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Well-Known Member
Ting medaling wouldn't be a repeat though. Ting was 5th last year. Hanna won the pewter. But close enough.

Oh right. Thanks for pointing that out. I keep forgetting Ting bombed the short.

Does anyone know what is happening with Emmy Ma? Last I heard she was skating for Taiwan?!


Well-Known Member
I sent a note to; CONTACT US AT [email protected].
explaining why Liu should win.

The Time Top 100 goes to those individuals who are most influential from any number of perspectives. In 2018, Adam Rippon was one of the top 100; Time hosts a special dinner in Manhattan to honor all of them. I do not believe that this is a voting competition. In fact, I believe that Alysa could be the youngest individual ever accorded the honor.

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Well-Known Member
The Time Top 100 goes to those individuals who are most influential from any number of perspectives. In 2018, Adam Rippon was one of the top 100; Time hosts a special dinner in Manhattan to honor all of them. I do not believe that this is a voting competition. In fact, I believe that Alysa could be the youngest individual ever accorded the honor.

She's not on the main Time 100 list. That came out a few months ago. She's on the Time 100 Next list, for rising stars (e.g. Taylor Swift is on the main list, Billie Eilish is on the Next list). This is the first addition of that list, and Alysa is the youngest on it. The Time Gala for this year already happened - don't know if they'll have another one for the Next list. Still very impressive for her.


Well-Known Member
A Fan Zone update of Mariah Bell. From the article, it appears that Adam Rippon is on his way to becoming her primary coach as she is taking him to Nationals. Rafael is so in demand that it sounds like he needs the help


Well-Known Member
Nice full article on Mariah. Connection with Adam good. Consistency was a long-time issue with Adam. But, in the last few seasons he trained incredibly hard became so solid. Great to pass that on to Mariah.


Well-Known Member
A Fan Zone update of Mariah Bell. From the article, it appears that Adam Rippon is on his way to becoming her primary coach as she is taking him to Nationals. Rafael is so in demand that it sounds like he needs the help
It would be so weird/cool to see him in the kiss n cry as a coach


Well-Known Member
A Fan Zone update of Mariah Bell. From the article, it appears that Adam Rippon is on his way to becoming her primary coach as she is taking him to Nationals. Rafael is so in demand that it sounds like he needs the help
Raf LOVES Ashley and Adam and mentored Ashley in coaching for a while before she went to Boston. IIRC Ashley also acted as his assistant coach. So I'm not sure Adam will ever be her main coach, but he might be a good assistant to a busy Raf.


Well-Known Member
Excited to see this on Mia!

Super sweet young lady and a beautiful skater. She was out early in the season due to injuries so very happy she is now back in fighting form.

Mia is leads the Junior ladies (Eastern) after the short. Congrats to Mia!
Lindsey Thorngreen is in 2nd by less than a point.


Well-Known Member
Based on events so far at RC, it looks likely the final GPF spot will be Satoko v. Bradie but only with an assist from US teammate Mariah. Evgenia is doing a remarkable job, but doubtful she can hold off Sasha in the LP to win and get that spot. Mariah herself probably won’t catch either Russian gal to get the spot


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow will be VERY interesting... Gracie Gold not only completed a clean Short, but some exciting developments in the middle portion of our senior ladies have begun to take shape. The second half of the season will be exciting to watch to say the least. Best of luck to all our ladies.


Rotating while Russian!
They are pretty tightly bunched in that field. Good luck to all!!

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Your coach, Rafael, is from Russia. Does he use any Russian phrases when you train with him?
Yeah. A lot. I think some things I might not want to know (laughs). So it’s maybe better if he’s speaking Russian to me sometimes. I know “davai” is “go”, “khorosho” is “good job”, “molodets” is “well done”. So I know the good ones, I just keep the good ones (smiles).
Bell is ready to skate a horrorshow to Beethoven's Ninth.. :smokin:


Well-Known Member
Polina Edmunds will be competing at the Pacific Coast Sectionals Singles Final. She will be skating 16th out of 19 total competitors. Best of luck to everyone.



Just to see how Gracie stacks up against the other ladies...

Senior Ladies' Sectionals Short Program Scores:
1. E - Emily Zhang, 64.49 (3S+3Lo, 3F, and 2A)
2. P - Paige Rydberg, 63.82 (3F, 3T+3T, and 2A)
3. E - Gracie Gold, 63.55 (3Lz+2T, 3Lo, and 2A)
4. E- Rena Ikenishi, 63.05 (3S+3T, 3F, and 2A)
5. E - Sarah Jung, 62.25 (3Lz+3T<, 2A, and 3F)
6. M - Sierra Venetta, 60.10
7. M - Courtney Hicks, 59.69 (3F+2T, 2A, and 3Lo)

E - Eastern
P - Pacific Coast
M - Midwestern

Gracie has improved by over 12 points from her Regionals score. Best of luck to her and everyone else. This will surely spur her further and could become a sort of mental breakthrough for her.
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