"Harley & Katya" documentary


Well-Known Member
Canada is tough going even as a tourist. Whenever I attended skating events there, the outside temperatures rarely got about zero. It was always freezing, slippery and wet.
Zero is kinda lovely. Different provinces have different issues but we know how to dress for the weather too. Having said that I don’t want to do Winnipeg.

Some serious humour though and especially for any members here living in Winnipeg 🤣. https://www.thebeaverton.com/2019/10/750000-people-trapped-living-in-winnipeg/

This is 100% true too. https://www.thebeaverton.com/2021/0...y-winter-canadians-complain-about-the-winter/
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Well-Known Member
The winters in Ottawa were brutal for me and I live in Nova Scotia.

Ask me why I no longer live there and haven’t moved to the Prairies either. :lol:
I think Nova Scotia - PEI maybe? Is more brutal. I do believe our members in Toronto are total wimps though.


Well-Known Member
Well, I was born and raised in Winnipeg and moved back here, by choice, after 16 years living in Calgary. I don't like cold winters but I do hate cold summers and love the hot summers and beautiful lakes in Manitoba. However, we are at the stage in life where we can go south for the really cold months.


Well-Known Member
PEI is brutal. Tons of snow.

Nova Scotia is not usually too bad.
You have to like rain though. :lol:
Rain in winter can be that damp cold that makes you feel like you can’t warm up. We haven’t had -40ish in Ottawa for a lot of winters now but it’s always about the wind chill too.

Foolhardy Ham Lint

Well-Known Member
Zero is kinda lovely. Different provinces have different issues but we know how to dress for the weather too. Having said that I don’t want to do Winnipeg.

Some serious humour though and especially for any members here living in Winnipeg 🤣. https://www.thebeaverton.com/2019/10/750000-people-trapped-living-in-winnipeg/

This is 100% true too. https://www.thebeaverton.com/2021/0...y-winter-canadians-complain-about-the-winter/
I was in Edmonton (in 1996) and Calgary (in 2006) for the World Championships. Negative 20 wasn't so lovely, and negotiating black ice on the sidewalk (when there is no other choice) is scary. I saw more than a few people take a tumble.

Late one evening in Calgary it was so cold my eyes were blurring and I was a bit hungry. In the distance was a bright red and yellow splodge which I recognised as a Subway Sandwiches OPEN sign.

Don't even get me started on the time I visited Chicago one January prior to attending US Nationals in Cleveland! I now know why it's called the windy city now.

Australia is known for extremes as well. On Summer days when it hits anything above 35, it's best to stay indoors.
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Skating season ends as baseball season begins
Nepotism is when a family member benefits directly or indirectly from the decisions of another family member, and gets opportunities that ordinarily would have also been available to others. Like a CEO choosing their son or daughter to take over the company when there are more qualified candidates that aren't their relatives.

I don't see any evidence here that Bruno (allegedly) deciding to charge Meagan less for coaching had a negative impact on any of the other skaters he coached. If some people find their relationship troubling, so be it, but nepotism is not the word to describe this.

I agree. And Harley's comment showed how thick his skull is on top of being distasteful.

Though I would say Nepotism would be Bruno's teams using his sister as choreographer, maybe...

I was surprised for all of 2 seconds that this thread devolved to Canadian weather. Definitely something that truly separates us from our distant commonwealth sibling. But I don't run into a ton of Australians in Canada, to be honest. I'm sure there's all sorts of reasons for that, and would also account for Harley's time here. I also can't see him enjoying the GTA or Montreal especially.

Which doesn't matter, as he hasn't had a remotely successful partnership materialize in the years since. I don't dig the guy, but I also feel very sorry for him.


Well-Known Member
I was in Edmonton (in 1996) and Calgary (in 2006) for the World Championships. Negative 20 wasn't so lovely, and negotiating black ice on the sidewalk (when there is no other choice) is scary. I saw more than a few people take a tumble.

Late one evening in Calgary it was so cold my eyes were blurring and I was a bit hungry. In the distance was a bright red and yellow splodge which I recognised as a Subway Sandwiches OPEN sign.

Don't even get me started on the time I visited Chicago one January prior to attending US Nationals in Cleveland! I now know why it's called the windy city now.

Australia is known for extremes as well. On Summer days when it hits anything above 35, it's best to stay indoors.
Canadians despise freezing rain (sooo dangerous) and then flash freezing etc. I haven’t visited Edmonton but I have respect for them they can def get brutal weather.

Sorry for stealing the thread re Canadian winters.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for stealing the thread re Canadian winters.

I mean, anything could be on topic depending on the exact nature of Harley’s bombshell that he plans to drop. Maybe he’s going to dish some dirt on the Canadian government’s response to climate change.

