Survivor S46


From the Bloc
Yay the season has started! Well after the previously on, whatever. Just read Jem's exit interview - spoiler alert she's pissed, at herself as much as the people she thought she had a solid alliance with - and some interesting points. She said that before the game started she vowed to herself that any time she had an idol she'd play it rather than risk a blindside. Even if she wasn't the target, it would help to see where she stood with the other players. However, she also said that after putting them through six days (!) of trying to find that box, they'd be so mad at her they'd vote her out next opportunity. She was surprised, as was I, that Maria used both her votes when they already had a majority, so maybe she didn't entire trust her alliance either?

Which brings me to what I'm watching for with merge. After He Who Shall Not Be Named spilled his guts on his journey, I thought Kenzie would be toast no matter what happens. Now I'm thinking there's a huge opportunity to divide up Siga permanently, because along with Jem, Moriah has got to be really upset, and she's still there, with no alliance at all now. Ben also saw his name written down, perhaps knew he was safe, but it does scare one I think. Maria has shown her hand in many ways, already blowing one alliance in favour of what was supposed to be a very sekret one. The Nami tribe members are a wildcard for me, having never put their alliances to the test - which might make them resolve to stick together, but likely not. I think not all of them want to work with Soda, and I'm thinking Venus has a lot of game left in her, especially now with a larger group to pick from and work with.

I thought the secret alliance talk at the journey was intriguing. I might have the details of this wrong, but there was a season of BB years ago, where four guys decided on day one that they were going to the end, and their plan was to each make a side alliance with someone else to both hide theirs and keep the information flowing. And it worked!


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I thought the secret alliance talk at the journey was intriguing. I might have the details of this wrong, but there was a season of BB years ago, where four guys decided on day one that they were going to the end, and their plan was to each make a side alliance with someone else to both hide theirs and keep the information flowing. And it worked!
It's probably happened several times, but the Cookout season (23) of Big Brother did this. Each of six Black players teamed up with another player that, if put on the block together or with any other member of the alliance, they knew they'd be safe. They got to the final six with this plan, and then of course turned on each other.


From the Bloc
@tony even better! I stopped watched BB years ago so didn't see that season but sounds awesome. I looked up the one I was thinking of it and it was season 12, which included the memorable scene when the alliance broke it to Britney Haynes that they'd been playing her the whole time and she was about to be voted out. That season was won by Hayden Moss, who later played Survivor Blood vs Water.


Fan of many, uber of none
Kinda glad to see Jem gone, she was far too smug about the Beware Advantage, and I don't know that she was as good a liar as she was thinking she was being. Tim seemed to see through her, and others may have as well.

The talk about a secret 6-person alliance at the journey was interesting, I don't know that that has ever been tried on Survivor before. We'll see what happens, when it looks like the merge is next week. I tend to like Kenzie more than Tiffany, but Q has his "ride or die" it seems. I could see Charlie going a long way, and I hope Hunter does as well.


Eating Rhetorical Apples
Staff member
Kinda glad to see Jem gone, she was far too smug about the Beware Advantage, and I don't know that she was as good a liar as she was thinking she was being.
She also seemed pretty aggressive.
I tend to like Kenzie more than Tiffany,
The producers are having some fun with the edits. I laughed so much at "Whatcha talking about? Whatcha talking about?"

And I actually waited for Soda to snatch the immunity idol away from Venus. This was the first time she didn't do that. :lol:
I could see Charlie going a long way, and I hope Hunter does as well.
I like Hunter, but he's going to have a huge target on his strong back.

That journey challenge was terrible! I've watched every season and I couldn't begin to put them in order. Generally, sorta kinda, maybe, but not in order.


From the Bloc
Agree re Hunter, but that's where the potential six person alliance could have some teeth. If it works, the strong guys keep other strong guys in the game longer and keep the target off their own backs.


Well-Known Member
Just got caught up with the last 2 episodes (was in Montreal last week :).
Yes - he who shall not be named - lol- so glad he was gone. Players like that just frustrate me - he seemed bright and a fan of the game, but then so naive and had no idea how to play. Jem - LOL at her getting voted out with the idol.
I think I like Kenzie more than Tiffany too!. I like Q - but I feel like he is use to getting his own way and I guess I know Kenzie is odd person out with that 3.
The 6 way alliance - I hope it at least lasts awhile - could be fun to watch.


