Survivor S44


Well-Known Member
Now, I get why most of them voted for Josh, and three voted for Yam Yam, but I'm not getting why Carolyn voted for Kane. Was it just to sow seeds of distrust because at this point pinning down who voted for who is not as easy as it will be later? Was it in case Josh played an idol and then she could consider saving Yam Yam? Was it her feeling left out again and thinking WTF I'll just do this?
My thought is that Carolyn still feels like nobody listens to or trusts her, and the last thing she'd probably been told was that people were gong to vote for Kane. So she probably thought she was voting with the pack. Whatever led her to make that decision, I'm sure she'll be bluntly honest about why she did what she did.


Well-Known Member
My thought is that Carolyn still feels like nobody listens to or trusts her, and the last thing she'd probably been told was that people were gong to vote for Kane. So she probably thought she was voting with the pack. Whatever led her to make that decision, I'm sure she'll be bluntly honest about why she did what she did.
Carolyn is saving the show. I love her


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I think everyone really wanted Matt out hence why the steal a vote went Yam Yam's way- make Frannie think he's the target, knowing that would probably push the others to vote opposite (which they probably were going to do anyways).

But I still think the better play would be to steal a vote and pin three votes to one of the two women, forcing the extra vote to almost certainly be used, and then at best they have a tie and a revote. I'd assume the rules are that the person whose vote was stolen would have to still vote however told. Matt still could've potentially gone that way, or he and Yam Yam both end up getting saved. But Matt just was too well-liked.

And I'll be interested to see if Danny comes away unscathed from the trick idol, because Matt definitely was going to be on the initiative to get him out.


Well-Known Member
I think Heidi came up with the right strategy. She knew that Matt leaving would work better for her game and likely realized that he would be voted out no matter what she did. However, she keeps her current allies who favored Matt by appearing to try to save him. If she gets to the end, she will be able to point to this as a move to advance her game that she made as an individual rather than just a number in a group, where someone else could take credit.


Fan of many, uber of none
Dang it, I liked both Matt and YamYam. I was hoping she’d steal Brandon’s vote and go against Lauren, trying to get rid of the extra vote.


From the Bloc
That was indeed interesting, and I agree with the idea that Heidi did that to protect her relationships with Frannie etc. But Matt had to go - basic strategy to break up a power couple, so this was a rather elegant way to do it.

Also perhaps better to keep Yam Yam around as he's a bit desperate right now and would likely happily go along with a one-time block vote when needed.

I did think though that Frannie missed an opportunity. She had earned her own immunity, and while doing it for the whole tribe certainly makes you a hero (for now), she could have easily dropped without anyone realizing she did it on purpose (the drops had been coming out of nowhere), thus giving Brandon's team, including Matt, immunity.

Not sure it would have helped if someone brought his bag along given that the immune players had to sit separately and weren't allowed to speak, but who knows.

I must say Survivor loves Matt though - that was quite a swan song, clearly telegraphing that he was going tonight.


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
ok ok, I'm late to this season, meaning CBS already pulled the 1st 2 eps and I'm still only through the ep where Matt exited the game in the least suspenseful medical exit. Not reading any earlier posts to avoid spoilers.

Due to all this, I missed the explanation of why TC is gargoyles and the voting booth is a chess game. That is my biggest question.

Carolyn is completely bonkers, but I think sitting through that Sanctuary sausage fest would have made anyone rant like a lunatic. I would not want to be working with her, but now I'm rooting for her just to outlast Danny (who I already found insufferable) and the former Seahawks player (who I sorta liked but is now dead to be for his willing participation in BroFest 2023).

I think Carson is the player I'm rooting for so far.


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
All caught up!

I usually hate showmances, but Matt/Frannie was kind of sweet, if only because it was a change from the usual generic hot girl and bro dude showmance. Awkward nerdy chaste hand-holding is way more fun. Terrible for the game, of course. Looks like Frannie will lose it a bit, but it will actually help her game to no longer be in a highly visible duo. Also, her relationship with Matt was clearly clouding her view if she thought that Brandon was going to vote with Matt against one of his allies.

