Royalty thread #15: A New Era

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YMCA is such a catchy tune!
I don't know if this is true, but some commentators on Xitter - who generally don't wear tin foil hats - said that the previous version of this website had separate listings for Harry and for Meghan. They saw it as a downgrade, so to speak, that there's now a single listing covering both of them.
That's the assessment of the more knowledgeable posters at The Royal Forums. Not necessarily a "downgrade" so much as an acknowledgement of their non-working status within the BRF and directing people to their website for current information. Apparently Andrew's page/listing was also edited/shortened.


Well-Known Member
Now more Kate photos are being scrutinized for photo editing:

Boy, am I relieved that every single photo of a person, especially women, that newspapers and magazines publish, isn't digitally altered in any way. No facial lines removed, no lighting adjusted, nothing, just the picture of the person as they are photographed. :saint:


Well-Known Member
Per NBC's The Today Show, an investigation has been opened up into a possible breechi nto the medical records associated with Kate Middleton's hospital stay/procedure.

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Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
I am surprised that someone in the RF made such a blunder. Kate said she would be out of commission until Easter & that should have been what they ran with despite the speculation. The photo was such a huge error in judgement that it's hard to believe it was Kate's error. I think they made her fall on her sword but imo that was error #2.

Also I think the US is just as inappropriate in wanting to know ppl's medical situation. Once when I had a long hospital stay I had a visit from a person with my insurance co. He wanted to know the nature of my health problem that made it necessary to stay in the hospital & told me I needed to check out asap & get back to work. I asked him if he was a doctor & told him if not he needed to accept my doctor's prognosis.


Doing all the things
Don't most incredibly wealthy and privileged people marry a certain kind of person? Not because they're told to but because they can.
If you look at all the incredibly wealthy people and who they marry, you will find a very wide variety. Just as you would find a very wide variety of incredibly wealthy people. I mean do you think Elon Musk and Bill Gates are very similar and married the same sort of women as each other?

The BRF is a much smaller group and have very similar upbringings and pressures which is going to lead to a certain amount of similarity but even there we have Andrew vs. Charles and their wives as well all being pretty varied IMO.

Barbara Manatee

Well-Known Member
They aren't cookie cutter by any means. But based on anecdotal, unscientific observation and a long history of reading romance novels, wealthy and powerful people do tend to marry conventionally attractive people of better than average status.


To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
I'm just going to say that there's so much more advanced technology, treatments and research in regard to cancer today. My mom was 42, the same age as Kate, when she was diagnosed with Stage 4 Ovarian cancer. That was in 1977. The chemo she took was a little pink pill. I have no idea whether it worked or not, but my mom went into remission by the grace of God and lived 10 more years.

Thank goodness there are so many advanced treatments regarding cancer that's available to Kate. She will be in my continued thoughts and prayers. ❤️❤️


Hey, Kool-Aid!
I’m furious on Kate’s behalf — that she and her family had to be subjected to ridiculous speculation when this could have been done in any other way weeks ago.
The article I read said they just told their children. Not sure what else they were expected to say weeks ago other than she underwent surgery, was in recovery and wouldn't return to work til after easter.

It's all those talking about affairs, love children, domestic abuse, plastic surgery who should be ashamed of themselves.
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