The Amazing Race S34


Wrangling the duvet into the cover


Active Member
I tried watching the real love boat many for the travel destinations as I don't watch any of the dating type reality shows - OMG it was awful! I fast forwarded through everything except the long cuts of scenery at Gilbraltor etc.
I assume it won't be back for a 2nd season.


Rooting for that middle-aged team
I tried watching the real love boat many for the travel destinations as I don't watch any of the dating type reality shows - OMG it was awful! I fast forwarded through everything except the long cuts of scenery at Gilbraltor etc.
I assume it won't be back for a 2nd season.
Just watch YouTube travel videos. Much better scenery and generally not annoying. I find travelers I like and then subscribe to their channel.

Lilia A

Well-Known Member
It's been a while since we've seen a car wreck, if I'm not mistaken. Luckily no one was hurt.
Sad to see Lumumba and Glenda go. I really like them, and I loved their great attitude on this leg despite most likely knowing that they were out. I love when teams decide to just enjoy the time they have left on the race and go out with a smile.


Rooting for that middle-aged team
The top three finishers this leg are my favorite but I really like all of these teams. Sad for Glenda and Lumumba, anyone know if they successfully conceived? Weird thing to ask but they did say they were trying in this episode so now I’m curious.


Well-Known Member
Loved Glenda and Lumumba - the absolute best attitude.

My picks are the twins or Big Brother. The military brothers are strong, however they come off as arrogant to me, which makes me want to cheer for the other teams.

Lilia A

Well-Known Member
"I took French in high school" and "David speaks Spanish so he should be fine" - I immediately knew those two teams would be the ones butchering the language the most.
I'm getting the feeling that Luis and Michelle are getting the winners' edit. More and more mentions of Emily's injury, I wonder if this will take them out? I hope not, because I like them. The brothers are strong, but when things get rough they seem to crumble more than they think.
All in all, an okay leg. Nothing too exciting, nothing too lame. Only a few legs left before the finale.


Active Member
I hope the twins can stay in it til the end. I have been cheering for them but yes they seem to be talking alot about her knee - she is allowed to get medical help if needed isn't she? I remember someone getting emergency dental I think on one of the races and I thought someone got stitches once too?

I like Luis and Michelle they are very peppy so I would be happy for them to win as well. It's nice to see the teams so friendly overall this season.


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
Now that Quinton and Maddie are done, I’d be happy with any of the final five.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I kept thinking something has to happen with the injury, and then we see in the previews that it becomes a big deal. Hopefully nothing to pull them out of the game.


Staff member
I liked Quinton and Maddie more than I expected to, but navigation is not their forte.

As soon as the one brother said that he was no stranger to a map, my husband said "Now they will get terribly lost." :lol: You KNOW Marcus (I think) will never hear the end of that back at his command post.

Poor Emily. The sisters have been doing so well and seem to be enjoying getting to know each other so much.

I totally do not understand Team Big Brother and the way they are managing challenges. "I have a terrible memory" he says as they choose to do another memory-related challenge. And Claire seems to do nearly all the solo challenges. I was impressed with her rugby skills; she booted that ball right through the goal posts, unlike so many :lol: others. But still--how do they make their choices? I also didn't see how he could have had four years of French and not recognized most of those words. I recognized a lot of those words and I sure didn't have four years of French.


Doing all the things
This has been an interesting season as the teams seem to be going out in about the same order as their abilities. That doesn't always happen.

Lilia A

Well-Known Member
I knew there'd be another mega leg. I'm surprised only one team chose the paddle board challenge. Derek helping Aubrey and David, this is either going to pay off big time or come back to haunt him big time.
Next week: heights challenge, wheeee, I love it. Let's have some classic TAR drama :biggrinbo

Lilia A

Well-Known Member
Mega leg is over. Sad to see the brothers go. They were good. The editing kind of gave it away when they, again, talked about being able to beat the twins in a foot race to the pit stop.
I still think that Luis and Michelle are getting winners edit. I have a feeling that one of the teams in this new alliance that has formed will not make the final three. I know, Emily's leg is bad and all, but it's just a feeling. If, however, both teams make the final three, I can see major drama happening between those two teams. I'm okay with Luis and Michelle and the twins making the final, if the leg holds up, and I don't really care which of the two alliance teams makes it. I think I tolerate Derek and Claire better, but not by much. I don't dislike anyone, which is weird at this point, I just don't love them,


Doing all the things
Mega leg is over. Sad to see the brothers go. They were good. The editing kind of gave it away when they, again, talked about being able to beat the twins in a foot race to the pit stop.
I still think that Luis and Michelle are getting winners edit. I have a feeling that one of the teams in this new alliance that has formed will not make the final three. I know, Emily's leg is bad and all, but it's just a feeling. If, however, both teams make the final three, I can see major drama happening between those two teams. I'm okay with Luis and Michelle and the twins making the final, if the leg holds up, and I don't really care which of the two alliance teams makes it. I think I tolerate Derek and Claire better, but not by much. I don't dislike anyone, which is weird at this point, I just don't love them,
I want the sisters to win. It's sad about the injury. Claire bugs. I don't know why.

I'm glad to see the brothers gone. In spite of constantly hearing how strong competitors they are, I found them to be on the weak side especially with navigation but also with tasks.


