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Well-Known Member
Holy Moly. WTF happened to Bradie at Warsaw Cup???? :yikes:
One thing, the ice looked pretty chewed up. Her first fall was just a glide across the ice. Also, Sylvia siad Bradie had gone to Warsaw posssibly to make up for the competition she skipped earlier because of foot problem. Trying to get higher world standing. Maybe with making GPF extra points not so needed.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

Get it Amber 😝
But what was up with Bradie's free skate jump content.... there were no 3/3... The first pass says 2 axel/3 toe (fall), fall on another 2 axel... and no 3/3??????!!

Is she injured?

just read what you wrote @oleada OK, Thanks.

My dream was that upon yesterdays news, she WD, headed home and started drilling 3 lutzes/3 loops. :)


Well-Known Member
Fell setting up for the 3Lz+3T, so she didn’t do that element and fell on a UR 2A+3T. She only did 6 jumping elements as a result.

Thank you @oleada. Good to know the reasons why instead of wildly speculating. It sounds like a miscue and adding an element ad hoc, not an injury. She needs to spend the next weeks at home drilling for the GPF. Better not touch the 3Z-3L for now


Well-Known Member
I'm so happy Gracie made it. From the top four, I also enjoyed Ikenishi.

That said - the calling was atrocious. From the last group, Jung had a number of URs that weren't called. I think Zhang had some as well, but not as obvious. I'm not sure why USFS is so lenient on the calling because it never serves their skaters well in the long run.

This is a problem that been going on forever. So many skaters get away with no <, then when they compete internationally, they’re shocked to see so many calls. USFS would be good to invest in better callers at their qualifying competitions to stop this issue.


Well-Known Member
This is a problem that been going on forever. So many skaters get away with no <, then when they compete internationally, they’re shocked to see so many calls. USFS would be good to invest in better callers at their qualifying competitions to stop this issue.
Reminds me of how Audrey Shin managed to get 180-190 domestically but only managed 140-160 internationally. It was when I first followed figure skating so I was as shocked as she was.


your faves are problematic
This is a problem that been going on forever. So many skaters get away with no <, then when they compete internationally, they’re shocked to see so many calls. USFS would be good to invest in better callers at their qualifying competitions to stop this issue.

Many USFS callers are former junior/senior-level competitors themselves. I know several, and they are very tough.

Let's keep in mind that it's very likely the angle the panel saw last night was not the same one shown on the broadcast.

Foolhardy Ham Lint

Well-Known Member
Not to detract from Bradie's disappointment, because I know she's a fighter and will come back strongly at the GPF.

But Ekaterina Kurakova was outstanding at this event, and is making a name for herself as one to watch. She reminds me somewhat of Tanja Szewczenko, Anna Rechnio, and Oksana Baiul.

Great to see her do so well on home turf, too.
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Well-Known Member
Many USFS callers are former junior/senior-level competitors themselves. I know several, and they are very tough.

Let's keep in mind that it's very likely the angle the panel saw last night was not the same one shown on the broadcast.

I am familiar with the caller from Easterns...she has called at Internationals and Has been calling for a while. I think it was probably a different angle that the tech panel saw. Also, if there is doubt the call is supposed to go in favor of the skater so there’s that.

love skating

Clueless American
Reminds me of how Audrey Shin managed to get 180-190 domestically but only managed 140-160 internationally. It was when I first followed figure skating so I was as shocked as she was.

Speaking of Audrey, I noticed she missed out on making it to Nationals (Looks like she got 5 under calls in the FS). Other notables to miss out on Nationals include Pooja Kalyan and Akari Nakahara. :(


Well-Known Member
The federation needs to make exceptions for Nationals qualifications. For example, for senior skaters who score above 160-165 and have the minimum TES but did not place in the Top 4, they are invited to Nationals. This will mitigate some of the problems such as had an “x” skater placing sixth at Eastern competed at Midwestern, she would’ve been 3rd or 4th.


