Survivor S46


Rooting for that middle-aged team
Would really like Charlie or Kenzie to win, as they've been my favorites throughout the whole show.
This is where I am and it would be refreshing to have a winner that was pretty much always kind, upbeat and not a whiner. If nothing else Kenzie has the Sia prize in the bag.


From the Bloc
I like Kenzie, and she could easily make a case for outlasting, but not for outplaying or outwitting. Charlie has a much better case IMO as he's been a great all round player without being a jerk about it.

Maria I think lost a lot with her choices on the reward, and then openly turning on her greatest ally. We know Charlie was doing the same thing but couldn't thanks to her immunity win, but his conversations have been a lot more subtle on the point. Maria also made a misstep in deciding to switch from Charlie to Q - it would have been a great idea if he wasn't so erratic and hadn't messed up other people's games.


Fan of many, uber of none
Kenzie did win one immunity, when they were split into teams, so that could go to "outplay". But I think her social game could benefit her in the outplay section as well. Outwit? Probably not, although the Tiffany blindside was initially her idea.

Charlie, I think this week showed that he has made better sub-alliances than Maria has. Maria needs to win out immunity to the end to last, and I don't think Charlie needs to do the same.


Well-Known Member
I think that Kenzie is also the one who has best integrated herself with other tribes. Since Q's insanity at that one tribal council, she easily detached herself from him and Tiff, and formed bonds with the others. Also, her being the one to help Ben through his panic attacks will really be a notch for her social game, and I think that if she's final 3 and he's on the jury at the end, Ben will definitely vote for her to win because of that.


Eating Rhetorical Apples
Staff member
Since personal connections often win the day in the end, I think Kenzie has a good shot--if she makes it to the end.


Well-Known Member
Glad Q is gone but again ..... why.doesn' :duh: Q clearly knew he was the target, didn't he? I just don't get it when they don't play their Idols.

Every Idol that has been found has walked out the door on that night's vote, hasn't it? I don't remember. Next round just don't even have Idols. No one plays them anyway. :p Let everyone search for one every spare moment they have, but then there just are never any to be found.

I'm pulling for Charlie to win. Won't mind a Kenzie win. I love Ben but I don't think he can win on votes. Liz has no shot. Kinda hope Maria goes out next because I like Charlies more than I like her and she tried to vote him out, so now she can go. :p

I'm assuming all 18 players have their families write letters before they leave the States to play the game, because of such a tight timeline and making sure the letters can get to the Island when they are needed. Is that how it works? Do the producers let everyone have their letters once they get voted out? Just so they can like "have them"?


Well-Known Member
Liz is the biggest threat? :unsure: Liz played the hardest game? :unsure: What show was I watching because the only thing I can remember about Liz is her whining and complaining most of the time. Maybe its selective memory because I found her annoying? What does she do that she is 'already a millionaire'? I don't always pay attention when they show the little screens of what they do.

First time I think I woulda been okay with any of the Final 3 winning. I kinda think Charlie lost it on the 'what will you do with the money' question. I kinda switched my side to leaning more Kenzie after that. But I still don't understand this game and the whole 'who played the hardest game' stuff. I just vote for people if I like them or not. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I thought the exact same. When she said she was the biggest threat I thought she was so delusional. And then Ben agreed? WTF did they see that we didn't? I'd have chosen to have her beside me at tribal (not fire making) because IMO she was the least threat. Plus, everyone already knew she was a millionaire, so why the heck would they choose to give her more money?

I didn't like Kenzie in the first few episodes. But after the merge, and especially after she was so helpful to Ben, she became my favourite. Once we reached the final 7-ish, those 3 were the 3 I wanted to see in the final, so I was happy with that, and would have been okay with any of them winning. Was kind of surprised Maria didn't vote for Charlie. If she had, and if it had been a tie, I wonder who Ben would have voted for to split the tie, since he was really close with both of them.

I think what lost it for Charlie was his answer to what he'd do with the money, and also him essentially saying he didn't think he needed to do fire, and all he wanted was to make it to final 3.

I had to laugh at Q's needing to be argumentative even at the final jury. I wish he had made a Q Skirt for Jeff to wear.


Fan of many, uber of none
Good to see that Liz stayed sour the entire time, making me even more glad she didn't make it till the end. So glad that Kenzie made her case well at the end, and it ended up with the final survivor and runner-up that I was hoping for. First time in a LONG time that my favorite from the very beginning won the whole thing. And yes, now she can afford that baby!


Well-Known Member
Jeff mentioned in an interview that Ben said he would have voted Charlie.
Of course, he might have had a brain fart and accidentally wrote Kenzie's name lol.

I was reading things in the Survivor forum on Reddit, and man, people there are not happy with Maria. Not about her voting Kenzie, but about how she went about things. Between the rock/paper/scissors reward, and blindsiding her number one at final tribal, people have a lot of 'insight' into her game, and it's definitely not flattering.

Also, upon reading there, it seems people think that Ben chose how he did for the fire making, because he wanted a 'calm' final tribal, and would have been okay with losing to either Charlie or Kenzie, and if Liz was there, it would have been chaos, topped with a (probable) tantrum when she didn't win.


From the Bloc
I can see that re Maria. I was rooting for her in the beginning and admiring of the solid alliance that she and Charlie had formed, but as the game went on, it wasn't just the mistakes, it's the way she made them. She came off rather heartless to me, and I'm not buying her touchy feely reason for voting Kenzie at all - that was a vote against Charlie, not for Kenzie. I was also very surprised that they gave her a hero's exit in the edit like that - then again, the producers seemed to think that Bhanu and Liz made good television this season.

I would have preferred Charlie for the win, but I'm good with Kenzie winning too. I liked Ben from the beginning, and if anyone's going to get a Sia prize, I hope it's him.


