2023 Grand Prix Final - Rhythm Dance: “Here Come The Brits Again, Scoring In My Heart Like A Tragedy”


Personally I’d have:

1) G/F
2) G/P
3) C/B
4) L/L
5) F/G
6) F-B/S

G/F are by far the best technical skaters here - yes they’re not P/C but nobody currently competing is and they are much better than the rest. Yet C/B are the ones getting P/C level scores…

I’d rank G/P ahead of C/B because their program is more interesting and original. The skating quality is not that different.

L/L seemed off compared to last month in Chongqing and the performance felt less impactful overall.

Both F/G and F-B/S made twizzle mistakes but F-B/S’ was the more disruptive one and their lift was shaky too. I honestly thought Nikolaj is the weakest skater here rather than Lilah. Like I wanted to watch Laurence but he kept distracting me.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
Looking at some of the quotes Golden Skate got I think time of day they were competing played a factor for some of the teams. More so the first group and I think that showed. Second group seems to have more awareness and experience skating at all hours and came in better prepared for that.

FD is 3 hours earlier (17:50 instead of 21:00 ) in the schedule tomorrow so hopefully they can all show their best and we get a better show.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
Gui/Fab have the worst music choices in my opinion, especially that the two songs have nothing to do with each other. And Madison and Evan while 80s it’s predictable 80s music. And Sweet dreams has made the rounds too much in the last five seasons to try and use this for a specific 80s theme.


Well-Known Member
Piper Gilles/Paul Poirier 🇨🇦
Coach: Carol Lane, Juris Razgulajevs, Jon Lane
Music: No More I Love You’s, Addicted to Love

Pattern Step Sequence 4
3+SqTwM4 - Piper spun the 2nd twizzle (level 4 after review)
Choreo Rhythm Sequence

Rotational Lift 4

Solid skate - small twizzle error from Piper. (Edited: Piper's twizzles called level 4 after review - cost them some GOE compared to the other two teams but no base value.)

85.17 = 3rd Place
Piper's opening closing fish mouth much more in control this time around. It was hardly distracting at all this performance. I also liked improvement of Pauls hair and he also smiled at end of performance.


Well-Known Member
Looking at the protocols....Piper's twizzles were upgraded to L4 on review. Calling was tough on the step sequences. Evan was the only skater to get a 4 on the midline.
kudos to Carol Lanes influence. At this level a level 4 should be flawless.


Rotating while Russian!
Madonna‘s hair was a huge mess through the early eighties. Mine still is a big ole mess… :shuffle:
Messy hair was popular in the '80s, but messy buns not so much. However since this is skating and she needs to have her hair up I think the spirit of her hairstyle totally works.

Bunny Hop

Queen of the Workaround
I'd have this 2nd, behind Guignard & Fabbri.
Good, not just me then. I don't dislike Chock & Bates by any means, I just think Guignard and Fabbri were better tecnically and Gilles/Poirier really nailed the brief and skated better overall than C/B. At the very least the point gap should be much less than it is.


Bad Brit
Staff member
I’ve got Danger Zone going round in my head. That song is so catchy :D


Euler? Euler? Anyone?
For once I don't have a problem with the scoring. C/B were ON FIRE. I'm not a C/B fan and massively prefer the Italians in general, but not tonight. Tonight the best thing I can say about G/F is they didn't mess up. They were tentative today.

Honestly, I can see a justification for LaLas OR C/B OR G/F OR G/P being on top. I think, on this night based on my ranking of skating on THIS NIGHT ONLY, LaLas had the best mix of technical, skating skills, presentation, skating skills. C/B had the best presentation and good everything else. They were on 🔥 , presentation wise. That first minute just drew me in. Normally I like this bizarre program for G/F, but tonight it didn't grab me, but they are just good skaters, and skill should count. G/P made mistakes left, right, and center but they to me looked like they were having fun, drew me in, and of the top four, have the most actual 80s choreography, and getting the feeling right to me is most important in an RD. YMMV; I understand those who say skating skills should triumph above all too.

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