2024 Canadian Championships Senior FD - Is anyone skating to "Frozen"?


Mayor of Carrot City
OK, I had to look up Corpse Bride because I had no idea where this theme came from.....but I can't say I enjoyed this a lot. It was very well performed, and there was some clever choreography, but "corpse wakes up, dances with groom, dies again" doesn't leave a lot of room for story development. This would be a great show program, but I'm not won over by it as a competitive program.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
It's certainly beautiful music they have now brought into the figure skating world.

I have been raving about this program from Day One. But if I have one complaint now, in January, is that I find Lane teams don't develop enough the connection between the two skaters. By that I mean you can picture Scott and Tessa skating that same program and actually believe this was their story they are telling us. I just want them to give us 50% of that. But they have a few more months to do that.


Well-Known Member
I want to like this, but it’s just kind of…there…for me. It doesn’t excite me unfortunately :( The lifts are beautifully highlighted in this program though.

KMT is high if she thinks this will challenge for gold at worlds. I think the writing is on the wall that that is not happening.


Happily ignoring ultracrepidarians (& trolls)!
Final results:
1 Piper Gilles / Paul Poirier ON 86.78 (1) 136.17 (1) 222.95
2 Marie-Jade Lauriault / Romain Le Gac QC 78.00 (2) 122.50 (2) 200.50
3 Alicia Fabbri / Paul Ayer QC 77.75 (3) 117.86 (3) 195.61
4 Lily Hensen / Nathan Lickers ON 66.12 (7) 110.50 (4) 176.62
5 Molly Lanaghan / Dmitre Razgulajevs ON 69.86 (5) 105.62 (6) 175.48
6 Nadiia Bashynska / Peter Beaumont ON 75.64 (4) 99.38 (8) 175.02
7 Emmy Bronsard / Jacob Richmond QC 66.85 (6) 105.88 (5) 172.73
8 Haley Sales / Nikolas Wamsteeker BC/YK 63.95 (8) 101.68 (7) 165.63
9 Alyssa Robinson / Jacob Portz AB/NT/NU 61.61 (10) 95.96 (9) 157.57
10 Sandrine Gauthier / Quentin Thieren QC 61.91 (9) 92.90 (10) 154.81
11 Charlie Anderson / Luke Anderson ON 44.23 (11) 73.84 (11) 118.07

WD Marjorie Lajoie / Zachary Lagha QC
WD Laurence Fournier-Beaudry / Nikolaj Soerensen QC


Mayor of Carrot City
However I do want to say that I think these costumes are entirely wrong for the program. This is strong, deep, dramatic music. The pale colours don't do that justice.

And this is a very minor snark related to @Desperado observation about Paul's shirt. I agree that the sleeves have been adjusted - it looks like elastic bands just under the elbows - and there are probably practical reasons for that. But it looks like he's about to pull some pints down at the local pub. I'd redo that shirt entirely because the shiny fabric is really distracting, but that's MHO.

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