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Banned Member
Yes, Isabeau attempted 4toe in a summer comp and it was UR and she gracefully fell out of it like Lindsay with her 3axel at Leesburg. It didn't look close, but who knows. I however am impressed with her 2axel and think she has it in her to do a 3axel. But her jumping technique is hardly ideal.


Needs a nap
Terrible idea. Senior newbie carrying the team event and expected to challenge for individual medal. Not possible.

If we swap men and dance, we do not have the option to swap ladies. Alysa has a much better chance at a team medal than an individual medal at this point. If her option is to do both segments or neither, she'd be foolish to pick neither.


Well-Known Member
Terrible idea. Senior newbie carrying the team event and expected to challenge for individual medal. Not possible.
The US would be stupid to sub in for women when both the dance and men have two top 3-5 skaters/teams who will earn more points than any woman we put into the team event. Whichever woman is put in for the team event will NOT be expected to carry the US team over the goalposts in the team event. And, I think everyone in the USFS is realistic about the medal chances of ANY of our women in the individual event.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
She looked devastated in Kiss and Cry and sounds quite down in her recent Instagram post. I hope she can rally as she is truly an exquisite skater who reminds me of what figure skating is all about and why I still follow this sport. Her skating appears to be well respected internationally and she has the kind of FP that can shine during the Olympics. She appears to be a mature and level-headed person so I'm hopeful she will dust herself off and not let this experience play with her head.
I totally agree with every word said. I have had the privilege of watching her skate live. She is one of the most gifted and beautiful skaters I have seen.

However, her results (as I read them) are nothing to write home about.
OLYS - 11th
Worlds - 4th, WD and 4th.
Four Continents - 12th 12th and 7th
Cup of China 5th and 7th.

In short, she does not place well in competitions. She scored well as a Junior and Novice.

So, although I love watching her skate, I do not think anybody will be sending her to either Worlds or Olys.

Karen seemed devastated after that skate.
I wonder if it purely in her head or if there is a problem with conditioning. But then again, she has never really shined on the GP circuit so I will not speculate anything before Nationals.
The program is beautiful though and when she hit a jump, they are airy and big.
I think Karen is a breathtaking skater. I have seen her live, and she is just exquisite.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
Yes, Isabeau attempted 4toe in a summer comp and it was UR and she gracefully fell out of it like Lindsay with her 3axel at Leesburg. It didn't look close, but who knows. I however am impressed with her 2axel and think she has it in her to do a 3axel. But her jumping technique is hardly ideal.
I think Isabeau can have a great future in skating. She has some things to fix, but who doesn't at 14.

I did have to laugh though. She was skating to Swan Lake, and started her performance with a huge no one smiles in Swan Lake.


Well-Known Member
The US would be stupid to sub in for women when both the dance and men have two top 3-5 skaters/teams who will earn more points than any woman we put into the team event. Whichever woman is put in for the team event will NOT be expected to carry the US team over the goalposts in the team event. And, I think everyone in the USFS is realistic about the medal chances of ANY of our women in the individual event.
The US loves singles skaters and particularly the women. It would be fair to put in the two ice dance teams but most likely they will put in the women.


I had totally forgotten the only two skaters/teams in two discipline rule, so yeah, as much as I dislike the idea of putting Liu in for both, I cannot imagine C/B or H/D or Zhou or Chen not splitting the duties if they so choose in their respective disciplines...then again, H/D didn't get a shot in 2018...


Well-Known Member
She was 4th at Worlds and she's had other bad skates in her life, particularly in the Grand Prix. Yes, many of the jumps were tight and underrotated, but the final two falls with << were the score killers. Early-season performances aren't indicative of anything with her, we should all know this by now ;)
But isn’t a skater’s success or lack thereof, strongly considered in decisions re: placement on the Olympic team?


