2024 US Nats Sr Rhythm Dance - Edge of Thirteen (teams)


Knees won't let me tap dance anymore
My thoughts on RD. Totally missing H/B...it's just not the same. Love CarPon, they were the best to me, so glad to see them on top.(Don't count C/B cause they are just getting rep points if they stay upright and it was totally a given especially without H/B here). Also loved Z/K and P/B. Since I love ice dance, all the rest were great to watch as well. The commentary was useless (A&A) especially the slobbering over ChoBat, who I believe will see their reign end as far as Worlds go. Honestly I was very bored by their RD, they have been around long enough and they are not THAT much better (92) than the rest of our field at Nationals. It's so telling. And I can say that the top three at Euros gave me much more enjoyment. But I guess we will see. US Ice Dance is in very good shape and C/B are not the reason. Time to let others shine.

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
Sorry for double post, I'm on my phone.

Score expected. Think this RD is vulnerable when it comes to Worlds.
Well, we saw the scores they got at GPF. True that the second half of the season doesn't always match the first half. We'll maybe get a better idea where things are headed after 4CC. But it's not like G/F got a huge score at Euros.


Others did stand up as they took their bows, including me and my friends. Probably more stood up on the other side (opposite judges), don't know where she was sitting.
She was sitting with her husband, and Madison's parents, and they didn't stand.


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
Ian Somerville was a star back at 2014 Nationals. He and Gropman finished 2nd in novice behind the Beckers. Ponomarenko and then partner Feng were 3rd, but Anthony was totally unremarkable in comparison to Ian.


Well-Known Member
Thoughts after a night's sleep:
The energy in the arena was electric for every couple starting with Flores and new partner and the 80's music theme did it's job! Boo on the judges for inflating the scores significantly above what these teams would have earned internationally. Those who understand the "national game", knew going in that Chock and Bates would score above Gil/Por's score of 90 from Canadian Nationals barring a glaring mistake. After reviewing the protocols, I was happy to see teams were correctly ranked according to levels and skating skills versus GOE and that doesn't always happen on the international scene.

Nice surprises - Anthony, Michael and Evan all hit their twizzles! Emily and Ian taking the 4th position (May not stay there after the free, but that will probably be the only movement, barring an obvious mistake from a team.)

MIDA could use some "outside the team" help with music research and choreography.
I'm a Green/Parson's fan and their skating skills are some of the best, but high lifts will never look good on them and the one in this program is fugly. Their first twizzle needs more speed to be competative and it was slightly out of unison here.

Anthony and Christina delivered last night- edges mostly clean, fast, and animated to the max. Madison's influence on Christina keeps showing up more and more (even down to the questionable costume choices!)

It was nice IAM let Evan actually dance in this program! Maddie just does her thing - girl is just a show stopper! Audience just loved her little hop steps. The comfort they feel from so many years of experience TOGETHER and relating to audiences can not be taught. Bring on the free dance!
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Usova's Apprentice
Finally catching up.

Flores & Destyatov vs Wolfkosten & Tsarevski - it's such a quiet rivalry that's not really at the forefront of this comp, but I gotta say I'm looking forward to it. They're both surprisingly strong teams, and so different stylistically than the former Flores & Tsarevski (a re-team a part of me wishes would still happen...) Also interesting that FloDes would have likely been leading if not for Flores' twizzle mistake, when the momentum had been in the other direction up until this point.

Zingas & Kolesnik are so typically Igor. Zingas spends so much of the program using progressives, jumping, being lifted, being pushed or dragged. The program is also so open and full of arm throwing. They're fool's gold and I still don't understand some of the scores they're getting.

So, I enjoy Pate & Bye, but it still feels like I'm watching kids at a wealthy high school dance. There's just SOOOOO much perk and not a hint of attitude or hard edge. I love their partnering in general. They really do perform as one and for the most part they're both actually skating without all the smoke and mirrors. The arm throwing NEEDS TO GO (but sigh, Igor...). They really need to change camps and get a different point of view. The elements are solid, the transitions are fairly smooth, but they're just missing that little bit more - more power, more speed, more depth of expression. They're a team to me that's almost there, but missing the mark in alot of ways.

