: all my coaches were talking to me a lot; many people became involved to make sure that I do go; then so many words of encouragement were given, that I finally realized that I can not disappoint all these people, my country and myself.

Urgant: is it true that you’re only 16, but already though of leaving skating 7 times?

Alina: not true, not 7, but a few times, when I was younger. When I was 6, I left skating, and switched to rhythmic gymnastics. My mother said let’s see if this can help your stretch for figure skating. I said ok, and then one day they started to put a programme together for me.

Urgant: for rhythmic gymnastics?

Alina: yes, and I asked my mother why are we working on a gymnastics programme, how will help me with skating? And mother said “remember, it is you who wanted to quit skating”. I got sad, cried and made my mother a skater’s mom again.

Urgant: Well, i just don’t know what else to wish you, all your plans came true, except to stay as devoted as you have been to us your fans and country, since it is all for us. At 16 you got it all in figure skating, and maybe you can do more, show us all that there are higher and higher goals….. And what’s that? (a toy bear is handed to Alina, she passes it to Urgant).

Alina: I brought you a gift from Japan.

Urgant: Thank you (3 times)

Alina: It is a same type of napkin holder as I keep on my knees in Kiss-n-Cry, after skaing. …..(Urgant starts pocking the back)….No don’t tear up the back, there are no napkins inside…..

Urgant: oh, I see, the napkins were taken out, and the back sawed up… (joke)
Urgant: first of all, this is very nice. Thank you. Second…. When I bring it home my dogs will have a nice chew toy ..
Urgant: speaking about Kiss-n-Cry….. you must get loads of toys. I will now test how well you learned these plush-toys..

Alina: sure, let’s..

*** then they play a game, sit in made up KnC, blind folded, handed toys, and must name the animal.
- Alina wins 4 to 1.
- Urgant complains that he lost because his co-host was bias and gave him difficult toys.
- Presents flowers to Alina, thanks her and they say good bye.
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Active Member
Alina Zagitova on “Evening Urgant”
(this is not a serious interview. Urgant is a comedian, he provokes and pokes fun at his guests. His questions/comments are often sarcastic and don’t require a serious answer. It is not "mean", it is his style.
The translation will not be “word for word” or it will not make sense).
The guy is funny, but poor Alina... she is obviously not made for this kind of shows.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
The guy is funny, but poor Alina... she is obviously not made for this kind of shows.
It was not for her, it was for Masaru.... :D

Just kidding. The one with Shcherbakova-Trusova-Kostornaya was not any better.
Alina is not there to have fun. This is the main evening show for Russian Channel One. She needs to do it for "celebrity status", it helps commercially. It's a must and she did it.
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Active Member
I was not for her, it was for Masaru.... :D

Just kidding. The one with Shcherbakova-Trusova-Kostornaya was not any better.
Alina is not there to have fun. This is the main evening show for Russian Channel One. She needs to do it for "celebrity status", it helps commercially. It's a must and she did it.
I've read that she was invited several times to this show but refused the invitation.
At which shows will she participate with Masaru?


Well-Known Member
Alina Zagitova on Channel #1 - Vecherny Urgant show.

it's in Russian, but maybe fun to watch (17 min).
Masaru has a new dress. Will be part of a show in Japan. Alina plays "recognize the toy from kiss and cry, blindfold"; talks about skating, worlds, future plans, etc. If any interest, let me know, i'll translate on weekend.

I'd love a translation Tinami - especially regarding the conversation about the dog, which appears to go on for a few minutes.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
I've read that she was invited several times to this show but refused the invitation.
At which shows will she participate with Masaru?
Not "several", she did not "refuse" just scheduling conflicts. Initially after her Olympic win she returned with a flue, Ch#1 would not postpone the planned post-Olympic show, there were "issues" (don't feel like going back to them), now she did it, all is well.

Masaru is said to accompany her to Japan, some times in summer months, for another show in Japan. no details yet.
I'd love a translation Tinami - especially regarding the conversation about the dog, which appears to go on for a few minutes.
See post #681, just above, it's translated.


Ubering juniors against my will
Alina Zagitova on “Evening Urgant”
(this is not a serious interview.)


Alina: unfortunately, it is true. During the pre-Olympic season, during training camps, we all, certainly me, watched my weight very carefully, measured three times a day, morning, mid-day, night…

Urgant: let’s not talk about my life..

Alina: I was trying to maintain a steady weight, checking for as little as 100 gm. deviation…

Urgant: as little as 100 gm?
Alina: yes.

Urgant: we’re talking a commercial break.
Stay tuned and don’t do anything to increase your weight by 100 gm.
(**** “100 gm” is a Russian slang word for a shot of Vodka).

Urgant: we’re back. Alina, long awaited, is our guest tonight.

Urgant: ok, the 100 gm. How much is 100 gm, a glass of water? Can’t even drink a glass of water?

Alina: yes, there was a moment when I stressed about my weight, and afraid to drink water. When measuring, I took a sip of water and spit it out.

Maybe a little more serious than you think.
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