2023 Grand Prix Final - Pairs SP: “Great Fall of China”

Andrey aka Pushkin

Playing ping pong with balls of chocolate jam
On the positive side: I'm cautiously excited about the pairs event this year, which is more than I can say for last two seasons. The 6 teams at the GPF are at the very least watchable, and I don't even think these are the only good teams this year.

Pavlova/Sviatchenko are just so comfortable, it's nice to see. There's nothing exciting or memorable about them, apart from maybe the kovalevesque levels of chemistry; but the elements are quite fantastic, and while I'm not a fan on that "everything and the kitchen sink" lift, at least I didn't hide in horror under my table. Good job.

Not a fan of Ghilardi/Ambrosini, to say the least, but much like Conti/Macii they really worked a lot to justify their results from the last season, and this season they are actually very watchable, at least in the SP. Her jumping is kind of hopeless, which I don't understand because basically she should be capable to land the lower triples. I think they have already achieved much more than they deserve, but you won't hear me bitching about an Italian team.

I appreciate Conti/Macii much more than G/A as they really look like a pair deserving of their last year's European pair, and probably the most "pair" of all the teams. But they must ditch these monotonous lyrical programs, or at least limit their amount to one per season. There's a limit on how many snoozefests I am willing to forgive to a pair, and it's not like they are one of the all times greatest to be able to skate to anything and still keep the interest.

Pereira/Michaud are a mystery to me. I still don't understand how they won their events. They're a strong mid-tier pair, but there's nothing special about their skating. Excellent jumps, but the rest is just so unpolished, it bothers the eye. I'm really not a fan of his footwork on the lifts, and in general there's something very off about their pairness - the positions are not matched, the edges are different, the extensions (if I may call them that) are not in sync. I mean, they are a very new and young team, but I feel like they are getting a bit too much credit based on what they are giving.

Well, it's way too early to tell, but I am seeing in Hase/Volodin the brilliance of the "great pairs"; mind you, maybe the lower range of the "great pairs", but nonetheless. Glad she finally found a worthy partner after totally outskating that pretty boy Seegert for years, she really deserved better. This is just the first season for them together, but they already are easily the best pair in the world as far as I'm concerned. I hope they move towards more interesting programs and elements as they progress.

Stellato/Deschamps are obviously super experienced - it's actually funny to see how well they feel each other and how comfortable they are on the ice together; but I think this is their absolute maximum, and it is not amazing. Given the worlds are in Montreal, maybe they will be the "let's thank the organizers for the lovely event" champions (although I'd bet on Gilles/Poirier). I enjoyed their skate, mostly because of this confidence on the ice; don't see how they can beat Hase/Volodin in the upcoming seasons.


Needs a nap
You know, if I were a pair skater in this current era, I'd have avoided choosing "Another One Bites the Dust" as my music. But I guess it worked for Pavlova/ Sviatchenko

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