Well-Known Member
Amazing how things can change in just a year. After the disaster that was COR last season where i was to be honest hoping Gracie would retire so we could remember her in better days as one of the best skaters in the world and not what we saw last year i feel like her gutting it out and making Nationals feels like when she came from behind and won her 2nd title in 2016. I'm so proud if her. We might never see Gracie ever reach those heights again but she just won a personal victory. :respec:


Well-Known Member
Fell setting up for the 3Lz+3T, so she didn’t do that element and fell on a UR 2A+3T. She only did 6 jumping elements as a result.
Such a freak fall. Didn't appear to be a lapse in concentration. Just literally tripped stroking. Terrible timing, too, in that it botched two of her best elements. I'm not worrying about her, she nailed the rest of the program.


Does anyone know why there were 19 competitors in Pacific Coast Sectionals junior ladies and senior ladies vs. 18 everywhere else?

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
I'm so happy Gracie made it. From the top four, I also enjoyed Ikenishi.

That said - the calling was atrocious. From the last group, Jung had a number of URs that weren't called. I think Zhang had some as well, but not as obvious. I'm not sure why USFS is so lenient on the calling because it never serves their skaters well in the long run.
Yes, let's find faults with the winner Zhang..... who skated a great (for her level) programmes and won fair and square, and praise Gracie (former US Champion) who skated well below her level because she could not handle some stuff in the past. Maybe Zhang had many issues in life, sport and personal..... just did not advertise "her struggles"....;)

Decline of Western Civilization....... When Batman and Superman were helping the "underdogs", the "underdogs" were those who were "superior to all" but held back in spite of their superiority and talent...... not because they made the wrong choices in life and showed weakness.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
Does anyone know why there were 19 competitors in Pacific Coast Sectionals junior ladies and senior ladies vs. 18 everywhere else?
There weren't "18 everywhere else", there were varying amounts. There were 12 skaters qualifying through Regionals, 6 skaters with NQS byes, and in some Sections there were skaters who had byes through Regionals due to an international assignment in the fall.


Well-Known Member
Very nice interview with Mariah Bell after her bronze medal at Rostelecom Cup (in Russian).


There weren't "18 everywhere else", there were varying amounts. There were 12 skaters qualifying through Regionals, 6 skaters with NQS byes, and in some Sections there were skaters who had byes through Regionals due to an international assignment in the fall.
Oh you’re right! I see now there are more elsewhere. Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
Mariah: The fight! So happy to see her bounce back after her disappointing SP. To her credit, even though she fell on the combo she didn't drop the performance. That FS is just sublime! She had to fight for a number of those jumps in the beginning but to see her not lose concentration and hit everything (including that last lutz), what a treat! Medaling at both events is a big deal. I want to say the last US woman to medal at both GP events was Ashley back in 2014-2015...

Gracie at sectionals: I didn't see much emotion from her while she skated--not in her face or her movements. She looked pretty deadpan focused throughout to me. Gracie finally smiled after her last jump in the SP and at the end of her FS...but that's okay. She was focused on getting the job done and she did. The SP was very solid and despite a few issues in the FS, she didn't give up and put out a respectable skate.

Gracie has made great strides over the past year. No reason she shouldn't be immensely proud of her placement and skating here. Qualifying for nationals was undoubtedly on her goals list and she achieved that. I'm very happy for her and looking forward to the outpouring of love she'll receive at nationals this year.

Bradie: Man, that sucks. Seemed like an unlucky break that caused her to struggle. It's a shame she wasn't able to get herself back on track. Hopefully she can shake it off... Going to the Final should help. :) First to go since Ashley all those years ago... US women are doing the damn thing this year! Bradie will be up against a tough field though. Not to sound pessimistic, but I'd be shocked if she finished anywhere other than 6th...only being honest. Still, just being there is a massive accomplishment and if she can put out two good performances she'll set herself up perfectly for nationals.


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
@love skating mentioned Audrey Shin, Pooja Kalyan and Akari Nakahara as the 3 Senior ladies (in the ISP) who have missed out on qualifying for Nationals. :( The latter two competed in the Senior event at the Philadelphia Summer International in early August while Audrey won the Junior event in Philly and competed in a JGP.