Fan of many, uber of none
Well, I guess Moriah was right about being at the bottom of her tribe. Not sure her reveal at tribal was ever going to work in her favor, but I guess it was worth a try. Venus thinking she has more power in this game than she actually does is amusing to me, although I kind of like her. I don't think Tim can be trusted in the "pick one" alliance that Q is trying to set up, he seems to be playing whatever works best for him, and it is an individual game. I still like Kenzie better than the rest of the women, and probably Charlie and Hunter out of the guys. We'll see what happens now that merge is official.


From the Bloc
I think Venus knows she's not in control, but that's not stopping her. Also agree that Tim is, I think stupidly, not going with the six. And he told everyone Maria is his #1, like can this guy keep anything strategic?

Q might be in trouble sooner than later anyway, he seems to think he has a lot of control, and gets annoyed when things don't go his way.

I continue to be worried for Hunter, who I like so far, but at the same time that challenge said a lot. All those big guys including Hunter and the others came quite close to beating them. The obvious challenge threats need to remind others about that going forward, and about the kinds of challenges where smaller people can do better, where it's about endurance or mind over matter - not just speed, strength and puzzling.

This is such an interesting phase of the game, with a large group and so many possibilities.


Eating Rhetorical Apples
Staff member
I really enjoyed the suspense in this episode. Will Hunter get his idol before the boats arrive? Will the David team actually win? Wheee!

They showed Tevin commenting on Hunter's puzzle mastery; I figure that this means that either Tevin is going to see Hunter as his means to the end and hang on to their alliance for dear life or that Tevin is going to see Hunter as a too much of a threat to continue their alliance and he is going to betray their alliance sooner than later.

Everyone shown in the preview looked really angry, so next week might be interesting.


Well-Known Member
How come Whats His Name doesn't have a vote? Don't remember his name or why he don't have a vote. :p Is he the only person who does not have a vote and what's he got to do to get it back? Anyone keeping track of who has got Idols or advantages or whatever?

There's still too many people in the game for me to remember stuff and even after ... what is it like 24 years now? .... I still don't get the 'he/she is playing the game' comments. I just want them to vote out people I don't like. :lol:


Eating Rhetorical Apples
Staff member
How come Whats His Name doesn't have a vote? Don't remember his name or why he don't have a vote. :p Is he the only person who does not have a vote and what's he got to do to get it back? Anyone keeping track of who has got Idols or advantages or whatever?
He went on a journey and failed to complete a challenge--the one where he had to put all the season logos in order.
There's still too many people in the game for me to remember stuff and even after ... what is it like 24 years now? .... I still don't get the 'he/she is playing the game' comments. I just want them to vote out people I don't like. :lol:
If I don't like a player, that player is almost certainly going to be there until the end.


Well-Known Member
I'm not following too much this season. All I know is that Kenzie and Tiffany are my favorites.


Eating Rhetorical Apples
Staff member
LOL that Venus thinks she masterminded Soda's blindside. And how does she EVER think she is going to bring Maria around after this? The problem is that Maria doesn't like the 20-year-old telling her what to do? Who wants anyone telling them what to do? And Q, I could be looking at you here, too.

Venus could slither through the game just because no one considers her much of a threat and there are other people who present bigger targets.

Glad to see Hunter (and his idol) and Charlie (in spite of himself) make it through.

Why did Tevin vote for Venus? He was the one who wanted Soda out.


Fan of many, uber of none
Very glad that both Hunter and Charlie survived when it didn't look likely. Venus thinking she's a mastermind is almost amusing, although she's annoying. Q is getting overbearing and I think the girls may turn on him in the future if he doesn't back off on his commanding of them. Kenzie seems like a genuinely nice person, and I'm still rooting for her. Ben is growing on me, I found him annoying in the beginning with his "dude" persona, but that's just him. I won't miss either one who was voted out, as I think they both were pretty shifty in their gameplay.


From the Bloc
I liked Soda, would have been happy to have Liz outta there instead, but guess she's not a factor at this point. Wasn't enjoying Tim's gameplay at all, so buhbye.

I do still think there's an opportunity for a six alliance, now with Charlie instead of Tim (who apparently only named Maria at the time because he thought he should say someone, and then he was annoyed later when the others spoke to her before he did - don't understand his game at all). But how many people know about this?

Kenzie is really growing on me, and while I don't mind Q, I can see where everyone playing with him might. Good shield for now though, especially since he's making his wishes known, and better a known than an unknown.

As for Venus, I'm not sure she thinks she's masterminding everything (did she say that? Can't recall). But I do think she's a survivor who's used to making her own way in life, looking out for #1, which might get her really far if she's not fussed about alliances or loyalty and friendships and is ready do to whatever it takes.


