Worlds 2024 Women SP: ‘Schizas of Montreal’


Antique member
I tried to watch unspoiled but got a glimpse of the results when on FB, grrrr - I know to stay away from it but since my work involves Facebook it is kind of hard to avoid sometimes. But only saw first and second and watched the rest unspoiled - all in all a great competition!!
Many highlights also in the mid field - like Petrokina coming back after her horrendeous leg injury - I have a soft spot for her! And I loved Livia Kaiser - she reminds me so much of Carolina Kostner.
Enjoyed Isabeau for perhaps the first time ever.
Japanese women gave me grey hairs, all three of them! Still enjoy all three of them so much - apart from Rika Kihira who may never return, they are my Japanese dream team!


Well-Known Member
Oh thank god. I didn’t realize how nervous I was for her. Not perfect but lovely.
ITA. I get so nervous for her. This morning, I searched for the replay to truly appreciate her skating without holding my breath.

Here it is.



AYS's snark-sponge
Looking back on the standings :yikes: looks to me like its a fight for the podium between Isabeau and Haein. I mean, no way Kaori isn't there, and Loena was awesome yesterday and I think that's where she will be in the free.

I liked Haein so much last night, that's what I like to see from her so I hope she does it again tonight but I so appreciated Isabeau. I'm nervous that about whether Isabeau can do it again, so whatever the standings, I hope she has a strong skate.

Of course it being ladies everything could go wacko and the podium be totally different.

I was so excited to see how well Nina Petrokiina did. Best wishes to her in the free!

Massively disappointed for skaters 11,12,13 though. :fragile: Hope they all do way better in the free.


To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
That’s my hope. In 1982, Zayak jumped from what position (7th or so) to WIN gold? Amber has it in her.
And this is for you, my friend. She was amazing! Editing to add that she was in 10th place after her SP.



How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Next year several skaters have planned bending over and shaking their behinds at judging panel.
Hey, if board vamping works for Fear/Gibson in dance and Loena in the women's event...

But, seriously, it takes a tremendous level of engagement with the audience and confidence to be able to do that while competing and I appreciate it so much. The sport needs these larger-than-life personalities to grab the average person's attention and bring in new fans.


Simply looking
Also, Tonia seems a random choice here. I really liked Adam and Ashley's Nationals commentary, would have preferred them with Mark instead.

Good God, no. Adam and Ashley suffer from diarrhea of the mouth and never shut their yaps. If I sat by someone at a competition doing that there would be murder in the building. I'd vastly prefer no commentary at all on Peacock, but at least Tonia has limited things to say and pretty much keeps to accurate technical content.


AYS's snark-sponge
I thought Tonia was fine last night, but I just think that when there are two people there is too much talking. Mark was a little over-enthusiastic last night, as if he'd been primed to "make it exciting" which maybe he was; but he could tone it down a little. I did think there was a lot of good information and I particularly liked Mark's focus on other elements than jumps.

ETA: admittedly if there is that much talking during dance I will be :soapbox: :shuffle:


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
I thought Tonia was fine last night, but I just think that when there are two people there is too much talking. Mark was a little over-enthusiastic last night, as if he'd been primed to "make it exciting" which maybe he was; but he could tone it down a little. I did think there was a lot of good information and I particularly liked Mark's focus on other elements than jumps.
I thought Tonia was a little less effective for pairs - we could have a drinking game for whatever positive adjective she uses to describe every team's 3tw, even the ones that aren't that great.


Simply looking
Hey, if board vamping works for Fear/Gibson in dance and Loena in the women's event...

But, seriously, it takes a tremendous level of engagement with the audience and confidence to be able to do that while competing and I appreciate it so much. The sport needs these larger-than-life personalities to grab the average person's attention and bring in new fans.

:rofl: I guess I've missed how over the past two decades the popularity of skating in Asia has grown without their skaters pandering a lot of in-your-face choreography to the judges.

Jason Brown, the most popular NA skater since Kwan, and what I'd consider a larger than life personality on ice, also doesn't do the Plushy.... Leona.... IAM teams choreo judge pandering either. More quality, less pandering, please.