Banned Member
I had totally forgotten the only two skaters/teams in two discipline rule, so yeah, as much as I dislike the idea of putting Liu in for both, I cannot imagine C/B or H/D or Zhou or Chen not splitting the duties if they so choose in their respective disciplines...then again, H/D didn't get a shot in 2018...
I would be shocked if H/D and C/B didn't split up the events. Why would a woman who is not Alysa Liu be considered? The least damage an extra woman single skater could cause is in the SP, but I'd think Alysa would want another chance to hit her 3axel in the SP before the singles competition. Anyway, the dance teams have earned their places on the team. Split them up and Nathan/Vincent. Let Kneirim/Frazier and Alysa hold their own. This shouldn't even be debatable, IMO.


Why would a woman who is not Alysa Liu be considered?
I originally agreed that it would be better not to have Alysa skate both short and long in the team event because she is a first year senior competing at the Olympics and thought it would take some weight off her shoulders since she still would have to skate in the regular ladies event, if Bradie is 'back', she would be ideal (based on her history) to split SP and LP with Alysa. However, it's a moot point, because I had forgotten about the 2 discipline limit on splitting programs and obviously dance and men should take precedence.


Well-Known Member
It would be nice if they split the dance segment and both C/B & H/D could medal--goodness knows both teams have served US skating well for a long time--but the USFSA didn't even do that in 2018 when the Shibs & H/D were essentially guaranteed to finish in the same spot regardless of which skated. C/B were behind Gilles & Poirier at worlds last season, so unless they're consistently outperforming them this year prior to the Olys, having H/D take both segments might make more sense. In the ladies, Liu is still likely to finish behind the Russian entry & it's a toss-up as to whether she would beat the hypothetical Japanese skater, so lets place her 3rd in each segment. Looking at the other qualifying countries, barring Korea managing to qualify, the other US ladies have a good shot at finishing in roughly the same spot, especially once the field narrows in the LP.


Well-Known Member
I actually think Liza's FS is a perfect example of a skater knowing her own limitations and maximizing her content. She's never going to be a super-graceful, super-balletic skater. Many skaters respond to this by trying to force a very artistic program and it rarely works. Liza's program takes her sass and moxie and packages her jump content well.
Can’t sass be artistic? Is artistic only balletic? (No - there are many ways to express the music with artistry ).


Well-Known Member
It would be nice if they split the dance segment and both C/B & H/D could medal--goodness knows both teams have served US skating well for a long time--but the USFSA didn't even do that in 2018 when the Shibs & H/D were essentially guaranteed to finish in the same spot regardless of which skated.
Was it guaranteed that they’d finish in the same spot? See FD placement at 2018 individual ice dance competition, 2017 Worlds, and a few other competitions before and since.


Well-Known Member
It would be nice if they split the dance segment and both C/B & H/D could medal--goodness knows both teams have served US skating well for a long time--but the USFSA didn't even do that in 2018 when the Shibs & H/D were essentially guaranteed to finish in the same spot regardless of which skated. C/B were behind Gilles & Poirier at worlds last season, so unless they're consistently outperforming them this year prior to the Olys, having H/D take both segments might make more sense. In the ladies, Liu is still likely to finish behind the Russian entry & it's a toss-up as to whether she would beat the hypothetical Japanese skater, so lets place her 3rd in each segment. Looking at the other qualifying countries, barring Korea managing to qualify, the other US ladies have a good shot at finishing in roughly the same spot, especially once the field narrows in the LP.
Currently, looking at RD scores alone, C/B have a higher SB in that segment than H/D, and that was with them missing levels at both Finlandia and SkAm. Right now, both teams would, theoretically, finish behind GilPoi in the RD but I think that C/B have the potential to beat GilPoi (as they did at Worlds last year, FWIW) in the RD.

You are correct that, right now, it looks like Liu is going to finish 2nd or 3rd in the women's SP and FS with Japan taking the other placement. Kind of a coin toss, IMO, as to how those placements go and I could see it easily being a situation where Liu is 2nd in one segment and 3rd in the other. Both countries have dodged a bullet in that Korea didn't qualify for the team event and the only real competition for 2nd & 3rd in the SP will be Gubanova.

