Survivor S44


Sneak peek a month ago:
Watch a sneak peek from the thrilling two-hour premiere of SURVIVOR 44 airing Wednesday, March 1 (8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. The series is also available to stream live and on demand on the CBS app and Paramount+*.

Feb. 27, 2023:


Staff member
Not sure why anyone would be so excited about a :blah: showmance, but it takes all kinds. It's already obvious who the showmancers are, so moving on.

Three nasty injuries in the first episode--more than you usually see in an entire season! A really weird first tribal--what WAS that? And an interesting conversation at the challenge--I don't think we've seen that kind of information exchange before.


From the Bloc
I don't know who the showmance is but I wasn't watching for it and it's not why I watch the show.

Agree weird first tribal, everyone played everything. I get that they're all anxious to play the game, but calm down already if you want to make it far!

I always enjoy glimpses of production, so having Jeff stop challenges in the middle like that was interesting, and I thought the opening, with a producer telling one of the players how to do their first confessional, was funny. Carolyn has the potential for some good tv I think :) Yam Yam was fun too, and while he didn't grab my attention much so far, gotta root for Kane, the only Canadian in the cast!

As for the conversation at the challenge, indeed interesting, a rarity. I would think there would be a bit more of that, maybe we just don't see it because they are so busy filming the challenge itself? Or it happens during the part we're not supposed to see, when the challenge team is explaining it and answering questions? I've also always wanted to see more of what happens when Jeff says "OK I'll give you a few minutes to strategize" because sometimes I do wonder what went into picking who would do what parts of it.

I was such a Cody fan last season - loved him interacting with other tribes, more so than in the more manufactured settings where they send a couple of players off for some forced bonding.


Staff member
I don't know who the showmance is but I wasn't watching for it and it's not why I watch the show.
It was the main subject of the preview for next week and was shown a little in the first episode, when Matt (the one who lost two votes) and Frannie on the green tribe were clearly hitting it off.
Agree weird first tribal, everyone played everything. I get that they're all anxious to play the game, but calm down already if you want to make it far!
You get only one Shot in the Dark, for heaven's sake.
As for the conversation at the challenge, indeed interesting, a rarity. I would think there would be a bit more of that, maybe we just don't see it because they are so busy filming the challenge itself? Or it happens during the part we're not supposed to see, when the challenge team is explaining it and answering questions?
I just assume it either hasn't been done before or, if it has, it has never had an effect on game play.


Fan of many, uber of none
It's a shame that Bruce couldn't go out to get a head CT scan and come back into the game if it was negative. But I guess that's too much of a risk. Glad that he's ok, poor guy. I can kind of see Matthew playing his shot in the dark, since he has the injury hampering him, but Jamie had no reason to other than to just play it. She annoys me and I hope she's gone next. I like Brandon, so I'm glad that he used the idol. Carolyn is really a pain and would be on my last nerve SO fast if I was out there with her. I like the kid who prepped with puzzles, Carson I think his name is, and a couple of others.


Well-Known Member
It's a shame that Bruce couldn't go out to get a head CT scan and come back into the game if it was negative. But I guess that's too much of a risk. Glad that he's ok, poor guy. I can kind of see Matthew playing his shot in the dark, since he has the injury hampering him, but Jamie had no reason to other than to just play it. She annoys me and I hope she's gone next. I like Brandon, so I'm glad that he used the idol. Carolyn is really a pain and would be on my last nerve SO fast if I was out there with her. I like the kid who prepped with puzzles, Carson I think his name is, and a couple of others.

I don't know if production wants to keep people around who run head first into log beams. On day one, of all days!! :eek:


Staff member
Whyyyyyyy did Carson switch alliances and keep Carolyn? Whyyyy? I get why the producers would like her, but as a player?

I was actually hoping Carolyn would play the useless medallion and leave with her idol in her bag. I cannot believe she has the idol and the medal confused.

And I am boggled that Matthew built Survivor challenges in his backyard and another one has built all kinds of miniature puzzles (PML that he has his own 3D printer). I guess practicing how to make fire is just a given. And that Survivor is going to have to come up with some new puzzles.


Well-Known Member
Whyyyyyyy did Carson switch alliances and keep Carolyn? Whyyyy? I get why the producers would like her, but as a player?

Because Helen is smarter and less easy to manipulate. You eliminate those who can beat you. Carolyn will probably self-implode soon enough anyway.


Staff member
Because Helen is smarter and less easy to manipulate. You eliminate those who can beat you. Carolyn will probably self-implode soon enough anyway.
Maybe so. But absolutely no one suspected Carolyn had the idol, even when they should have just by the process of elimination.

Helen said in her interviews that Carolyn is much more self-aware and strategic in her confessionals than she came across in camp and no one suspected Carolyn of having the idol because they were all sure they would have heard her screaming as soon as she found the key. It never occurred to anyone that she could keep her mouth shut about it.