Aubrey Ignacio, who landed two triple Lutzes in winning the U.S. Novice silver medal last season, is one of 2 Junior ladies in the ISP who did not qualify for Nationals (she's had a rough season so not a surprising result to me). Alena Budko is the other and this exchange was from the U.S. Sectionals competition discussion thread in Kiss & Cry:
I just noticed that Alena Budko isn't listed for junior ladies at PACS :(
She posted on her (private) Instagram a few days ago that she has a stress fracture in her foot "due to a fall in off-ice training" and is looking forward to coming back strongly next season.
ETA that all five Junior ladies who competed on the JGP this season qualified for Nationals:
Lindsay Thorngren (won Easterns with 170.04), Calista Choi (won Mids with 163.57), Isabelle Inthisone (2nd at Mids with 159.23), Jessica Lin (4th at Mids with 147.49) and Kate Wang (4th at Pacs with 140.19).

Two other Senior ladies from the JGP qualified for Nationals via Sectionals: Sarah Jung (2nd at Easterns with 182.43) and Emilia Murdock (3rd at Pacs with 155.88).
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Well-Known Member
Is it my imagination or did a higher number of "known" skaters have melt downs this year when compared to previous seasons?

It is not just higher level skaters. The #1 (or very close to it) juv girl (per NQS) wound up finishing last at her Sectionals.


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
It is not just higher level skaters. The #1 (or very close to it) juv girl (per NQS) wound up finishing last at her Sectionals.
We never know if a skater is injured or dealing with nerves, a combination of the two, or something else.

It's a shame that both Scott sisters had a tough Sectional Final comp. this past weekend. :( Haley finished 6th in Junior Ladies at Easterns after being 4th in SP and I enjoy her skating.

I posted this below in the previous U.S. Ladies thread back in August in response to @Tinami Amori:
Haley just competed in the Philadelphia Summer Championships club comp. last week and finished 3rd (131.73) in the Junior Ladies Combined Event behind Lindsay Thorngren (161.61, which now is the 4th highest NQS score in Junior) and Elsa Cheng (who currently has the top NQS combined score in Novice, 158.83 at Skate Milwaukee) ... here was Elsa's podium photo of the 3 of them:
I also posted this action photo of Haley in the Philly comp. thread in Kiss & Cry (this person who watched her compete there was very impressed, as was I several years ago when I last saw her in person):

Haley currently is coached by Silvia Fontana in Florida, along with her younger sister, Jordan (age 10 who is slightly taller than Haley already):
I found a local Florida article from last year when Haley was 12 that includes a section on the Scotts ("Skating sisters shine"):
ETA: Jordan Scott currently has the top NQS Juvenile Girls FS score (61.53).


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
On a happier note, this skater has qualified for her first Nationals! :)
I always appreciate seeing/reading thoughtful local media coverage of skaters (Mia [Eckels] won the South Atlantics Junior ladies' event and has worked with Kimmie Meissner for many years):
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Well-Known Member
I watched Gracie's FS and when she finished and had that small smile, I teared up. Because it looked like she was proud of herself, and the smile came from her heart, and through her entire career I never saw her smile like that. When she won nationals, or medaled at GPs, or won the short at Worlds, she had that big performative smile but never actually looked happy, only relieved. This one was different.


Well-Known Member
Yes, let's find faults with the winner Zhang..... who skated a great (for her level) programmes and won fair and square, and praise Gracie (former US Champion) who skated well below her level because she could not handle some stuff in the past. Maybe Zhang had many issues in life, sport and personal..... just did not advertise "her struggles"....;)

Decline of Western Civilization....... When Batman and Superman were helping the "underdogs", the "underdogs" were those who were "superior to all" but held back in spite of their superiority and talent...... not because they made the wrong choices in life and showed weakness.
Omg what the heck? Who the heck made you such a self righteous..... ugh need to add an ignore for this ....... before I use language one shouldn’t use in public!

Love Gracie and she is an amazingly STRONG person to do what she has done.


Well-Known Member
Just read a post from Gracie’s dress designer, he put in words what many of us feel about her. I’ll only quote some of it here...

”This is a tough woman and I think she has shown a ton of grit to make this comeback happen and I think that is inspiring to anyone who may not yet be done on their own journey, whatever it may be! I think we have all known Gracie was special the moment we saw her. Wether she wins an Olympic gold medal or if it’s just seeing her skate at 100% of what she is capable of in the moment, she is my hero because she decided her story was not finished and she took action! I hope she inspires you to take hold of your own story and make it what YOU WANT!”

And if you read the rest of his post about the dresses it speaks loudly of her character. Okay, I’ll get off my soap box but gotta stand up for our girl 💖🤗
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