2024 US Nats Womens FS - AmberLactin in Action!


Well-Known Member
Josephine and Sarah were the real winners of this event.

Love Amber but those silly mistakes were so frustrating.

Isabeau seems to have completely lost her confidence this season. But think she'll come back strong.

Lindsay and Mia need new teams.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Josephine and Sarah were the real winners of this event.

Love Amber but those silly mistakes were so frustrating.

Isabeau seems to have completely lost her confidence this season. But think she'll come back strong.

Lindsay and Mia need new teams.
Lindsay is injured and this was her lowest score of the season so far. Agree about Mia.


Well-Known Member
Happy for Amber & Damon Allen.

I think Isabeau is a competitor. I also think she's at a difficult growing stage of her life, and generally making big changes when that happens is not the best idea. Keeping what you can consistent in your life probably helps minimize the rough patch. (Not always, I know).

It is a shame that 4CCs was so inconveniently scheduled this season that the athletes who had great performances but really need senior-level international experience cannot earn the 4CC spots they might normally get.
Maybe I will try that tomorrow for Chock and Bates.
I'm wondering if the graphics-r-us team at the arena has thought about how ridiculous it is going to be putting the giant flashing "Season's Best Score" thing up on the arena screen for basically every single ice-dance routine.

It was a nice full-ish crowd for the event tonight. Quite a dramatic shift as the work week concluded.


Doing all the things
Does anyone recognize the gents? I don't but the people sitting around us keep asking me if we do, as the gents seem to know everyone.
I know them but I've forgotten their names. If you know Ann Craven, you can ask her. Or just ask them if you see them. They go to Nationals a lot and are a lot of fun. (I sat near them at last year's Nationals and we had a blast.)


Mayor of Carrot City
I watched the time-delayed West Coast NBC broadcast. WTF did I just see happen??

Good for Amber, although like she said she knows she could have done better. But that triple axel was [chef's kiss].

Josephine was a very pleasant surprise. It was nice to hear some unexpected and very strong music accompanying a red and black costume. She really matched up to that big music.

Poor Isabeau 😞 That really has to hurt, physically and emotionally. But she still has beautiful knee bend and flow, and I hope she hangs in there.

And I know we always spend some bandwidth bitching about Johnny and Tara, but Johnny was exceptionally MEAN tonight. His snippy "ooh, major mistake" after every very obvious mistake was super uncalled for - he could at least try to sound sympathetic. He can fcuk right off with his nasty attitude.

And if I hear about the 10% jump bonus one more time....if anyone from NBC is reading this WE KNOW ABOUT IT. The shrieking fashionistas don't have to mention it in every.single.program 🤬 Please tell them to stop.

Private Citizen

"PC." Pronouns: none/none
I know people would love to imagine Ziegler somehow “saving” this competition (me too!), but the likelihood is that her result would’ve been similar to Thorngren’s given lost training time. Hopefully she’ll do better next week at 4CC.

I hope this propels Levito into a coaching change, and I agree with those who wonder if she should undergo a medical exam. There were many weird mistakes in addition to the falls; nerves may not be the only explanation. At this point, she should do whatever is right for her health and long-term prospects, even if that means sitting out Worlds (assuming she is named, which I think she will be). TBH the score was probably 20 points higher than it would’ve been internationally and would not have been top 12 at Worlds, maybe not top 18.

Josephine Lee followed the Ziegler example of not even attempting a triple-triple in the free. I wonder if this x+2A+2A strategy (not possible with a 3/3 unless the skater can do a 3A or wants to do an intentional 2Lz as their final pass) will cut it over time, though.


Ubering juniors against my will
I'm wondering if the graphics-r-us team at the arena has thought about how ridiculous it is going to be putting the giant flashing "Season's Best Score" thing up on the arena screen for basically every single ice-dance routine.
This is nationals. They expect it.


AYS's snark-sponge
I did last through the whole thing last night but headed off to sleep promptly before the medal ceremony.

I mostly wish Amber could have felt she skated great when she finished rather than being sure she had blown it. Two doubled jumps aren't great but the program overall was gold medal quality at US nationals and it was a great score. Her 3A was great.

Josephine Lee was so fun!

Lindsay has beautiful skating; I hope she can skate fully healed and really show how good she can be.

Sarah Everhardt is very impressive.

And Brooke Gewalt had the best costume. I loved seeing her.

Isabeau, wth?


Well-Known Member
I think Amber should rethink her layout. The 3Z/2A/2A sequence in the second half is incredibly risky and I don’t think she has much hope in landing it consistently. If she wants to keep this sequence, I would put it in the first half and move one of the loops or the 3S to the second half.

The risk in this combo is exactly what she did last night. A flat pop that left her with no speed and then poof, there goes not just one jump but three.

Anyway, I’m happy for her that she was able to squeak this out. Not the way she wanted to skate of course, but happy for her nonetheless.

I feel badly for Isabeau. I agree with those who said the falls were odd. Just kind of sitting down or slipping off the edge a bit. She appeared to have no steam at the end of the program, which is not super typical of her. I do wonder if there’s been an injury or something that has impeded her training of late. The spin mistakes here and earlier in the season also make me think injury.
But defending is tough, and maybe nerves got the best of her. She’s been a pretty steady competitor in the past though, so it would surprise me a little if nerves were the real cause of this.


AYS's snark-sponge
She singled one of them and then didn't attempt the combo that was supposed to follow so she blew a lot of points but the program was still very nice.
Things I forgot overnight...

But yes it was a lovely program and the first half was strong. We've all seen skates not up to that level win Nationals in the past. But obviously she's got to deal with the pop demon if she's going to medal internationally. Hopefully winning here will take a little pressure off and add a little confidence in.


the uberdom chooses YOU
I was at the arena but unable to watch except a little bit due to volunteering. I was backstage and SO wanted to go give Isabeau a hug, poor girl was so upset. My heart went out to h er.

I'm so happy for Amber. Josephine was great! What an achievement for her!

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