From the Bloc
Interesting that Helen said Carolyn might be a bit different than she's coming off on the show. Clearly they think she's entertaining, going right back to the very opening scene of the season and a producer talking off camera to her about how to do a confessional. When she got the idol/medal mixed up I thought we might be in for a "but it's a stick!!!" moment down the road, but at the same time, she'll likely reread the parchment and get it right when the time comes. Even her sloppy reassembly, one wonders because another player might have done that on purpose to cause what in fact did happen - paranoia and accusations among the rest of them. (I also thought it would be crafty to put something else in the bag, just so it hung right - I mean surely someone would poke a stick in there? Or maybe they were told not to mess with it without the key. Anyway.)

I also thought she was a goner because in my mind, you get rid of the erratic people, far more difficult to handle than those whose moves you can predict. But I also agree Helen was the bigger threat at this point, so get her gone while you can and before she has time to build alliances in the other tribes.

Danny played it much more like I would expect most players to do it when he found it. He's a smart guy too I think, and while it's early to tell, perhaps he's going for a more under the radar game, quietly building his credentials while the others go after each other.

The thing about practicing at home - that's the fans/geeks coming out in them, because strategically I don't think you want your competitors to know how well prepared you are for this, no? I do like that they all seem glad to be there, know the game and want to make the most of their experience :)


Well-Known Member
The thing about practicing at home - that's the fans/geeks coming out in them, because strategically I don't think you want your competitors to know how well prepared you are for this, no? I do like that they all seem glad to be there, know the game and want to make the most of their experience :)

That surprised me. It's like grabbing a megaphone and stating to your competitors how much better prepared you are to take the win than they are.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Carolyn reminds me of a mix of Debbie the gymnast/scientist and Noura, and I love it. I doubt she goes very far in the game getting all the airtime now, but many of the last few seasons pre-merge or even well into the game haven't been anywhere near this entertaining.

purple skates

Shadow Dancing
Survivor candidate sitting at home before starting the game, thinking about strategy.

Ah, I got it!

State that I’m a huge Survivor fan but I’m going to sit out all challenges - voluntarily - and then tell everyone at tribal that I’m doing it for the team. Perfect!



Well-Known Member
I do not understand what Claire was thinking. Did she really believe that the tribe was going to continue to let her sit on the sidelines of challenges because she's "not strong enough"? If you're not strong enough (i.e. you're lazy), then you have no business being there in the first place. Season 44 has been interesting so far.


From the Bloc
Agree that Carolyn is the most interesting player at this point. Crazy, but then at TC that was some steely resolve; I think there's a strategist under there, and someone who knows how to read and play other people.

However, I am confused! Last week we saw her mistake the real (beads) idol for the fake (coin) idol. This week we saw her hide the beads thinking they were the fake idol and Sarah find them. But then later in the show, I swear the caption said Sarah had a fake idol! Someone help me :COP:sort this out.


Well-Known Member
Agree that Carolyn is the most interesting player at this point. Crazy, but then at TC that was some steely resolve; I think there's a strategist under there, and someone who knows how to read and play other people.

However, I am confused! Last week we saw her mistake the real (beads) idol for the fake (coin) idol. This week we saw her hide the beads thinking they were the fake idol and Sarah find them. But then later in the show, I swear the caption said Sarah had a fake idol! Someone help me :COP:sort this out.
I read elsewhere that every tribe's real idol is another tribe's fake idol. Because this game isn't confusing enough.

Carolyn is definitely quirky. First episode I was wondering who she reminded me of, then I remembered the Kristen Johnston in her Emmy-winning role of Sally on Third Rock From the Sun. The looks are kind of similar, and then there was the quirky behaviour (of course Sally was an alien disguised as a human...)

love skating

Clueless American
I read elsewhere that every tribe's real idol is another tribe's fake idol. Because this game isn't confusing enough.

Carolyn is definitely quirky. First episode I was wondering who she reminded me of, then I remembered the Kristen Johnston in her Emmy-winning role of Sally on Third Rock From the Sun. The looks are kind of similar, and then there was the quirky behaviour (of course Sally was an alien disguised as a human...)
Thank you for both answering the fake idol question - I was confused as well... and for answering who Carolyn resembles - it was bothering me trying to figure out who she made me think of and yes it's Kristen! And I don't know if anyone else watches Days of Our Lives but Matt makes me think of the character Li Shin... similar voice and manner.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Agree that Carolyn is the most interesting player at this point. Crazy, but then at TC that was some steely resolve; I think there's a strategist under there, and someone who knows how to read and play other people.
I think she definitely gets the game in deeper layers than what her demeanor and even her talks give off.

But I don't know what Yam Yam and Sarah expected. They were tighter together and they vocalized as much. Had Carolyn not figured out a side plan, she definitely could’ve been voted out (or gone to rocks after multiple ties, which I doubt). I don't know how Yam Yam could be mad at her after his big mouth made her feel like 'Felicia' anyways. And for those who say it could’ve been an easy 3-1 vote to get Josh out, Carolyn knew he had an idol. The others did not but could’ve just assumed he actually did, and voted Carolyn anyways. They weren’t giving her much confidence in anything they had to say.

