Royalty thread #15: A New Era

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Parsley Sage

Well-Known Member
The article I read said they just told their children. Not sure what else they were expected to say weeks ago other than she underwent surgery, was in recovery and wouldn't return to work til after easter.

It's all those talking about affairs, love children, domestic abuse, plastic surgery who should be ashamed of themselves.
Not to mention those who said she had died and it was being covered up.
The last thing William would want is for his children to lose their mother.


Whippet Good
The PR people needed to not say anything. They needed to ignore the conspiracy theories, and then, after the kids were told and Kate was ready, put out the video released today. She doesn't look well. I doubt this will do much, but I hope going forward, they stick to their guns and ignore the outside.


Do all the good. All the time.
Right. They released the early press release - will be off (or out of sight however it was said) until after Easter.

Probably two things that pushed any releases today - the security breach at the hospital and William's non appearance at his Godfather's funeral.

Hindsight is always 20/20 but they got extremely bad advice from PR staff.

Barbara Manatee

Well-Known Member
How awful. I hope this means it was caught early.

I’m furious on Kate’s behalf — that she and her family had to be subjected to ridiculous speculation when this could have been done in any other way weeks ago.
When and why? It's seems as though the diagnosis wasn't made until fairly recently, but regardless, she clearly didn't want to announce it until now.

Doubtless the PR could have been better. But I think the entire responsibility for the awful rumors and harassment falls on the people who made and spread them. Regardless of what the palace said, no one should have gone wild making up crap.
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Well-Known Member
The Palace PR botched it. The bad photoshop which they blamed on a woman who has three small children, dealing with cancer.
How does the photoshopping make sense BTW? She appeared in public shortly afterwards and looks as good as usual in the new video. Serious, yes, of course - it's a sad topic, but had anybody assumed that she is that ill that she needs chemo?


YMCA is such a catchy tune!
Just saw the video. I'm shocked for Kate and the family. She specifically said she had to heal from the surgery before they could begin the cancer treatment, so it might be that they held off on announcing anything publicly until that got under way. And having to tell their children... They must have so many questions and probably not a little fear, as young as they are.

I don't think that KP has botched anything at all. We aren't sure who was told what or when by William and Catherine or even when they themselves found out. And even if KP has been aware for a few weeks, what else were they supposed to do in the face of those awful, ugly rumors and conspiracy theories floating around until the family was ready to make anything public? It truly is NOT any of our business what is happening with her health-wise and their family, especially the kids, are the ones they needed to worry about first.


Well-Known Member
How awful. ... rumors and harassment falls on the people who made and spread them.
I just realise how much they will press the RF and all servants and doctors/nurses to get news on her healing progress when she is just longing for peace. This will be a tough situation for Kate. I wouldn't want this public interest, not even by kind people. Imagine, to open the newspaper and reading about your health garnished with all kind of legal discussions what happens in case you die.

It's a cash cow for the newspapers that can be milked during the next years. Which one will resist?

Barbara Manatee

Well-Known Member
I'm guessing she did the photoshop because at a moment when she probably felt out of control and terrified, she wanted a picture that looked happy and perfect because maybe if you pretend everything is okay, somehow that will make everything actually okay. And perhaps the staff went along with it because who could say no to her under the circumstances.

I admit I'm not objective about this because I've been though it, but I have enormous sympathy for Catherine and the people around her, and I hope everyone will give them some grace.


I see the sea
Kate is, of course, a royal. But getting diagnosed with cancer, at her age, with three young kids and while recovering from major surgery - that would have been a huge shock and a terrifying experience. Of course she'd want to take her time before sharing anything publicly.

Sending good thoughts her way ❤️


Well-Known Member
I have a feeling she might have been weighing treatment options. Chemotherapy was probably chosen after less invasive options were considered.


Do all the good. All the time.
Just saw the video. I'm shocked for Kate and the family. She specifically said she had to heal from the surgery before they could begin the cancer treatment, so it might be that they held off on announcing anything publicly until that got under way. And having to tell their children... They must have so many questions and probably not a little fear, as young as they are.

I don't think that KP has botched anything at all. We aren't sure who was told what or when by William and Catherine or even when they themselves found out. And even if KP has been aware for a few weeks, what else were they supposed to do in the face of those awful, ugly rumors and conspiracy theories floating around until the family was ready to make anything public? It truly is NOT any of our business what is happening with her health-wise and their family, especially the kids, are the ones they needed to worry about first.
I do think KP botched things. They could/should have stayed with the original press release. Period.

They may have been informed (at least should have been) regarding the healthcare records breach and tried super hard to combat it with a photo. Which was a bad idea. Maybe it was Kate's, maybe it was William's maybe it was Charles' or PR staff. We don't know. It did just stoke the fires.

Having been a victim of breached medical records by my own co-workers, none the less, it's a huge violation and I am no where near being anyone of importance. When the hospital staff/risk management people came to talk to me they had ducks in a row, and at least one person was given a 3 day suspension.