I’m sure whatever he was threatening to share was something substantial, and not just a grown man having a temper tantrum on the internet.


Well-Known Member
I mean, anything could be on topic depending on the exact nature of Harley’s bombshell that he plans to drop. Maybe he’s going to dish some dirt on the Canadian government’s response to climate change.

I’m sure whatever he was threatening to share was something substantial, and not just a grown man having a temper tantrum on the internet.
My apology was about discussing Canadian weather nothing else.


Well-Known Member
My apology was about discussing Canadian weather nothing else.

I know, I was just joking, and I don’t think there was anything wrong with the thread taking a minor detour anyway. It’s entirely possible the weather really is what Harley hates most about Canada.


Well-Known Member
I know, I was just joking, and I don’t think there was anything wrong with the thread taking a minor detour anyway. It’s entirely possible the weather really is what Harley hates most about Canada.
Sorry I misunderstood. Haha he was in Quebec? Quebec can be even nastier can’t blame people for not loving 🥶 and ❄️ and 🧊 but come on .. the ⛄️. The kiddies love it though!
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YMCA is such a catchy tune!
"Harley & Katya" won the International Emmy for Sports Documentary tonight at the awards show in NYC -

Harley was there to accept the award -



YMCA is such a catchy tune!
Is it worth name searching on twitter to see the reactions in your opinion
I don't follow skating Twitter and don't really give a damn what a fraction of irrelevant people think one way or the other.

I think it's wonderful that the film received this award and it would have been strange to me had he not been there to join in accepting it.


Doing all the things
I always thought the producers, directors, and writers accepted awards for documentaries.
Sometimes the actors (for fiction) or the subjects (for non-fiction) attend and even go up on stage to help accept the award. There is nothing unusual about him being there.


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
For those who can't view Instagram stories, 3 photos posted by indigiearth - 2nd one shows the writer/producer Blayke Hoffman and producer Jo-Anne McGowan with Harley on stage last night at the International Emmy Awards at New York Hilton Midtown (ETA that the 3 of them were pictured in this Getty Images red carpet photo): https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz5dQkHvkzn/?img_index=2
This is seriously out of this world… my little brother @h_d22 at the Emmys in New York, proudly standing along side @strangerthanfictionfilms [McGowan] and @blayke_hoffman accepting an @emmy_awards2023 for the Harley & Katya Documentary recently featured on @netflix . Best sports documentary.
Biggest congrats to @blayke_hoffman for reaching out to me that day a few years ago with the vision and passion for this doco. Biggest congratulations to @strangerthanfictionfilms for bringing it to life the way you did.
Extremely proud and honoured.
Stranger Than Fiction Films' post on Dec. 6, 2022 post (before the documentary premiered in Australia on Dec. 12) includes a full list of credits: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl2OkNUhv08/

Post by Aaliyah-Jade Bradbury (don't think she or director Selina Miles made the trip to NYC?): https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz5gm8rLweu/
Today, I am proud to say I have made history. Today, I have become the First Indigenous Australian Filmmaker to win an Emmy for being one of the producers of Harley & Katya. I am overwhelmed by this honour as I don’t just consider this win a win for me but all Indigenous peoples. We are the world's first storytellers. We come from unbroken stories from creation to now. Our stories matter, and our stories are here to be celebrated.
Thank You, my Bala Harley Windsor, for allowing me to spend time with your Mum, Josie and your Dad Peter, to bring your story to the screen.
Many Thanks to Stranger Than Fiction.
I think it's great that a figure skating film won the Emmy for best sports documentary!
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Well-Known Member
I finally got around to watching this on Netflix the other night, and despite knowing the basics of the story it was so much more sad than I had expected. I lost my dad unexpectedly my mid-30s. Thinking back to the time in the years immediately following much of which were a fog for me... I can't imagine a teenage girl having to navigate that type and level of grief on her own while also being an elite athlete trying to adjust to a new country, new language, and close relationships with new people without any semblance of a support system. The adults in her life just seem to have completely dropped the ball time and time again over the course of so many years -- how could she feel anything other than being isolated? I'm not at all surprised that she turned to self-medicating via alcohol, but I also gasped when it was revealed that she'd skate after drinking.

An extra wave of sadness hit me when I realized I was actually present at their last competitive performance. I remember that they had some struggles during it, but that overall I enjoyed their skating and wanted to see more of them.

Belinda Noonan was the only official that came off well IMO. She appears to be a true woman of integrity.

As for Harley, I don't think he came off badly at all in the documentary and his family seems nice. My husband, a casual skating fan, agreed. I've read much worse things about Harley here and on Twitter.

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