I would have loved for there to have been a Lauren blindside, but with her extra vote there's no way it could have pencilled out - I do not think the control the vote would have held through a revote. I am assuming that Lauren asked it before voting and we weren't shown, because Lauren didn't even use her extra vote to cause a tie (even if her 2nd round vote was controlled, Brandon, YY and the very peppy yoga lady would have voted Matt out).

Brilliant use of the advantage by Heidi, for the reasons stated above: Matt was the best strategic choice to eliminate, but Frannie will be placated. YY will be upset but he is still so far on the bottom that he will work with anyone who gives him a chance - and then will open his big mouth anyway so he's not a very reliable ally anyway :lol:. I am warming up to him but he is exhausting!

Do players still have personal items? Because I am so distracted by Carolyn's long eyelashes that totally look mascaraed. Maybe she has some high quality permanent eye makeup tattoos.

Carolyn comes across like Noura - emotional and reactive to the point of making no sense - but she is pretty spot on with her observations. She just can't keep her opinions off her face :lol:. For real, I admit that I have an eye-roll problem, but she makes me look downright stoic.

First episode I was wondering who she reminded me of, then I remembered the Kristen Johnston in her Emmy-winning role of Sally on Third Rock From the Sun.
Was thinking this myself - the look and also the outsized personality.

Overall I'm liking this season of self-proclaimed nerds and chaos agents. Just get Danny out of there!


Happily ignoring ultracrepidarians (& trolls)!
Survivor fans, Keith Nale died yesterday
Devastated to hear about Keith Nale passing. Hard to think of a purer spirit on Survivor. He was always a delight, had great humor, told hilarious stories and found so much joy in life. We were never once aligned but he couldn’t have been nicer. He taught me to pluck a chicken.
His obituary:


Staff member
Do players still have personal items?
I know they were still bringing them along up through the last season Boston Rob played because there was a boot interview where the interviewer always asked what they brought, but that guy doesn't do the interviews any more and that was the only mention I had seen of the luxury items for years. Boston Rob brought a little square cut from his youngest daughter's baby blanket.

They really cracked down on what people could bring because of all the "cheating" that went on, which is why I think the show stopped talking about them.


From the Bloc
Interesting vote split last night. There was so much talk about the three original tribes each being so tight (like I can remember who was on what tribe, not to mention that three of them switched tribes early on!), but for the vote, it's not clear. I feel like this wasn't a divide - that some of them purposely voted the other way to hide who they are really working with, notably the group I thought was tight - Carson, Carolyn and Yam Yam.

Frannie - Carson, Jaime, Kane, Lauren, Yam Yam, Brandon
Brandon - Carolyn, Danny, Frannie, Heidi

So much for Brandon and Danny's bro-bonding just a week or so before. When Danny found the idol early, the way he strategized about it, I thought he was going to be a force in the game, but we've seen little of that since. Openly announcing he was going to give it to Frannie was a risk, turned out to be a good move, but now he doesn't have it for himself and we're at the "individual immunity threats have to go" stage.

Carson is a tricky one, I will not be surprised if he wins the whole thing.


Well-Known Member
So much for Brandon and Danny's bro-bonding just a week or so before. When Danny found the idol early, the way he strategized about it, I thought he was going to be a force in the game, but we've seen little of that since. Openly announcing he was going to give it to Frannie was a risk, turned out to be a good move, but now he doesn't have it for himself and we're at the "individual immunity threats have to go" stage.

I wondered if Danny would NOT play the idol for Frannie once he found out that the private info he shared was now common knowledge. Plus Brandon was Danny's shield. Unsure why Danny wouldn't have kept Brandon around for much longer. Now I wonder if Danny is going home next week.

I hate it when my eye candy disappoints me like this. :wuzrobbed


Well-Known Member
I didnt like Brandon's attitude when he left. There's always someone who goes out around tenth place who thinks they are the best Survivor player ever. weren't really in the mix.

You were tenth best.



Well-Known Member
I felt bad that Carson was sick, but his low-energy deadpan 'you can do it' as Carolyn was screaming and squealing in the net was hilarious.
Also, covered in mud she looked freaking gorgeous!