The Browns are getting better and better. The move to Montreal has really benefited their overall flow and the smoothness of their transitions. One thing they have a problem with is a style and packaging - it's better this season, but this RD still isn't it. I think they need to lean into quirk and be a little off-beat, find themes and concepts that are rare or new in Ice Dance. They can't go romantic, so why not take some artistic risks? The costumes are bad, and makes me think that wasn't part of the IAM package. :lol:

Bratti & Sommerville, I think most of us are on the same page. Ian is just so fantastic. But you know what? Emily is improving. Her dance ability has improved tremendously since the start of the season. Her back seems so much more flexible. She's finishing her movements more. Now I feel bad for all my snarky comments about Ian skating with Nguyen. I should have had more faith in this partnership because this is a team we could see having world-level success. Fantastic choreo sequence. Strong elements and step sequences. Just awesome speed and they were able to carry it through to the end of the program. Consider me a fan and believer now.

Carreira & Ponomarenko - just fab. I've been saying it for awhile, and I'm so glad they're finally getting their due, but after Chock & Bates they're the best US Ice Dance team at Nats. They're completely different skaters since their time with Igor. They have clear concepts, interesting choreography, and great transitions. I still can't believe this is the same team that gave us Wicked Games. :lol: And I'm going to try and not feel anxiety before Anthony's twizzles from now on. He's finding his stability on the element, but he got up on his toepick a bit on the first set, and it looked like he did a loop for on the of the rotation on the 2nd. Even with that, there wasn't a hint of hesitation, which is great to see. Also, that straightline lift is finally looking good! I'm glad they didn't ditch it after I've been wanting them to all season.

Green & Parsons just make me feel like something is missing. They're not doing anything better than their competitors. They don't have the strongest steps, lifts or choreo elements. They're not the fastest. They're not the flashiest. I'm afraid they're quickly becoming middling instead of keeping their competition at bay. Not surprised to see CarPom surpass them so decidedly.

Sigh, I've said alot about Chock & Bates already this season. That was confident, but these GOEs are crazy for elements like the twizzles. At least there weren't any +5s for that element? Lol.

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
^^ Wicked Game was CPom's first program after moving to IAM, not with Igor. ;) I agree they have improved a lot. I'm still not sold on their RD but their FD is really good this year.

Now that Madi C is getting L4 on step sequences from int'l judges (not just U.S.), is it finally time for the haterz to quiet down?


Usova's Apprentice
^^ Wicked Game was CPom's first program after moving to IAM, not with Igor. ;) I agree they have improved a lot. I'm still not sold on their RD but their FD is really good this year.
I know, I just mentioned that because that was an exceptionally bad season for them where they were reworking their technique and were just all kinds of mess. :lol:

her grace

Team Guignard/Fabbri
I agree with a lot of your thoughts @thvu

Finally catching up.

Flores & Destyatov vs Wolfkosten & Tsarevski - it's such a quiet rivalry that's not really at the forefront of this comp, but I gotta say I'm looking forward to it. They're both surprisingly strong teams, and so different stylistically than the former Flores & Tsarevski (a re-team a part of me wishes would still happen...) Also interesting that FloDes would have likely been leading if not for Flores' twizzle mistake, when the momentum had been in the other direction up until this point.
I was only half-watching these programs due to work, but I didn't think that Wolfkostin/Tsarevski came out with quite the assertiveness that they've had at other points in the season. Flores/Destyatov skate with a lot of energy, too bad for their mistake. I'm looking forward to seeing how both teams have grown next season.

