Survivor 47

purple skates

Shadow Dancing
Survivor 47 starts tonight.

Over the past few years, I've become less and less of a fan. Found this article that kinda describes how I've felt about the past few seasons.

At tribal council, Probst frequently asks players about their feelings; instead of revolving around the moment of judgment, these episode-ending discussions have become sharing circles during which players air past traumas and discuss how proud they are of themselves for, say, navigating a maze while blindfolded. There is a lot of talk of proving things to oneself while Probst grins along maniacally, his incredible dimples working overtime. He’s starting to seem like a wellness guru, offering Survivor as a path to healing all wounds, from being too skinny or dorky or socially awkward or strategic or beefy—too anything! There is a lot of crying and hugging and comforting and affirming. I am not against therapy or wellness or kindness, but let’s be real: It just doesn’t make for good Survivor.

Anyway, here's the cast!


From the Bloc
Agree that the emotional journey aspect of the game is way overemphasized, but I'm hoping that after giving the first half of the season to Bhanu's whining and then seeing how much fans hated it they might shift gears a little.

I've been into it again in recent seasons, but after the edit manipulation of last season, I don't know. So many of the players talked about key things that were never shown, and while they did their best to justify Kenzie's win, that blindside came out of nowhere IMO and made for a very dissatisfying end to the season for me.

Looking at the cast, didn't pay much attention to hometowns (other than there's one Canadian!) but among their professions there would seem to be a lot of natural connections.

We'll see.
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Well-Known Member
Hmmm. I wonder which person I'll pick out that I end up loving, come to post about how much I love So-and-So, only to find out that everyone else is raging on them before I get back to the thread again. Happens every time. :rofl:


Well-Known Member
I didn’t like last season much, iirc, but liked the season before. Or maybe the season before that. :lol: I don’t necessarily like all the emotional journey stuff but I liked one group that seemed to play hard but also understand it’s a freakin’ game.


Fan of many, uber of none
Andy is already annoying. I like Gabe. And I’ll root for fellow nurse Sierra, although nurses don’t tend to do well on Survivor.


A bitch from Canada
I still love Survivor but recent seasons have been a bit blah.
I’ve been rewatching old seasons (I just finished Micronesia) and the game play used to be so much better with fewer “extras.”


From the Bloc
I'm with those saying meh. Keeping someone who physically and emotionally imploded in the middle of the immunity challenge is crazy. Plus I was looking forward to getting to know Jon, one of the more interesting prospects in recent years, and certainly more than yet another whiner. Annoying too that they also telegraphed his exit with the title of the episode (which shows on my tv) - the minute Jon said it I thought yeah he's gone.

Agree that sometimes there are too many twists and extras - I'm glad they don't do the exile island type thing, or opportunities to return to the game after being voted out, never liked that at all. I'm OK with risk vs reward and multi-steps though as once Russell started hunting for idols without any clues, they had to know that everyone's going to do that (and apparently many of them spend a lot of time doing that) so they have to make it more challenging.

The other thing about this ep was Jeff's rambling speech about community before they started. I almost wondered if there was going to be a quiz or that was a clue to a puzzle, but no, it was Jeff going on like he likes to about how special Survivor is and the big journey and all that. It's outwit outlast outplay, not summer camp.

Then again, maybe the players have other ideas. Kyle for example said that he's there because he really needs the money, and he'll stop at nothing to win it.

And what's with Sue? In the "what you plan to lie about" round up, she said her age. Does she think she looks that much younger than 59?


Well-Known Member
Glad it is back. Yes Jeff does go on and on about community
Andy really wanted him gone and Jon seemed interesting.
I noticed at the beginning of the immunity challenge when Jeff said something about being evicted - they showed Jon and I thought - is he going?
I have never listened to 'Rob has a podcast' - for Rob C? Interesting one of his folks is on and is known to one person.
too many people so far to keep them straight.
I want to root for Sue - as an older person, but wonder if she will get on my nerves at some point. Yes about the age - lol


Well-Known Member
I had recorded the first episode and had to force myself to watch it a couple days later. My interest has just waned in the show, and from talking to other regular viewers, this is not an uncommon opinion.
But then again, I'm one of those viewers who doesn't enjoy the camp life and social politics aspect of the game. I just want to watch the challenges. I also find 90-120 minute episodes too long (because it's so much more of the parts of the game that I don't enjoy).
Also, is there already a drinking game for every time someone mentions the 'new era'? Because if not, there needs to be one. And as someone who's only been watching for a few seasons, how long is it that we've been in the 'new era'? Can it still even be called 'new'?


From the Bloc
I don't know how she and Carolyn from a few seasons ago are maintaining that level of eye makeup, but Sue's already starting to look like Tammy Faye to me. In a way I feel bad for her, if she thought she had her island look down before the game started, and is now seeing that there's a big difference between what we see in our mirrors and what the television cameras capture.


Fan of many, uber of none
Glad that TK's cocky butt is gone. Like getting to see and know more of the players on all the teams. Andy remains annoying. Sue, yes, she definitely looks totally plastic, poor thing. I don't get the women who think that's a good look, when it isn't for anyone. Oh well. Still liking Gabe, but enjoying getting to know some of the other players better. Will continue to root for Sierra as a fellow nurse.


