Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir : Just For Us # 45


Well-Known Member

The above blog has a report of their free dance from the same person/source that shared two of the videos from today if anyone is interested. It's an interesting read but every time i read something about this FS I have very mixed feelings and then I see videos and think it's bloody brilliant. LOL I am very glad it's more in line with Carmen than Seasons though.


Not Impressed.
Just wanted to confirm that after researching Santana's greatest hits :COP:, and the small sample of the music transition in Patrice's interview, the final piece of music in Virtue & Moir's SD is "Oye Como Va" by Santana. :inavoid: It's the only track that matches the guitar notes (might be a different version than original though)
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Well-Known Member

This is amazing. So sync'ed with the music. Perfect timing, the emotions match. Really great

Compilation of all FD clips in order so far (~1 min):

And now I see that and I'm a little disappointed. The voice before the tango as an introduction.. It just doesn't match for me. You don't go from a pseudo-philosophical sad-introduction to the burst of passion and pain in one seconds. Transition is too harsh. I thought the tango was later on the program, to build the emotion and the dramatic before BADOOM the tango explosion and the goosebumps.

The more I watch it, the more I get used to it but I don't really like that transition nonetheless. It steals all the epicness of the first sneek peak. (You see what I mean ? Now it becomes juste "great". One of the few team where I can say "great" with disappointment xD)
Maybe the whole program will make more sense, I haven't seen it. But I was afraid of the MR choice, and then that first sneek peek won me over it. Now I don't think MR is a bad choice (and for their last olympics V/M have the right to pick whatever music they like) but I'm not as excited as I was... To be continued.

Oh and congrats for their 20 years together.


Well-Known Member
See I had the exact opposite reaction. I LOVE the beginning transition...when the tango started and Tessa's shoulders dropped it gave me goosebumps. If the actual choreography wasn't so crisp I don't think it would have worked so well but as it is it's my favorite part of what I've seen so far. Now how they'll transition from the Tango into Come What May is what gives me pause. I really hope it's more cohesive than what I'm imagining.
In other news TSL tweeted that early reports of V/M's FS is that it's simply amazing. And Eric Redford retweeted saying bring your tissues. That gives me a lot of hope!


Well-Known Member
To me, the transition between the short "Show Must Go On" intro and "Roxanne" is stunning, and it creates the tension needed for the tango piece. I'm not even trying to imagine right now how they switch from "Roxanne" to "Come What May" (I want to be surprised), but it should work very well from a narrative perspective. They're telling a story in which their characters go through extreme emotions, until they can let go of the rage and jealousy, and give in to true love. If they're portraying this journey, ending the program with the furious tango wouldn't have made any sense...
Autumn Classic cannot come soon enough!


Well-Known Member
the sd should be like this: step sequence and twizzles with Rolling stones, pattern with Eagles, lift with Santana. or the twizzles at the end.


Well-Known Member
Did you guys see this? http://canadiansfigureskating.tumblr.com/post/164862919858 I REALLY can't wait to see the whole thing!

It seems like we've been getting a lot of reports like this. Is the norm? Does everyone remember reports like this for their other FS? Just trying to suss out how accurate these are. LOL. Very exciting to see these though! This has been such a rollercoaster this week...going from disliking their music choice to loving the clips of the actual FS and everything in between. Now I know why Tessa wanted us to see the whole thing at once!


Well-Known Member
It seems like we've been getting a lot of reports like this. Is the norm? Does everyone remember reports like this for their other FS? Just trying to suss out how accurate these are. LOL. Very exciting to see these though! This has been such a rollercoaster this week...going from disliking their music choice to loving the clips of the actual FS and everything in between. Now I know why Tessa wanted us to see the whole thing at once!

Eric said the same thing about their Seasons FD, IIRC.

So maybe not the most reliable source, heh.


Well-Known Member
I think the difference here is that the hype had already started once people saw the clips yesterday and kept going. TSL is only writing what has already happened this time, but adding a bit more by editorializing a bit from what Dave gets from people with loose lips.


Well-Known Member
Eric said the same thing about their Seasons FD, IIRC.

So maybe not the most reliable source, heh.

Oh dear...ok good to know! I'm so anxious about this FS. I want it to come together so badly for them. From what I've read they've also asked for honest feedback so they have time to fix things before the first outing. So they're certainly doing all they can and they do look quite fit for this early in the season. I'm cautiously optimistic!


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the exact same thing! :D Eric is a lovely guy and I'm happy to read these praises, but hype can be a dangerous thing. I'd rather be overly excited after we've actually seen the programs.
Yeah I agree Ioana, I don't want to overhype it in my own head and set myself up for disappointment. But still it makes me happy to read people's positive first impression. Also congrats to them on 20 years!


Well-Known Member
And now I see that and I'm a little disappointed. The voice before the tango as an introduction.. It just doesn't match for me. You don't go from a pseudo-philosophical sad-introduction to the burst of passion and pain in one seconds. Transition is too harsh. I thought the tango was later on the program, to build the emotion and the dramatic before BADOOM the tango explosion and the goosebumps.

I thought the same, but the end in Come what may is very emotional too. And if they are telling the story in Moulin Rouge, El tango de Roxanne at the end is not coherent, in fact I think Come what may is the song just before of Satine´s death (I guess it is no spoiler if the movie was released 16 years ago and it is basically the story of La Dame aux Camélias :shuffle:)


Well-Known Member
The thing is it's not just VM's teammates praising the MR FD, I've read casual fans seeing it are also giving very positive and emotional feedback. That can't be coincidence. So I'm confident it would be that good when we see it all.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
I think it's way too premature to be deciding the layout of the program is not to your liking when you are seeing very brief glimpses. While it's exciting and fans want to see them skate I think it's a shame when skaters want to debut their programs as a whole and are thwarted.


Well-Known Member
The thing is it's not just VM's teammates praising the MR FD, I've read casual fans seeing it are also giving very positive and emotional feedback. That can't be coincidence. So I'm confident it would be that good when we see it all.

I think it's way too premature to be deciding the layout of the program is not to your liking when you are seeing very brief glimpses. While it's exciting and fans want to see them skate I think it's a shame when skaters want to debut their programs as a whole and are thwarted.

The glimpses from this week are plenty for me to be over the moon right now. I need nothing more. Bring on the season, hahaha.


Well-Known Member
It seems like we've been getting a lot of reports like this. Is the norm? Does everyone remember reports like this for their other FS?

I don't remember what other people's early reports on Mahler in 2009-10 were, but I clearly remember that when I saw the debut of the program live at Thornhill Summerskate, I knew the second they were done that they were going to win the Olympics. I started the process of booking my tickets to Vancouver that very day.

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