Euros 2024 Women SP: "We Want More Sleep"


Rooting for that middle-aged team
I watched the first two groups before work and was hoping Vrankova would qualify. Just checked the results and I didn’t want it to happen this way. :yawn:


Well-Known Member
Kimmy Repond Switzerland
Coach: Jeromie Repond, Mathieu Delcambre
Music: Voila by Barbara Pravi

3F+3T - tight landing
Fly Camel Spin 4

3Lz - fall
Change Foot Combo Spin 4
Step Sequence 3

Layback Spin 4

The end of last season was a dream for Repond, and this season has been a bit of nightmare. Sophmore slump? The growth spurt is having an impact on her jumps.

60.34 = 6th Place
Did Repond always have such long legs? As Memola can attest, tall with long legs does not easy jumps make. A tiny tilt and you`re on your keister.


Cowardly admin
Staff member
Yay Josefin! And love the curly hair.
That's where you have DH drive and you can watch on the Peacock app on your phone from the passenger seat. Worse case scenario, if you're going alone, since we've got Chris' commentary, you stream Peacock through the Bluetooth to your car's stereo system. Not that I've ever streamed skating like that while driving anywhere... :shuffle:
I did what you suggested but had to get out of car for Katya. It’s my fault she DNQ!


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
During Euro Ladies, Alcohol is required. No matter what time of the day ;).
I do have Bloody Mary’s planned for the free. Unfortunately, the Lithuanian Zamboni drivers are too damned efficient and I will not be able to seque into my eggs Benedict during the resurfacing. There may be just enough time for brunch between the women and dance if I do my mis en place in advance.


Euler? Euler? Anyone?
Group One:
The best thing about group one was Julija Lovrencic's dress. It was so gloriously hideous, like if someone from 80s Dynasty was inspired by Katerina Witt to take up skating, that's exactly what they would wear. The dress needs a backstory. Not the program, you understand, just the dress.

Group Two:
Selmekova, by skating law, this costume's music absolutely should have been Gladiator or Spartacus. I would dearly love to hear some Gladiator or Spartacus right now.

Gomez, she knows what's really important is the right outfit.

Dubinina, Chris really needs to stop saying "back on track" because every time he does 1. the skater goes back off track and 2. Eteri gets more botox. That KnC was as stiff and awkward as Butyrskaya's landings. YIKES. Siberia seems rather lovely and inviting compared to the coldness on that bench.

Isaev, why didn't Madison Hubbell ever do a Jessica Rabbit program?!! Is this program the scraps of Lovrencic's dress? I don't think she can quite pull this number off, but this is the first skater I've found remotely pleasant to watch, skating wise.

Povey, she willed herself through that program. Needed more ta-DAH! arms. Two watchable programs in a row, I'm feeling spoiled now.


Euler? Euler? Anyone?
Group Three
The Return of Peltonen: Typical Finnish skater and skating.

Gozhva, obligatory red dress of the group. She has the bearing of an ice dancer in a lot of her moves and how she extends her legs, and that is HIGH PRAISE from me. I'd love to see what Sandra Bezic could do with her choreographically. I'd love to see her do something really modern a la Green/Parsons. Only with annoying jumps :p

The Estonian Skating Program--I really hope one of their skaters really breaks through and qualifies for a GPF, top six Euros/Worlds. They are clearly trying to build their program, and they do bring a distinct style to the ice.

Nella Pelkonen, :respec: I take back all snarky comments about Finnish skaters. Well, I don't, but it's a nice idea. She made Billie Eilish tolerable, proving that any song can be a great skating song with the right skater. It was, indeed, cracker.

I'll bet when Lilah's in England, everyone thinks she's Canadian and when she's in Canada, everyone thinks she's American, and when she's in America, everyone thinks she's English.
I wonder what Britishisms she uses?

Group Four
Kaiser, just lovely. I feel like she would have done really well at US Nationals in the late 90s, early 00s. I can see her wedged between Nikidinov and Jenny Kirk; the three of them waiting for Hughes/Cohen/Kwan to make the slightest mistake, watching Amber Corwin the OG of the waxel and the tiara.

Urushadze, program-schmogram. Let's talk about The Ponytail. That ponytail is PERFECTION and deserves to be in the free skate. Some nice touches in the program, I liked her nod to the video, but this is Tonya Harding levels of bad music cuts. And the tempo. The tempo isn't fast, it's frantic, and The Ponytail deserves better than that.

Joos, not only did she have a really great, really pleasing skate and performance, but her costume perfectly compliments the background. I feel like there should be a special bonus for that alone.

Golovkina, oooooo, pantsuit. YES. I'm a sucker for a pantsuit. I'm kind of into this bizarre music mashup. I mean between this and Shoma, Debussy is getting quite the, ummm, modernization.

Despite the highs of Joos and Kaiser, this group seemed...long. It needed either more triples or more train wrecks.


Euler? Euler? Anyone?
Before The Nitty-Gritty: the zambonis this season need to relax. Breaks have been way too quick; Lithuania way too efficient. Breaks need to be long enough to change laundry, get a snack, let the dogs out/in, refill wine.

The Nitty (Group Five):
Feigin, I always feel like I should like her because she's one of the few OESish skaters I remember from year to year. Or at least, I remember her name, I never remember her program. This is one of the three programs I watched earlier and live, but remembered nothing about it. And honestly have already forgotten it again.

Mikutina and Josefin I do remember, fondly, and shall watch again. I know some probably miss The Joker, but I like this program on Josefin; it shows she doesn't need to hide behind a gimmick to emote and project. She took what is a truly terrible cover and made it work.

Stepcenko, in the words of the immortal Dick Button, that did not sing. Josefin could have made this music sing. Or Olga for that matter.