From the Bloc
At least with three different tribes going to TC in the first three eps, we're getting to know the dynamics in all of them. And, so far at least, no loser tribe that gets too much air time because they're always going to TC when we'd rather see what's going on among the winning tribes.


Fan of many, uber of none
Congratulations Rome, you've taken over from Andy in being the most annoying player on the island. Well-played sir. Sierra and Sam better watch out, since even the other teams are seeing them as a power couple of sorts. Knew that Aysha was going to go, which is too bad but I like Sol as well. Of course, he's probably only there until their next tribal, since the "four" seems to be pretty tight. I like the guy who just learned to swim before going to Survivor, he actually did pretty well, even if being a weak link for them. My fear of heights would prevent me from ever going out for Survivor, and there he was facing his fears like a champ! Andy is seeming almost sane at this point, although I could see that slipping at any time. Still like Gabe from the blue team (can never remember team names until they're only one).


From the Bloc
What I'm seeing at this early stage is that all three tribes are playing similarly. Everyone is forming alliances, but for the most part trying to keep it quiet, loose, so they have options going forward. From what I can tell, all three boots were people who were pushing their position a little too hard - word was that Jon was seen as very focussed on strategy and therefore a threat, TK was too confident in what he thought was a leadership position. I think Rome would be gone if he hadn't smartly told everyone he was going to play an idol (and he also was smart enough not to trying and make a big move this early by getting fancy with his idol or advantage). I was surprised when Kyle said in confessional that he considered going with the group against TK - thought he was a ride or die type - but it appears everyone is already willing to go with the flow if it means keeping the target off your back.

And is it me or did we see a rare look at what goes on when Jeff says "I'll give you a minute to strategize"? Sometimes we see a player saying they're really good at something but mostly we see none of the decision process. I found it interesting.


Fan of many, uber of none
Rome remains totally annoying....sorry to see Kishan go, but I'm kinda glad that Sol is still there. Looks like drama on the blue team next week (although who's to say, they may just be playing something up for drama). The red team not getting a single puzzle piece in place was a monumental fail, and I actually loved watching it, because it was happening directly to Rome, who just needs to go. I would be poking him with sticks by now if I had to spend 24/7 with him. Andy still is kind of weak, mentally and emotionally, but kudos to Sam and Sierra, who can use that to their advantage. I doubt the girl alliance is really the thing that Rachel and Annika think it is, but who knows where Sierra's loyalty truly floats?


From the Bloc
It was interesting that after the worst puzzle performance in Survivor history, there was little talk of it back at camp (at least that we saw). In the past, especially at this very early stage where winning challenges means you all have a better chance of making it to the merge, there would have been an immediate target on those who caused it. Now, obviously everyone knew Rome was pretty much safe, but how did Genevieve not only keep her name from being spoken, but in the end was the person who turned things away from Sol and got Kishan out? Maybe it's because this season, players are only targetting those whose strategy game appears to be their strength.

I thought the exploding paint all over Sue and the jungle was hysterical! As was her thinking anyone's going to believe she's 45. Then again, maybe for people under 31 (as the rest of the tribe are), those of us over a certain age all look the same? :rollin:


Well-Known Member
So Rome is a total AH. :blah: I'm kinda :blah: on pretty much everyone right now. I'm not really rooting for anyone at this point. The exploding paint was kind of a hilarious effect production probably had fun with. Try to hide your Idol now you fools! :lol:


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I caught up with all of the episodes yesterday after vacation and just watched live tonight. I really, really like this cast. So many of them are playing hard and there have already been some great blindsides.

I don't mind Andy, even with his Bhanu-esque beginning to the game. He called the moves pretty well tonight, and I think he actually may be sitting pretty come merge because there is no way in hell Sam and Sierra aren't seen as a (power) couple after this move. Rome is annoying and I hated seeing his smirk two times in a row leaving tribal, but I think his time will come soon enough. (and ETA- Genevieve gives me Kim vibes, and she was one of the most dominant winners ever).

Otherwise, I'm noticing Gabe and Teeny seem to be getting a lot of nonverbal reactions/screen time during challenges and in general. Not that it means much of anything these days.

:lol: at Sue thinking she would pass for mid-40s, but she totally would've in the first 10 or so years of Survivor. Maybe they just assume she has spent all day in the sun her whole life.
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Sugar Slut
Staff member
(and ETA- Genevieve gives me Kim vibes, and she was one of the most dominant winners ever).
I thought the same thing--calm and thoughtful and calculating.
:lol: at Sue thinking she would pass for mid-40s, but she totally would've in the first 10 or so years of Survivor.
The longer she's on the show, the less she's going to be able to pass for even her actual age. She's looking pretty haggard.

I am not particularly attached to anyone yet, but so far, it's been interesting.


Happily ignoring ultracrepidarians (& trolls)!
I don't think I've ever seen anyone be that stunned and indignant at being voted out as Anika was. That was a nice blindside, and I guess buhbye Rachel next time they go to tribal.
A merge next week might change the dynamics a bit...

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