I'm keeping on eye on Danny. The cameras sure like him and he's already shown he can scheme.
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Well-Known Member
Getting caught up with posts. Enjoy all you comments.
I am enjoying this season- lots of players are playing. Good blindsides
ITA Carolyn is more of a gamer than appears. I was liking Yam Yam- but his shock at the TC- how dumb after calling her Felicia.
The 3 person tribe switch was interesting.
Back to Claire- she sat out back to back comps- right. i thought it was a rule one could not sit out back to back comps?


Staff member
Getting caught up with posts. Enjoy all you comments.
I am enjoying this season- lots of players are playing. Good blindsides
ITA Carolyn is more of a gamer than appears. I was liking Yam Yam- but his shock at the TC- how dumb after calling her Felicia.
It is kind of interesting to see how two people with little to no filter get along and don't.

But it is also interesting that they have gotten so far apart when it was Yam Yam and Carolyn in the beginning against Sarah and Helen, with Carson in the middle.

Are they going to merge next week or let the three-person tribe just go down?
Back to Claire- she sat out back to back comps- right. i thought it was a rule one could not sit out back to back comps?
The rule is that if you sit out a reward challenge, you can't sit out the next immunity challenge and if you sit out an immunity challenge, you can't sit out the next reward challenge; it's been the rule for many years. But now, the challenges, at least early on, are combined.

The producers are planning to change the rule for future seasons and make it so you can't sit out back-to-back challenges, regardless of what they are.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I knew that Matt was out of the game when there were only 5 minutes left in the episode, but I thought maybe there would be a cliffhanger for the beginning of next week where the three still had to go to tribal.

Carolyn survives another day ;) and she's both shared and gained a lot of info in the game so far. I just don't know who would work with her moving forward.


From the Bloc
Happily I was watching on a delay so didn't know there was so little time left - I had hoped for some chaos at TC with real/imagined/fake idols. I guess they are trying to keep to schedule just like there was no TC in the first episode, but at the same time, I have to think the producers don't want to lose either Yam Yam or Carolyn at this point in the game either.

Sorry to see Matt go, he clearly loved the game and wanted to be there. Assuming they'll give him a second shot in a future season. Such a difference from the way Jeff was with him and the way he was with Claire.

As for who might work with Carolyn going forward to your point @tony, they seem to be setting up the idea that no one will, and that's really pissing her off. Someone(s) could take advantage of that, but I'm thinking she'd see right through that. I think that what she wants more than anything right now is to have some control, some say in the game as a way of having a say on her own fate. Noting also that she didn't seem to be considering using her idol at all, so even though she feels left out, she's not yet desperate either.


Well-Known Member
The Survivor community I follow has been very high on Carolyn since the preseason because she is apparently very good at online game simulations.

I had to laugh at Danny and Brandon's game play. No wonder people like you don't win--making a bro alliance in front of a not great at challenges player still surviving in a three person tribe. Might you stop a moment to ponder why?
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Well-Known Member
Carolyn has definitely grown on me in the last couple episodes, and I LOLed at her response to the bros. I found her flight of ideas exhausting at the outset, but she seems a little more organized now and is clearly thinking strategically. I don't know how she is coming across to the other contestants as opposed to viewers, but I could see her going a long way with a strategy of seeming like a goat but actually setting opponents against each other and dodging the crossfire. Now that she has survived to what looks like the merge and individual immunity contests, I think she will not be a target in the immediate future and can build a resume.
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From the Bloc
Well that was a pile of fun! Loving the editing this season, they seem to be having a lot of fun with it, so different than I'm used to at least.

Finally think I actually know who they all are lol, now that I've realized that Carson with glasses and Carson without glasses are actually the same person. Seriously a couple of eps ago he had them off and I thought who is this cute boy I didn't notice before, then they're back on and right, the one that looks like Harry Potter or something.

Glad Josh is gone, way too smug in his abilities thinking he was so strategic and not realizing that people will compare notes and you'll come out very dodgy (ie gone) and that bonding with someone on a personal level then badmouthing them all over the place ain't trustworthy either. One thing I did like was his slow reach for his bag when Jeff asked if anyone had an idol they wanted to play - that move might have flushed out another one, but it didn't, he's gone, and now he's watching the show and realizing it was only a matter of time.

The only one more delusional is of course Jaime lol.

Now, I get why most of them voted for Josh, and three voted for Yam Yam, but I'm not getting why Carolyn voted for Kane. Was it just to sow seeds of distrust because at this point pinning down who voted for who is not as easy as it will be later? Was it in case Josh played an idol and then she could consider saving Yam Yam? Was it her feeling left out again and thinking WTF I'll just do this?

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