Gutmann, great music, great costume, great braid, too bad she had to start skating and ruin it. Also, WTH does "heavy weather" mean?

Sauter, pleasant and perfectly serviceable skate. I feel like if she was in a country with a bigger program, she'd be the one they'd rely on to not lose a spot at Euros/Worlds. I appreciate that she used a more upbeat Adele song and not a dirge.

The Gritty (Group Six):
Schild is very...French. The Frenchiest of French jumps. I am French and will have correct edges but will tilt horribly in the air BECAUSE I CAN BECAUSE I AM ZE FRENCH AND ZAT IS WHAT WE DO.

Pinzarrone, aka, The Youngest, Scariest, Belgium-est Skater Ever, Scourge of Loena, First of Her Name, and fecking EARNED it today. Her walk just lived up to her talk. She materialized and actualized and all the -ized.

Repond, oh Kimmy. Just no to everything about this program. I mean, I love that Kaiser is now in the final group, but I didn't want it to be at Kimmy's expense. :drama:

Hendrickx, 24 years of age, Oldest Crone of Belgium, Shaker of Hips, Afeared of Nina...HAHAHAHAHAHA. Welp, suck it young whippersnapper and to bed with ye, no milk and cookies for you. The Old Broad CAME TO PLAY. Back to the sandbox for now, Nina. Adam so looks like a low-rent Miami Vice villain. I have grown to love this program, judge pandering and all.

Gubanova, I've been waiting ALL SEASON to see this SP clean. :respec: Falls a little short after Loena, but I'm so happy for her.

Kaori needs some competition at Worlds, and I think she's got it. Pairs and Ladies MUCH BETTER than I expected it to be; I'll bet the ice was terrified when it saw the organizer put ladies and pairs on the same day :rofl: :rofl:

Kurakova, :wuzrobbed :wuzrobbed Well, she just Aymozed. I hope that this doesn't cause her to go back to the twee programs (which I do like, but I think if she wants to move up, she needs more mature programs)

Who wanted to sacrifice a skater so Vrankova made it? :lynch: :angryfire :lynch:


Reaching out with my hand sensitively
Watched the last two flights. How could the judges do all 4:45??
-enjoyed Mikutina despite the cankle tights. Great charisma/performance ability.
-Taljegard I found overwrought, hunchy posture and jump takeoffs. It’s like she was trying WAY too hard to Be Expressive.
-Stepcenko, meh. Was she the one lots of Plushenko-style bamboozle you with armography? One of these women had a lot of that.
-Gutmann, odd and unflattering outfit but a good match for the music. Interesting program. I want her to work on her hands.
-Sauter, enjoyed her, and she seemed to be enjoying herself even though her seamstress forgot to add a second layer of skirt fabric. Is she missing out on GOE and PCS due to lack of reputation? Or is she really slow or something that isn’t apparent to a tv viewer?
-Schild, I remember her dress from the GP but her skating didn’t make much of an impression on me.
-Pinzarrone, cool dress (though, please lose the gloves! And fix the back so it doesn’t look like you have a blue stripe down your butt) and I appreciate the use of green. Wish she didn’t have that Russian-style choreography that’s all the rage.
-Repond, needs time to mature but a good start. I hope she has a healthy relationship with food; she looks all thin limbs right now.
-Hendrickx- Not a fan of her club music and costumes and her love of armography, wiggling her butt, and simple crap between elements, but she lands stuff and seems to skate big so there you go. Overscored in general.
-Gubanova. I thought that was great. Why are her PCS so much lower than Hendrickx? Speed? Filling out the rink? Worse armography? Or is it lower tech = lower PCS?
-Kurakova, shame about the combo jump. Nice expression. Ditch the gloves!


Official FSU Alte Kacher
Loena Hendrickx 🇧🇪
Coach: Jorik Hendrickx
Music: I’m nin’alu (Mor Avrahami Remix)
Capt. Pedant here. I believe that’s “Im Nin’alu,” speaking as an Ofra Haza (z”l) fan. Not “I’m.” אם ננעלו is a Mizrahi Jewish prayer written by a famed Yemenite rabbi, Shalom Shabazi, in the seventeenth century. Yeah, I know, so what? Back to your regularly scheduled thread.

ETA for clarity: Not picking on you, @skatingguy, I forgot to mention that misspelling is in the ISU skater info. Auto-correct probably got to them, too. :D
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Capt. Pedant here. I believe that’s “Im Nin’alu,” speaking as an Ofra Haza (z”l) fan. Not “I’m.” אם ננעלו is a Mizrahi Jewish prayer written by a famed Yemenite rabbi, Shalom Shabazi, in the seventeenth century. Yeah, I know, so what? Back to your regularly scheduled thread.
Thanks for that note. I used the spelling that's on the ISU info page, but I'm sure I knew that it was incorrect, and didn't fix it this time. I will try to remember for Worlds because unfortunately I can't edit my posts now.
@Reuven Autocorrect. Now matter how many times I try to type im, I get I’m
Not autocorret on my part - maybe with whoever was entering the info on the ISU website.


To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
I'm sort of disappointed. No Josefin, no Aleksandra, no Ekaterina and no Anestasia. And I think Kimmie Repond grew quite a bit. There's nothing wrong with that. However, she has to adjust to those longer legs, and I'm hoping she'll improve quite a bit by the time 2026 Olympics come around.


I'm sort of disappointed. No Josefin, no Aleksandra, no Ekaterina and no Anestasia. And I think Kimmie Repond grew quite a bit. There's nothing wrong with that. However, she has to adjust to those longer legs, and I'm hoping she'll improve quite a bit by the time 2026 Olympics come around.
Why no Josefin?

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