Well-Known Member
...... Was kind of surprised Maria didn't vote for Charlie. If she had, and if it had been a tie, I wonder who Ben would have voted for to split the tie, since he was really close with both of them.

I was just gonna ask what woulda happened if there was a tie. :lol:

So THAT is how they break a tie? #3 at Tribal gets to pick the winner? Would Jeff had made Ben go back up and write someone's name down so Jeff could say "the winner is" or would Ben just have called out the name sitting there?

Is that why there is a 3 person Final now, strictly to have a tiebreak vote? I was also gonna say how I wish they would go back to a 2 person final because usually #3 is never a factor anyway. Have the producers been trying to bait a tie vote all this time for drama and it just never happened? These things intrigue me. :lol:


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I was just gonna ask what woulda happened if there was a tie. :lol:

So THAT is how they break a tie? #3 at Tribal gets to pick the winner? Would Jeff had made Ben go back up and write someone's name down so Jeff could say "the winner is" or would Ben just have called out the name sitting there?

Is that why there is a 3 person Final now, strictly to have a tiebreak vote? I was also gonna say how I wish they would go back to a 2 person final because usually #3 is never a factor anyway. Have the producers been trying to bait a tie vote all this time for drama and it just never happened? These things intrigue me. :lol:
The tie has happened before! Wendell won over Domeneck because of the third contestant having to turn around and ultimately choose the winner with her vote.


Rooting for that middle-aged team
Liz is delusional in that post interview and I see she is involved in Multi-Level Marketing. Just the worst.


Well-Known Member
Ben has confirmed that he would have voted for Charlie in a tiebreaker. The EW post-interviews are pretty interesting :rollin:

I just read Venus' interview and I feel terrible for her. She says was treated like absolute crap by the others. Even at Ponderosa:
A few of them actually personally attacked me and my character, saying that I was a joke and that no one liked me. Honestly, Ponderosa was more traumatizing than the game because I was met with a lot of hostility that I didn't really expect because the game was the game, and Ponderosa should be separate from that. It was a very difficult time. I felt even lonelier at Ponderosa than I did in the game. It was hard. I'm going to tear up right now because I'm going through the trauma again, but it wasn't a fun time.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
One of my friends attended the Rob has a Podcast viewing of the episode Venus was voted out, and the crowd was very heavily rooting for her. I hope she sees that support across social media, and I wouldn’t mind her playing again. She had some spot-on reads earlier on that no one wanted to listen to.


Well-Known Member
I am happy Kenzie won. Would have been ok w Charlie. I like Ben, realistic that he got no votes.
I definitely liked Maria less as time went on.
Liz thought she would win- lol.
I hate. Qs question abt what they do w the winnings. Whatever they want to.
And yes Q is still argumentative.
I felt the jury really likes Kenzie.
And Jeff hugged Kenzie at end of show.
The mentions of Carolyn cracked me up.


Well-Known Member
The tie has happened before! Wendell won over Domeneck because of the third contestant having to turn around and ultimately choose the winner with her vote.

:wideeyes: Wow. I have no recollection of this at all. Of course I barely remember most of this season .... so there's that. :lol:


From the Bloc
Hilarious that Liz isn't a millionaire and that was going to be her big reveal at FTC :lol:.

There's no way that was a "strategy." My bet is she overboasted during the show, then once it started airing she got called out by either people who actually know her, or colleagues or fans of the show (or perhaps the IRS!), and now she's backpedalling and trying to spin it in her favour.

As I read these interviews I think about what they would have said if it had been the day after they were actually voted out - last summer - and all the time they've had to talk amongst themselves and then months of seeing how they looked on tv and how people are reacting. Which makes it that much more interesting that according to Charlie, Maria has continued to tell different stories about why she did that vote, and that no one else who played with them can explain it either.
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Well-Known Member
Charlie's interviews since the finale have been great but also heartbreaking. He said that he's basically ended the friendship with Maria, because she continues to string him along. Saying she regrets voting for Kenzie, then saying that she doesn't regret it. And even in recent days has been flip flopping on her reasoning. He's given very diplomatic responses saying that their relationship isn't what it could have been, but he wishes her no ill will.


From the Bloc
I feel for him too. Certainly it's a game and stuff happens, but every time she says that she did it to make a difference in a young woman's life blah blah it sounds so hypocritical, because in the process she took something very significant from someone who was her friend and ally the entire game.

I do like Kenzie and her social game was excellent, she certainly outlasted after being on the loser tribe for the first part of the game, and she showed her chops in the fire challenge. But Charlie also played an excellent social game - like Kenzie he was friends with all of them, but unlike Kenzie who owned up in final TC that she never drove a vote, he did.

The producers and editors have had a loooong time to put this together, and it does seem now that they gave Kenzie a really nice edit with a ton of air time to justify the win, while much of Charlie's story was about his alliance with Maria, to set the stage for them turning on each other, and her ultimate decision to betray him on a personal level. We didn't see a lot of the rest of Charlie's game, which it seems was more complex than we were shown - possibly to set up the idea that without Maria he wasn't a winner. I still don't understand the hero's exit she got when she was voted out either, almost like they were trying to make us love her knowing what she was about to do?

Or maybe I'm just thinking about this too much :lol:


Well-Known Member
They definitely edited it in favour of Kenzie. For example, Ben says that the people who helped him with his panic attacks were Kenzie, Charlie, Liz, and Venus. But 90% of the time we only saw Kenzie, we saw Charlie a couple of times, and I never would have known Venus was supportive to him if he hadn't mentioned it.

Also they never showed us how close Charlie and Ben were. I remember early in the season them naming Taylor Swift and Metallica(?) songs. And then in the finale being goofy going to get the mail. But aside from that we rarely saw them interact. But according to them they were basically besties.

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