Well-Known Member
I love the blindside votes. Brandon never saw it coming :rofl: I was happy to see him go. Next on my wish list to be voted off is Yam Yam. Everyone seems to love him but he gets on my nerves. Obviously there is a strong element of self-preservation to each player's game but man, he is obnoxious.

Right now, I'm hoping Carson or Frannie win.


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming this season taped months ago, so is there any Survivor gossip on social media if Matt and Frannie are dating in real life?


Staff member
I'm assuming this season taped months ago, so is there any Survivor gossip on social media if Matt and Frannie are dating in real life?
There is and they are :). Matt has confirmed this in his interviews, although he makes it all sound pretty casual at this point.

Survivor has a pretty good track record for reality show romances that last, which is not what you might expect.


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
I was surprised seeing Matt on the jury - I thought the jury was starting with this week's vote. Does this mean a final 3?

Immunity challenge - that looked like one that would favor women, except that the frames are all the same size and Lauren is pretty small. The position of her arms on the last perch looked really awkward. Not surprised Kane was out first, his feet looked all kinds of twisted even on the top perch.

When Heidi revealed Danny's plan to play the idol for Frannie :duh: I'm glad that Carson and Yam Yam didn't reveal the plan - very savvy of them to vote Frannie anyway, since their votes weren't needed for the blindside to work. Good CYA with their new Ratu friends if needed. YY deserves an Oscar for his :eek: face lol

I do love a blindside, but I think they should have gone for Kane - he is athletic and far more of a strategist. Brandon might have gone on an immunity run but I haven't seen much of his social game, other than the brofest with Danny that obviously didn't mean anything. Maybe his game was stronger but he sure got the mystery edit.

No one out there seems to respect Carolyn's game one bit. Tika was being courted in the beginning of the episode, and Lauren's version of it was to tell Carolyn "I'm someone you should want to work with". Carolyn's face said it all. Who knows what or if Carson or Yam Yam told her about the vote. At least someone seems to have told her there was an idol in play, since she voted with Soka.


Well-Known Member
There is and they are :). Matt has confirmed this in his interviews, although he makes it all sound pretty casual at this point.

Survivor has a pretty good track record for reality show romances that last, which is not what you might expect.
I read that Matt and Frannie are dating.
Big Brother also has a good track record with romances/lasting marriages.
BB and Survivor probably rank better than The Bachelor/Bacherlorette lol


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know the count of idols, fake idols, extra this, steal that whatevers that are left in the game? I really want to see someone play a fake idol while thinking it's real and having it screw up everyone's plans. I think that would be hysterical. :drama:


Well-Known Member
I may be wrong, but I think Carolyn is the only one with a real idol? And not a single person has even the slightest idea that she's got it.
I think Jamie still has her fake idol, but has no idea it's fake.


Fan of many, uber of none
I was hoping this would be the week that we’d see Danny gone. Sigh. I’m finally liking Carolyn and think she’s playing a good game. Love Carson and Frankie as well.


Happily ignoring ultracrepidarians (& trolls)!
I was hoping this would be the week that we’d see Danny gone. Sigh. I’m finally liking Carolyn and think she’s playing a good game. Love Carson and Frankie as well.
I had the same hope :(


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
I won't miss Kane much, but also agree with Carolyn asking if he was that big of a threat (yet). IDK what the heck all that whispering at TC was that started with Kane getting in Frannie's ear.

Lauren's extra vote got flushed, Jaime's fake idol went home with Kane - I hope the two of them had a good laugh about it watching the episode and were glad they didn't play it.

Of course, now the power has shifted and everyone's going to want Lauren and Jaime's votes next week. I almost liked Danny this week but I still want him gone more than anyone else left.

Love Frannie but she's put such a huge target on herself with her 2nd immunity win (and one guaranteed vote on the jury). Heidi continues to play the best game though. I want her to make the final just to hear her talk about her game. In fact, I would be sold on a Frannie/Heidi/Carolyn F3 (even though I'm certain Carson will find his way in there)

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