One report I read indicated the hospital had an idea, referring to a "he" as in I can't believe he would do that.

i suspect, but of course dont know, that K/W knew for a little bit of time - probably around Godfather's death with the suddrn cancelation of attendance. but the treatment options needed to be laid out for them. Ive been in the rooms as people have options laid out. It's highly charged, and good doctors take time to do that. Again, i dont know what or when they knew - but it can/does take time after tissues are sampled to determine a treatment course. My niece had been waiting for 6 weeks to determine hers. My brother in law waited 9 weeks to determine his. My sister in laws was complicated and each step impacted the timing of the next.

You need information before talking to children. You need to know how to best, per counsel of your physicans and others, how to inform children. It might be best to have knowledge of any side effects of any treatment (like hair loss or extreme fatigue or mouth ulcers or whatever) as you talk to children. Remember besides the entire trauma on his spouse, his kids, himself - he may be experiencing feelings of what it was like for him as a child to lose his mother.

I agree and have always said, the palace should have kept with the line of "appearances after Easter". I suspect they now know it will be longer. I think I was the one to say that KP should gently tell the rabid press to STFU and was told it's the British people's right to know - they are supporting them and other such BS.

The PR staff likely did the best they could, with the breach about to break. But i still say - stick to the line.

Kate is, of course, a royal. But getting diagnosed with cancer, at her age, with three young kids and while recovering from major surgery - that would have been a huge shock and a terrifying experience. Of course she'd want to take her time before sharing anything publicly.

Sending good thoughts her way ❤️
Agreed. Unless I've missed stuff, which is high %, anything other than cancer diagnosis has not been given out by KP. What type of treatment, etc is Kate's to discuss. I have not watched the video so it might have been, but again I say STFU and let the family deal with this situation.

@canbelto what the hell is less invasive? I worked pediatric oncology - NO cancer treatment is less invasive. Cancer treatment is designed to kill cancer cells regardless of how.


Do all the good. All the time.
@once_upon chemo often means drastic changes in appearance. They might have considered surgery + radiation.
Uh..have you seem the ravages of radiation? It's very, very bad too. My former boss' treatment ulcers were so bad, they discussed tube feedings. Kate had surgery.

Have you worked in oncology?

With any surgery you risk releasing any cancer cells from the location to everywhere in the body.

All cancer treatments are specially designed to kill cancer cells. But it also kills good cells and creates side effects.

Barbara Manatee

Well-Known Member
chemo often means drastic changes in appearance. They might have considered surgery + radiation.
She said it was preventative chemo, which I take to mean they don't see any tumors and there are no sites to target with radiation. That leaves chemo as the only option to take out any random cancer cells that might be floating around.


Do all the good. All the time.
You can’t use radiation for every type of cancer. Once it is used you can’t use it in the same location.
Plus we don't know that radiation targets the cells of the cancer Kate has.

It used to be back in the early days of cancer treatments we had very little knowledge of cancer cell specific therapies. You might just try anything.

I worked in pediatric cancer units. I've been out of that area since 1996. I couldn't begin to imagine/identify the cell specific treatments my niece is undergoing. My brother in law's chemo is cell specific for the type of lung cancer identified in one small node.

There is a reason you put on a lead apron for dental x-rays, or various types of xrays. There are x-ray techs/doctors who can tell you they where monitoring devices to measure exposures. Radiation is invasive to all of us!


Well-Known Member
Plus we don't know that radiation targets the cells of the cancer Kate has.

It used to be back in the early days of cancer treatments we had very little knowledge of cancer cell specific therapies. You might just try anything.

I worked in pediatric cancer units. I've been out of that area since 1996. I couldn't begin to imagine/identify the cell specific treatments my niece is undergoing. My brother in law's chemo is cell specific for the type of lung cancer identified in one small node.

There is a reason you put on a lead apron for dental x-rays, or various types of xrays. There are x-ray techs/doctors who can tell you they where monitoring devices to measure exposures. Radiation is invasive to all of us!
I’ve lost 1/2 my family from different cancers. I’m not going to get into details and I’m definitely not an oncologist. I do know with my young brother they couldn’t repeat radiation.

I wish Kate all the best!


Do all the good. All the time.
I’ve lost 1/2 my family from different cancers. I’m not going to get into details and I’m definitely not an oncologist. I do know with my young brother they couldn’t repeat radiation.

I wish Kate all the best!
I'm sorry. Yeah the radiology people here can tell you there is a max dose.


Well-Known Member
Some commentators have mentioned they think Catherine means adjuvant treatment when she uses the words preventative chemotherapy. It's a new term for me.

Here's an explanation from the Cleveland Clinic:

And one from the Mayo Clinic:

Of course, we don't know the type or stage of cancer she has. I wish her well. Cancer takes a terrible toll on families.


Well-Known Member
My heart goes out so to William and Catherine. Based on what I know, I feel such rage to those who publicly resurrected old (totally unsubstantiated) news of a supposed affair on William's part, joked around sort of playing "where's Waldo" with regards to Catherine's whereabouts and all those who participated in these really mean spirited, wicked conspiracy theories.


Well-Known Member
Wishing the Princess of Wales strength as she battles her health crisis. Many of us have been through cancer treatment if not personally with loved ones. It is not easy. I admit I chocked up watching that video. Sending healing thoughts to Catherine and to King Charles❤️
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