To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
The last time I listened to Ashley commentate, she was a motor mouth. I wanted her to 'hush' so I could watch the programs and enjoy the music. Sorry if that's right to the point, but that's how I felt. It was a little irritating to me.


Simply looking
I thought Tonia was fine last night, but I just think that when there are two people there is too much talking. Mark was a little over-enthusiastic last night, as if he'd been primed to "make it exciting" which maybe he was; but he could tone it down a little. I did think there was a lot of good information and I particularly liked Mark's focus on other elements than jumps.

ETA: admittedly if there is that much talking during dance I will be :soapbox: :shuffle:

Oh dear.... prepare to be disappointed. Mark is a former ice dancer, and he WILL talk during dance. And he's also super enthusiastic with lots of compliments, even for less than great skates.


AYS's snark-sponge
Oh dear.... prepare to be disappointed. Mark is a former ice dancer, and he WILL talk during dance. And he's also super enthusiastic with lots of compliments, even for less than great skates.
He wasn't overly talkative earlier in the season but he also was by himself.

her grace

Team Guignard/Fabbri
I'd vastly prefer no commentary at all on Peacock, but at least Tonia has limited things to say and pretty much keeps to accurate technical content.
I’d rather have no commentary, too, but Tonia wasn’t bad. She sounds confident, her voice is pleasant, and she mostly kept to technical insights (perhaps she was a bit generous in overlooking mistakes, but when she did talk about them, she explained what went wrong with an element). And thankfully, there was no “witty” banter.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
:rofl: I guess I've missed how over the past two decades the popularity of skating in Asia has grown without their skaters pandering a lot of in-your-face choreography to the judges.

Jason Brown, the most popular NA skater since Kwan, and what I'd consider a larger than life personality on ice, also doesn't do the Plushy.... Leona.... IAM teams choreo judge pandering either. More quality, less pandering, please.
Because Jason Brown is putting butts in the seats and headlining sell-out shows across NA and Europe? He's a fabulous skater but he is no Scott Hamilton or Katarina Witt.

Also, Asian audiences (and their fandoms) are different from Europe and North America. I think it takes a different type of skater to draw in the Asian fandom but, even so, there are skaters with exuberant personalities like Daisuke Takahashi who are incredibly popular.

Also, I'm not disparaging the skaters who choose lyrical or classical or even the dreaded emo music when it clearly suits them stylistically. Isabeau was an absolute delight yesterday in a completely different way. Kevin Aymoz can take a rather mediocre song like "In This Shirt" and turn it into a skating staple because he is so incredibly expressive and thoughtful in his choreography. Figure skating is such a unique sport where we see so many different types of music and approaches to choreography. I just really do not appreciate how dismissive some fans are of Loena's style simply because it isn't their cup of tea. And I'll be the first to say that I'd never listen to club music (and I wish she had two different styles this season with her programs) but I also think that her programs are fabulous and refreshingly different from the typical fare we get in the sport.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
And this is for you, my friend. She was amazing! Editing to add that she was in 10th place after her SP.

Thanks! I forgot the number…but my mom & I were there, in the audience! 💕


Ubering juniors against my will
:rofl: I guess I've missed how over the past two decades the popularity of skating in Asia has grown without their skaters pandering a lot of in-your-face choreography to the judges.

Jason Brown, the most popular NA skater since Kwan, and what I'd consider a larger than life personality on ice, also doesn't do the Plushy.... Leona.... IAM teams choreo judge pandering either. More quality, less pandering, please.
I'd like a little less of it myself, but it's not like Asian skaters never do it. Remember Haein?


Bonjour/Hi to everyone at Worlds!
I will say that while I’ve always generally preferred lyrical programs, the “club” programs did work live for me to a surprising extent. Isabeau was wonderful and I’ll always love Kaori, but I have a new appreciation for the talent needed to be captivating.


Well-Known Member
Apologies if this was discussed up thread, but I am mystified why a skater of Gubanova's experience and skill could not just muscle around a single toe in her combo and get precious extra points. Makes no sense to me. Other skaters have just jumped and rotated from no speed

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