Zingas & Kolesnik are so typically Igor. Zingas spends so much of the program using progressives, jumping, being lifted, being pushed or dragged. The program is also so open and full of arm throwing. They're fool's gold and I still don't understand some of the scores they're getting.
But Kolesnik is really good. And Zingas can keep up with him from the ankle up. She's performing and moving her upper body fluidly. The judges ought to notice the ankles and blades, of course, but the interpretation component is done quite well.
So, I enjoy Pate & Bye, but it still feels like I'm watching kids at a wealthy high school dance. There's just SOOOOO much perk and not a hint of attitude or hard edge. I love their partnering in general. They really do perform as one and for the most part they're both actually skating without all the smoke and mirrors. The arm throwing NEEDS TO GO (but sigh, Igor...). They really need to change camps and get a different point of view. The elements are solid, the transitions are fairly smooth, but they're just missing that little bit more - more power, more speed, more depth of expression. They're a team to me that's almost there, but missing the mark in alot of ways.
I think the perk is okay, and they really look like a team. The way they move together matches nicely (even if the unison isn't perfect, did that even make sense?) :lol: Their twizzles are strong and cover a lot of ice. It's everything else like you said, just not enough depth of edge, finished lines, variety of expression. They can beat the teams who are newly-formed on the strength of their partnering skills, but they don't have the charisma of Zingas/Kolesnik or the advanced bladework of the top teams. OTOH, they did beat Bratti/Somerville internationally this season, and I'd say it was performance quality that put them on top. So depends on what the judges value, and they certainly have some of those more intangible, audience-pleasing strengths.

The Browns are getting better and better. The move to Montreal has really benefited their overall flow and the smoothness of their transitions. One thing they have a problem with is a style and packaging - it's better this season, but this RD still isn't it. I think they need to lean into quirk and be a little off-beat, find themes and concepts that are rare or new in Ice Dance. They can't go romantic, so why not take some artistic risks? The costumes are bad, and makes me think that wasn't part of the IAM package. :lol:
I keep wondering if it's budgetary woes that are hurting the Browns' packaging. Those black/blue outfits they had the beginning of the season looked very similar to the ones they wore when they won Jr. Worlds (did they reuse them?) And the reports of them camping in Canada? :slinkaway I'm not sure they can afford better costuming, which they really need because they're already starting 10 feet behind the starting line as a sibling team.

I don't know if I can envision them being quirky, but I do like how they move with music, and can see them being successful with real music pieces with strong beats and/or musical accents and not easy listening ballady crap that doesn't go anywhere or require dancers to ever match a movement to a particular note.
Bratti & Sommerville, I think most of us are on the same page. Ian is just so fantastic. But you know what? Emily is improving. Her dance ability has improved tremendously since the start of the season. Her back seems so much more flexible. She's finishing her movements more. Now I feel bad for all my snarky comments about Ian skating with Nguyen. I should have had more faith in this partnership because this is a team we could see having world-level success. Fantastic choreo sequence. Strong elements and step sequences. Just awesome speed and they were able to carry it through to the end of the program. Consider me a fan and believer now.
Watching this one, I thought Bratti kept up well with Sommerville in this performance. Yay for her! The program was nothing to write home about. Please get some choreography help, MIDA.

Carreira & Ponomarenko - just fab. I've been saying it for awhile, and I'm so glad they're finally getting their due, but after Chock & Bates they're the best US Ice Dance team at Nats. They're completely different skaters since their time with Igor. They have clear concepts, interesting choreography, and great transitions. I still can't believe this is the same team that gave us Wicked Games. :lol: And I'm going to try and not feel anxiety before Anthony's twizzles from now on. He's finding his stability on the element, but he got up on his toepick a bit on the first set, and it looked like he did a loop for on the of the rotation on the 2nd. Even with that, there wasn't a hint of hesitation, which is great to see. Also, that straightline lift is finally looking good! I'm glad they didn't ditch it after I've been wanting them to all season.

Green & Parsons just make me feel like something is missing. They're not doing anything better than their competitors. They don't have the strongest steps, lifts or choreo elements. They're not the fastest. They're not the flashiest. I'm afraid they're quickly becoming middling instead of keeping their competition at bay. Not surprised to see CarPom surpass them so decidedly.
I don't see how they don't get passed in the next year or so unless they improve markedly. Martha Graham 3.0 won't (shouldn't) cut it. The lifts may be difficult to improve, but the speed and steps should be doable. Green's performance quality is getting better all the time, and hopefully, Parsons can continue to improve in that area as well.

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