Well-Known Member
I'm happy with the final teams. Of those remaining, I'd say that Aubrey and David are my least favourite, but I don't dislike them. I'm happy the brothers are gone. I just found them too arrogant.


Well-Known Member
I want the sisters to win. It's sad about the injury. Claire bugs. I don't know why.

Really? What other way is there to think about Claire? One of the most annoying people on this show in recent memory.


Doing all the things
One of the most annoying people on this show in recent memory.
But why? It's something about her but what? Her voice? What she says? Her attitude? Her approach to tasks? It's kind of all of that but also none that. :lol:


Well-Known Member
But why? It's something about her but what? Her voice? What she says? Her attitude? Her approach to tasks? It's kind of all of that but also none that. :lol:

She talks too much. She's so often critical of Derek, often when it's barely warranted. He is rarely critical of her and seems to do it only as a shared trait with her. And she bumbles her way through so many things instead of just calming/quieting herself and simply doing what needs to be done. Derek would be doing much better with a more focused and supportive partner.

love skating

Clueless American
I felt so bad for David - tough that he had two swimming tasks in a row. But it feels like the right three teams are the finalists. I would be fine with any of them winning... as a Big Brother fan I am rooting for Derek and Claire, but I also love the twins and Luis and Michelle have grown on me too and seem to me to be the team to beat.

Lilia A

Well-Known Member
I would have loved to be able to do the challenges from today's episodes. All of them. This is the type of leg I love from TAR.
Next week's finale. I'm having a hard time deciding what to predict. I've come up with three scenarios. This is completely unspoiled, of course. I've been saying that Luis and Michelle have been getting winners' edit, but I feel like the editors have been making it too obvious to be true perhaps? I'll predict that they will either win and the editors haven't learned their lesson or they will get second and they're actually getting the "this is the most well balanced team and we're going to make you think they're winning the whole thing but something will happen in the final leg and they'll come up short". It's been done before. Exhibit A = the beauty queens in the first All Star season. As for the twins, I predict either a heroic win or a third place finish. They'll either kill everyone in a very tough non-physical task, the ones we often see in the final leg, or they'll end up in third due to Emily's injury. Derek and Claire could really end up anywhere. I feel like they've gotten the "get used to this team, they'll be around for long and they'll be very inconsistent but let's not make them boring" edit all season.
Basically, the three possible final placements I see are:
1.Luis and Michelle
2.Derek and Claire


2.Luis and Michelle
3.Derek and Claire


1.Derek and Claire
2.Luis and Michelle

Disclaimer: as I said, there are no spoilers here and this is my own speculation based on my own observations and past experience watching the race. I've been watching since season 1 and I've learned to pick up on production cues. TL;DR, L&M will likely be 1st or 2nd but not 3rd. Twins will likely be 1st or 3rd but not 2nd. D&C could end up anywhere.


Well-Known Member
I expect Luis and Michelle to win solely and only because I've disliked them from the very first time we set eyes on them in episode 1 and they opened their mouths. It's automatic after all these years: if I dislike you, you make it to the end and almost always win.


Active Member
I am really hoping for the twins to pull out a win. Luis and Michelle have grown on me so I would be okay with them too and I like Derek (Claire's ok I guess) but I would be so happy if the twins win!

Go Emily and Molly!


Well-Known Member
I don't remember ... how did Emily hurt herself? Did she get injured doing a challenge/task and if so which one was it?


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
I don't remember ... how did Emily hurt herself? Did she get injured doing a challenge/task and if so which one was it?
It started as a muscle strain/tear just running. Medical checked her out and told her that only rest would help. Obviously, rest wasn’t in the cards. Like many, her adjusted gait put pressure on her knee.


Doing all the things
She talks too much. She's so often critical of Derek, often when it's barely warranted. He is rarely critical of her and seems to do it only as a shared trait with her. And she bumbles her way through so many things instead of just calming/quieting herself and simply doing what needs to be done. Derek would be doing much better with a more focused and supportive partner.
She definitely talks too much and bumbles through tasks and stuff. I think the criticism is just part of the running commentary and neither of them takes it too seriously.

I'm excited about them going back to Iceland!
Those tasks were the BEST!

I've been saying that Luis and Michelle have been getting winners' edit,
I'm not getting that at all.

And I'm so, so happy that my sisters got into the final 3. I had a feeling they would be.


Staff member
She definitely talks too much and bumbles through tasks and stuff. I think the criticism is just part of the running commentary and neither of them takes it too seriously.
Claire doesn't bug me, but I get the impression from their relationship that Derek is kind of all over the place and her role is to herd him along. I don't know that he would do better with a different teammate; he seems to really like Claire and they have some complementary abilities, which cannot be said of a whole lot of teams.

I did, however, laugh when the clue said that Derek had to do the first task. I knew that having Claire do pretty much everything would catch up with them at some point, and I wonder if they were saving Derek for the end because he is athletic and because there is often a parachuting challenge toward the end, which I think would kill Claire.

Those tasks were the BEST!
I would have loved that caving task, but the swimming with the volcanoes one would be :scream:
I'm not getting that at all.
I don't think TAR tells a story, so I don't think the editing is predictive. Survivor, yes, but TAR seems to me to be more focused on making the different legs of the race interesting.

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