Barbara Manatee

Well-Known Member
It would be nice if they split the dance segment and both C/B & H/D could medal--goodness knows both teams have served US skating well for a long time--but the USFSA didn't even do that in 2018 when the Shibs & H/D were essentially guaranteed to finish in the same spot regardless of which skated.
It isn't just USFS' choice though, the skaters have input too. I assume Nathan will get first choice on what he wants to do, then whoever the #1 dance is. I think if the dance teams say they want to split, the USFS will take that seriously.


Well-Known Member
It isn't just USFS' choice though, the skaters have input too. I assume Nathan will get first choice on what he wants to do, then whoever the #1 dance is. I think if the dance teams say they want to split, the USFS will take that seriously.
It would be very sweet if C/B and H/D asked to split, knowing that they're training partners and good friends, and this way they both get to win a well-deserved Olympic medal.


Rotating while Russian!
LOL, but the two Madisons are US ladies :)

But seriously, back to American women who compete in the women's division...I wonder if Karen would or should consider watering down for her next GP so that she could have a clean skate.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
LOL, but the two Madisons are US ladies :)

But seriously, back to American women who compete in the women's division...I wonder if Karen would or should consider watering down for her next GP so that she could have a clean skate.
The jumps she crashed and burned on and lost the most points for were basic stand-alone triples. ‘Watering down’ a skate, whether technically or by taking bits of choreography out to save energy, isn’t going to get past any roadblock of not rotating the triples fully IMO. She just needs to have a better day altogether and hope for the best with her technique.


Banned Member
The jumps she crashed and burned on and lost the most points for were basic stand-alone triples. ‘Watering down’ a skate, whether technically or by taking bits of choreography out to save energy, isn’t going to get past any roadblock of not rotating the triples fully IMO. She just needs to have a better day altogether and hope for the best with her technique.
Unfortunately, Karen is at the mercy of whoever is the technical caller. If she doesn't get any UR calls with a lax technical specialist, she places 4th at Worlds behind only the Russian ladies. With a specialist who pays attention, she places 10th at Skate Canada just ahead of the Canadian ladies. It's bizarre.
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Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, Karen is at the mercy of whoever is the technical caller. If she doesn't get any UR calls with a lax technical specialist, she places 4th at Worlds. With a specialist who pays attention, she places 10th at Skate Canada just ahead of the Canadian ladies. It's bizarre.
I think sometimes her jumps are better than other times. Even I saw her fatigue towards the end of her Skate Canada skate and her jumps there didn't have that same snap towards the end as she can have. I think her high placement at Worlds 2021 made people forget that she did get calls there; she got two qs, a !, and a >. Kind of reminds me of 2016 Worlds where Ashley's silver medal made people forget she got two >s and a ! for her freeskate. So a skater like Karen needs to be on and needs to really make sure her jumps have as much snap and rotation as possible. She'll always be subject to some calls but if she gets tired with rotation like she was at Skate Canada, boom! However, like Ashley, when Karen is electric and most of her jumps are on, she can get high scores still and be competitive for a top 5 placement. It's all within her power to make sure she makes it all the way around.


I think sometimes her jumps are better than other times. Even I saw her fatigue towards the end of her Skate Canada skate and her jumps there didn't have that same snap towards the end as she can have. I think her high placement at Worlds 2021 made people forget that she did get calls there; she got two qs, a !, and a >. Kind of reminds me of 2016 Worlds where Ashley's silver medal made people forget she got two >s and a ! for her freeskate. So a skater like Karen needs to be on and needs to really make sure her jumps have as much snap and rotation as possible. She'll always be subject to some calls but if she gets tired with rotation like she was at Skate Canada, boom! However, like Ashley, when Karen is electric and most of her jumps are on, she can get high scores still and be competitive for a top 5 placement. It's all within her power to make sure she makes it all the way around.
This! And we really shouldn't be comparing her skate at Worlds with her skate at Skate Canada, as if the only difference between the two was the technical caller.


Well-Known Member
At the risk of opening a whole can of worms and an attack thread aimed at me... I do wish the tech callers would apply equal objective scrutiny fairly across the board to all skaters, not just to some based on subjective reputation.
No attack from me; I agree with you.
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