From the Bloc
Well that was nuts. The expressions and gestures in the voting booth were hysterical, and I have to think that the show's editors had a helluva time sorting out whatever Q was on about this entire episode.

Was his suggestion that they vote him out for real? Because he has actually said he would quit or people should vote him out several times now, and while it's likely that's what he meant in the moment, is it also possible that he's continually testing everyone around him? Not even in a strategic way, but that's just who he is?

Venus, sigh. Wanted to root for hometown girl but she's proven for the second time she's playing the "he said my name" game, which I find tiresome. Might get her far, but won't get her the votes in final TC.

And Hunter, I feel bad he's frustrated and will be even more now that Tevin's gone. One can imagine he's been dreaming of this forever, and then as so often happens you have to deal with the people you're playing with, not necessarily the game you thought you were going to play so carefully from your couch.


Well-Known Member
I'm ready for Q to be gone. He's annoyed me the last few episodes, though I do agree that he keeps people on their toes.

Venus doesn't bother me as much as she seems to bother other people (or the other survivors). They keep saying she's sneaky, or a snake, but all I see is someone who wants to be included and work with other people, and when they leave her out, she looks for someone else to work with. I also can see why she thinks she's the one who masterminded Soda's elimination, because she mentioned the idea to people, nobody else brought it up with her, and Soda was eliminated. What else is she supposed to think?


Rooting for that middle-aged team
Q is entertaining but he needs to go. Glad Tiffany still has her idol but I would have used it, no way I would have trusted anyone at that point. Once Q and Venus are gone I think I can be ok with who is left, until I’m not. :lol:
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Fan of many, uber of none
First it's the Bhanu show, now the Q show?? He's annoying and overbearing, as I liked him at first, but his arrogance is turning me off big time. He can leave at any time.

Venus, well, she has been shut out most of the game, but that doesn't mean that things that happen that you are hoping for are because of your action. Although Tevin annoyed me and I'm glad that he's gone, but Venus and Liz can both go at any time and I'd be fine with it.

Still liking Kenzie, Charlie and Hunter the best. Will be interesting to see if Tiff turns against Q next week. I think it would serve her well to do so.


Well-Known Member
What the heck was that Tribal? I don't even know who they were all going to vote for before Q lost his mind. So confused.

On the pole challenge, how do they get up there to start position? We see them already at the top clinging on in their gripped and set position. Do they all get a ladder or platform or something to make the start fair and we just don't see that part? I woulda stepped out of that one right quick. No way could I hold on to that pole.


Eating Rhetorical Apples
Staff member
What the heck was that Tribal?
That's a good question. That was insane.

My favorite voting booth face was Charlie's :lol:.
I don't even know who they were all going to vote for before Q lost his mind. So confused.
I think they all voted exactly as they planned to before Q lost his damn mind--including Q.
No way could I hold on to that pole.
You could have been one to go for the rice!

Q must go.


Eating Rhetorical Apples
Staff member
Alas, poor Hunter, we hardly knew ye. :fragile:

Q would make me crazy, but I think it's interesting that everyone just sort of rolls their eyes at him and plays around him like he isn't even there.


Fan of many, uber of none
Well, I would much rather have had Q leave than Hunter, who I liked, but he didn't really play a strong strategic game. I hope Q gets off of my TV screen next week. I hope Kenzie isn't toast for wanting to target Tiffany, because you know that will get back to her. Glad that Charlie won immunity.


From the Bloc
I really liked Hunter too, but this episode was the first time we really saw him trying to play beyond the challenges, and he wasn't very good at it. Seems like his game was hinging on his alliance with Tevin, and once he was gone he was scrambling. I do feel bad for him watching at home now and seeing all the challenges he didn't get to play (and likely had a shot at winning).

Something interesting I learned about Charlie. In college he was a Division 1 cross-country runner, which means he has both endurance and the ability to push through pain, which explains a lot about how he beat Hunter on that last challenge.

I generally like the crazy that Q and Venus are causing, but feeling it for the players who are good strategists and who on another season might be having a very different game.


Well-Known Member
As much as everyone dislikes Q (both viewers and tribe members), I'm almost at the point where I won't be surprised if he wins. If he's not eliminated next week. I'm half expecting all the jury members to start to think he's playing a great game, and potentially vote for him if he makes it to final 3. So basically, IMO he's either eliminated in the next 2 weeks or ends up winning the whole thing.


Eating Rhetorical Apples
Staff member
Liz really needed a Bourbon Street steak with an Oreo shake with some whipped cream on the top, too.

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