Worlds 2024 Pairs FS: ‘The wedgie always gets its woman’


Antique member
I have not been able to watch anything apart from pairs yet so I dare not wander into other threads or in the internet in general, therefore I have to ask here: any news about the Japanese team? Is he okay?

Andrey aka Pushkin

Playing ping pong with balls of chocolate jam
Despite all odds, easily the best event of the competition. When the stakes are high, suddenly people raise to the occasion.

I stand corrected, Hase/Volodin are not the best pair in the world, but only the second best behind the Japanese. They both are amazing but in different ways; no one was as smooth and fluid as M/Kih, but the lines of Minerva are to die for. She kind of reminds me of Aljona after she switched Robin and started skating with someone who could actually lift her.

I appreciate any skater who is in my age group, and thus don't mind Stellato/Desh winning the whole thing, but they were clearly overmarked in the SP which eventually got them the gold. I get it, the "and now let's thank the organisers for this lovely celebration of figure skating" but it has to be said.

Pavlova/d are soooo clean and soooo unremarkable. I forgot them the moment they left the ice. It's absolutely a shame. They need an urgent character transplantation.

Hocke/Kunkel are cute but kind of feel like a second tier. In general, it was super clear that there are SD/D, M/K, Hase/V and Conti/M and then some 5 more couples or the next tier. I'm growing fond of Conti/M, especially given that 3 years ago I didn't consider them at all; however they really justified this season their results of the last. Gutted Italians didn't get the quotas.

Love the Aussies, hopefully they never skate lyrical snots again. He must work on his upper body, she is tiny and he still barely lifts her. Their lifts are pretty awful. Other than that, as the big supporter of the smaller federations, I approve.

The Canadians and Americans left me meh. Some good moments, and I appreciate the quality of some of the elements, but still meh. Matteo proved that cats don't always land of their feet, but on the positive side he changed his facial expression a couple of times, so that's an achievement. I'm a fan of Danilova/Tsiba and think they are underrated. The Ukrainians were great in the SP.

Over all a fantastic event. Top 7 of the russian nats would have won it, but the gap is not so huge anymore, and honestly, I love the Russian pairs, but I even more love the sense of real competition that appeared when they disappeared.
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Skate Talker

Well-Known Member
The ISU had the Pairs teams come back and have their full podium moment after the Men's Victory Ceremony!

Rats - don't have an Instagram account. Many times I can still access the page but in this case it only takes me to a sign in page that I cannot dismiss.
But glad to hear they did that. I had actually hoped they would do it at the Gala, or at least do it before they ended the Men's live stream on the CBC player - sigh.




Bonjour/Hi to everyone at Worlds!
I’d have easily stayed had I known! Darn but glad they did it for M&K.


It’s that real or not? Sounds like just some random comment from somebody on Twitter?
I don't see any reason to believe that that actually happened. Decisions on citizenship would be with the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Mac Miller, and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, and not the Prime Minister. The X user just grabbed a screenshot from Burak Demirboga's Instagram story, and made something up to get attention.

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